Join Victor Villegas (aka DroneSinger) for an AMA session on social media. This will not be a presentation but rather an open forum to ask questions about anything social media - strategy, tactics, tips... if you have a question, Victor will try to answer it.
Victor is the Technology & Media Support Coordinator for Oregon State University Extension, chairs the ACE IT SIG and enjoys helping people learn how to use technology to improve their work and lives. Victor's social media claim to fame is via his online persona - DroneSinger, the world's #1 creator of drone songs. He creates funny parody songs to educate and bring attention to drone issues and culture while encouraging safe and responsible flying.
This free session is being sponsored by the Association for Communications Excellence (ACE) Social Media and is geared towards ACE members and Extension professionals, but open to any and all who are interested in social media marketing, outreach and engagement.
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