Tagged With "onsite forums"
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Two Health Fellowship Positions Now Open, Deadline August 28, 2020
Position Funded by Molina Foundation Position Administered by eXtension Position Led by @Roger Rennekamp The total amount of dollars available is $20,000.00, divided into two 10K contracts Contract conditions and terms: This will be a fixed term contract (so level of effort needs to be considered). 20K is about 1 day a week of an Extension professional’s time for a year. This is for 2 Extension professionals – 10K each. Contract Timeline – 1 year – September 1, 2020-August 31, 2021.
Blog Post
Recap of "DNA Demystified" Virtual Chat
Summary of discussion Q&A from virtual chat 'DNA Demystified" We had a great discussion of several topics, with probing questions and lively discussion. Below is a summary of a select few. For the full chat, see the archive at https://connect.extension.org/...stified-virtual-chat Query: What DNA and genetics basics should Cooperative Extension professionals understand? Summary: At least the basics up to first year college. We should know about basic structure and function of DNA, and how...
Blog Post
3 Naturally Occuring Things
"Three things happen naturally in organizations; friction, confusion & underperformance. Everything else requires leadership." -Peter Drucker Friction happens when people don’t understand one another Interpersonal issues are present Confusion happens as a result of poor communication Team goals are unclear Underperformance happens when people aren’t engaged Skill-set mismatch The thing to keep in mind here is that these things “happen naturally”. It’s nobody’s fault. Take a deep breath!