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We’re hiring! Grant Writing Support Team

ELIGIBILITY: U.S. Based Grant Writer or firm that provides grant writing and grant coaching support to project teams. APPLICATION: The deadline for receipt of your application is September 1, 2022. A cover letter and a resume should be submitted through this web form: Extension Foundation, founded in 2006, is a 100% virtual, member-based network supporting approximately 32,000 Extension professionals at 112 Land-Grant Universities. The Extension...

Let's Talk GMOs online course

UConn Extension is offering an online course, Let’s Talk GMOs: Creating Consistent Communication Messages . Participants are introduced to the basics of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). They will learn how to create consistent communication messages and manage dialogue processes about GMOs with various audiences. The asynchronous course is available on-demand; it has eight online modules with instructors from UConn. The fee is $49. Learn more at

Free safety workshop to focus on youth working in agriculture

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 26, 2022 CONTACT: Jenn Patterson 319-335-4026 Free safety workshop to focus on youth working in agriculture Protect the future of agriculture by attending a virtual safety and health workshop devoted to safeguarding youth who work on farms and ranches, 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (CDT), Sept. 28. The workshop is being hosted by AgriSafe Network, the Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health, and the National Children’s Center for Rural...

A Template for Better Health: New publication details Diabetes Prevention Online Toolkit

The Extension Foundation has added a new title to its library. A Template for Better Health: Diabetes Prevention Program Toolkit was w ritten by Vanessa da Silva, an assistant professor and Extension specialist at the University of Arizona and an NTAE Fellow. The publication details the process undertaken by a national team of Extension experts to create an online hub to encourage and support Extension’s adoption of the CDC’s Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP). The toolkit is a critical part...

South Dakota Student Water Conference and Eastern South Dakota Water Conference

Two exciting conferences should be on your calendar - the Second Annual South Dakota Student Water Conference on October 11, 2022 and the Eastern South Dakota Water Conference on October 12, 2022. The South Dakota Student Water Conference will be October 11 in Brookings, South Dakota on the campus of South Dakota State University. The conference features several growth and professional development opportunities in addition to the opportunity for students to present their research related to...

Understanding Food Insecurity for Military Families

By Jason Jowers, MS, MFT When families have a tough time providing adequate meals due to lack of access or affordability issues, they face a challenge known as food insecurity. This is a significant problem for many families in the U.S. today and military families are even more so affected by food insecurity. Emerging research has shown that many military families and veterans struggle to put food on the table. With inflation, supply chain issues, and increased food prices, many military...

Extension Foundation Announces Year 4 (2022-2023) New Technologies for Ag Extension Projects

Fifty-seven applications were submitted by 36 Land-grant universities in response to the RFA shared by the Extension Foundation in April, 2022, for New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE). The Extension Foundation will be supporting 39 projects across Cooperative Extension as part of its fourth year of the NTAE program. This program is made possible by funding from USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) through a partnership with Oklahoma State University and the Extension...

Clearinghouse for Cleaner Water: New publication explores online resource hub project

The Extension Foundation has added a new title to its library. Clearinghouse for Cleaner Water: University of Minnesota Hub was w ritten by Anne Nelson and Anne Sawyer of the University of Minnesota (UMN) Extension. The UMN team is creating the Watershed Engagement Programming (WEP) Hub to support watershed-related outreach and engagement efforts to help address the state’s efforts to improve water quality. The team decided to create the Hub after surveying several dozen soil and water...

Announcing: NEW EXCITE Programming Opportunity

Register for the Introductory Session Here We are happy to announce additional EXCITE programming opportunities! EXCITE is a nationwide local response by U.S. Cooperative Extension made possible through an interagency agreement between USDA-NIFA and the CDC. It integrates partners and funders to increase immunization education, emphasizing boosting vaccination confidence in adult immunization. This new phase of EXCITE will support adult immunization education beyond Covid-19 and increase...

"Join Us on the Path": New publication details online engagement hub project

The Extension Foundation has added a new title to its library. Join Us on the Path: The Engagement Hub was w ritten by Catherine Leach and Pam Doherty of the University of New Hampshire (UNH). The case study details their teams' efforts to develop The Engagement Hub, an innovative, personalized online hub for students, educators, alumni, and community members. The hub aims to create a community of lifelong learners and equip the workforce with knowledge and skills to gain a competitive...


Earlier this month, the EXCITE team attended the Association of Extension Administrator conference to highlight the achievements of the 1890 institution projects, their collaborators, and the innovative solutions they employed to bring immunization education to their communities. The team also served to educate and provide an overview of how EXCITE's system-wide professional development and coordination assists in the current and future growth of these Health Extension initiatives. The 1890...

Extension Foundation Seeking Evaluation Specialist

The New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) cooperative agreement (grant no. 2020-41595-30123) with the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) through a partnership with Oklahoma State University and the Extension Foundation will enter its fourth year on September 1, 2022. Two key programs in the cooperative agreement are the Program Accelerator and Program Expansion. The Program Accelerator and the Program Expansion concept are a unique partnership between a...


Our biological need to trust is strong. We approach situations with an almost automatic seeking of a transaction to occur. Knowing how we approach our daily interactions is important for creating moments of clarity that fit with our values. Naive & Distrust Some of us approach awarding our trust from a place of distrust making it hard for others to convince us we should place our trust in them. Some of us approach from a more naive place that can make it hard for us when trust is fragile...


About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
