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Tagged With "Time vs Energy management"

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Get More Done in '21!

Karl Bradley ·
Wow, there was a ton thrown at us in 2020 and we're all looking forward to a new start in the new year. With every new year comes a new beginning, thinking about priorities & how to accomplish our meaningful choices. The attachment in this post from Hubspot highlights some aspects from their blog post on " How to stop the most common productivity prohibitors" Make Every Minute Count Keep Your Workspace Tidy Get Laser-Focused Reset & Recharge If you're curious about time-blocking or...
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Simple Plan that Matters

Karl Bradley ·
Time is not a renewable resource. It seems we never have enough. This isn't anything new, it's an age old issue. While no amount of money ever bought us a second of time, here's a simple concept that could...for free. Don't touch anything twice. Open the email, move it on. Get the laundry out of the dryer, put it away. Get those everyday tasks done & move on. Don't wait for the timing to be just right or when you're in the mood. Choose putting effort (time) into opportunities of the...
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A Plan to Stick Together

Karl Bradley ·
"So much of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to work." -Peter Drucker We never really get clarity, we're always seeking it. Here are some points of clarity to help bring people together because... "We don't have to do it all alone...we were never meant to." -Brene' Brown Leadership vs Management Let's stop calling leadership, management & management, leadership. Management is for resources, leadership is for people. The Scarcity of Time When a critical...

Cover Crop Mixtures

Blog Post

Workplace "Bill of Rights"?

Karl Bradley ·
How many "rules" do you have where you work? How many of them help your daily work? Too many can be hard to remember & overwhelming. Let's unpack "rules" a bit... Rules or Procedures or Values Rules are guidelines. They carry more weight than suggestions & sometimes are even laws. For example, driving rules increase safety & can save lives. Don't throw gum on the sidewalk is also a good one. Procedures on the other hand guide behaviors systematically. You wouldn't want the Doctor...
Blog Post

Do you like hot fries?

Karl Bradley ·
In our U.S. Air Force, there are Officers & Enlisted. Officers have ranks of 2nd Lieutenant to 4-Star General. Enlisted have ranks of Airman to Chief Master Sergeant. There is one special position in the Enlisted ranks that only 19 people have held. It's the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force ( CMSAF ) position. Had the opportunity a few years ago to hear CMSAF #5, Robert Gaylor speak. Here's the video from his presentation at TEDx Scott Air Force Base: A Motto For Life: Robert...
Blog Post

Procrastinate now...don't put it off!

Karl Bradley ·
Almost every organization would like to remove delays to unlocking their team's capacity to generate & implement great ideas. If you can identify & develop new opportunities quicker, your business model has a better chance to survive. No answers here just some thoughts on how these might be related. I'll procrastinate tomorrow... Graphic from We've all received & given feedback on this topic. For the proactive person, someone who lags a bit can be maddening.
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Headed for an energy crisis?

Karl Bradley ·
It's just another day in 2007. Stopped to take a few minutes to read a short article. It's my daily "leadership" lesson time. Only this time it really shook me up. Really challenged my thoughts on a concept I thought I had a handle on. Time management. Tony Schwartz & Catherine McCarthy had really made an impact on me! Manage your energy NOT your time ! What? Think about it...time is a finite resource. Energy is renewable. Want to see where you are with your energy? Here's their quiz!

Food Allergy vs Food Intolerance

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Values & Chronic Pain

Karl Bradley ·
Studies by the CDC and others have found upwards of 50 Million Americans live with some type of chronic pain. Advances in treatments are happening. While these vary greatly in availability and cost, here's one helpful connection we can all do for free! Our core values help define the direction we want our lives to move towards. They drive our decisions and actions. We are never "finished" moving toward our values. Being a loving partner or a helpful colleague are both values because you have...

Re: Values & Chronic Pain

Cheryl Bush ·
Thank you, Karl! Just what I needed to start this and each day!
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Thoughts from a former NFL coach

Karl Bradley ·
During my short college coaching time, had the pleasure of attending a clinic where some successful coaches shared their X’s & O’s & overall philosophies. Knowing why, how & what gets these guys out of bed in the morning is powerful knowledge. One of the speakers was Marty Schottenheimer; his passion for coaching resonated with all of us. An awesome opportunity to hear from a great NFL coach & man. Here are some of his thoughts... He is perhaps most famous for his pre-game...

Livestock Rumen & Greenhouse Gases

Blog Post

ICYMI: Using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to Promote Healthy Aging

Aaron Weibe ·
This week, Julia Quam from the HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion joined us for a wonderful webinar on Using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to Promote Healthy Aging. For the first time, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 provides nutrition guidance by life stage, including specific guidance for older adults. Older adults have unique nutrition needs, experience changes in body composition, and face increased risks of malnutrition and chronic disease,...
Blog Post

The Marathon Effect

Karl Bradley ·
When any change initiative is announced, the person making the announcement is way ahead of the people hearing about it. They already know about it. They've had time to process what’s about to happen, how it will affect them and how they'd like to present it to others. This means they're days, weeks, even months ahead of others in considerations surrounding the change. Ugh! Not another post about how hard "change" is...that's exhausting! You're right. It's often exhausting. Kind of like...
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Tips to Build a Diversified Investment Portfolio

Selena T Garrison ·
A key theme in investing that never goes out of style is building a diversified portfolio to reduce investment risk. Below are eight key investing concepts for Extension educators to suggest to their clients: Quantify Your Goals - Encourage clients to write down their goals with the projected cost and a time deadline. Doing this will help them select appropriate investments and provide the motivation required today to set money aside for the future. Discuss Risk - Explain that investment...
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7/26 NASEM Workshop on Pathways to an Equitable and Just Energy Transition

Sabrina L Drill ·
From the NASEM Event Page: As the United States embarks on a path towards net-zero carbon emissions, how can new policies promote a just and equitable energy transition? Join the National Academies for a one-day workshop on equity and justice in the energy transition on July 26, 2022 from 9am-5:15pm ET . During the workshop, speakers will discuss principles and best practices for an inclusive energy transition where low-income groups and communities of color take the lead. Session topics...
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Teaching Children About Money

Selena T Garrison ·
Financial education courses notwithstanding, children’s strongest financial influence is most likely their parents. Below are tips for Extension educators to share with parents interested in teaching their children about money:
Blog Post

It's time again...

Karl Bradley ·
It's time again to talk about time. It's time for a reminder that time isn't a renewable resource. My absolute favorite simple time management tool is this: Don't touch anything twice. When you read that email/text, deal with it then, don't wait. When you take the clothes out of the dryer, fold them, and put them away. You get the point. If you were to add up all the time you take to think about and take action on things you've already touched it would be a bit depressing. Like most of these...
Blog Post

New Publication Helps Cooperative Extension Professionals Engage Communities

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
A new publication - Engaging Communities Through Issues Forums: A How-To Guide for Onsite and Online Community Engagement - is available from the Extension Foundation. The publication explores the use of issue forums as a community engagement tool in Extension work. Both a process guide and content publication, it is a comprehensive “how-to” designed to help Cooperative Extension professionals successfully develop and implement issues forums in both onsite and online settings. Each section...
Blog Post

Alignment with a Stop Light?

Karl Bradley ·
You've worked hard to come up with a great plan that will make things easier, remove frustrations, and even save time for everyone. You're proud of it. It's thorough. It's researched. You've consulted people with more experience in this area. You've taken criticism. You've been vulnerable. Now it's time for the big meeting to unveil it. You're excited. Even a bit nervous. It's your turn on the agenda and... Your excitement is met with a mild, lukewarm reception from the team. What happened?
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Requirement or Preference?

Karl Bradley ·
Phil Jackson, the Hall-of-Fame NBA coach (Chicago Bulls, Los Angeles Lakers) was once asked about one of his players. He was asked if he minded what hair color Dennis Rodman had. Coach Jackson replied that it was Dennis' preference what hair color he chose but it was a requirement he plays defense and rebound. It might not be what hair color Coach Jackson would choose but he honored his player's preferences. The requirements are not negotiable so he focused on coaching his players to be...
Blog Post

Helping Military Families Inflation-Proof Their Budget

Kristen Jowers ·
For over two years, U.S. inflation rates have exceeded their long-term average of about 3%. Like all Americans, military families have experienced a loss of purchasing power as their income cannot buy as much as it did previously. Individuals cannot stop inflation but they can mitigate its impact. Below are six inflation-fighting strategies for Extension professionals to discuss with Service members: Needs Versus Wants Analysis - During inflationary times, it is more important than ever to...
Blog Post

A ChatGPT Primer for Financial Educators

Kristen Jowers ·
Since launching in November 2022, ChatGPT has become the fastest technology tool to reach 100 million users…ever. Some are calling it “the next transformational platform.” Extension Educators may field questions about ChatGPT or consider its use in their work. Below are five key things to know about this ground-breaking artificial intelligence (AI) tool: ChatGPT Description - ChatGPT is “a very smart text-based robot” that can answer questions and have conversations with users. GPT stands...

EXCITE Activity 2: Evaluation Tools

Aaron Weibe ·

EXCITE Activity 2 Assets: Other

MelaniePugsley ·

Poultry 101


Aves de corral 101

Blog Post

EXCITE Adult Vaccination Project

Kristina Jiles ·
The Virginia Cooperative Extension EXCITE Team and the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) conducted a symposium on November 3rd, 2023 to discuss the EXCITE project funded through CDC and ways that Virginia Cooperative Extension Agents could get involved in vaccine education! This session introduced our vaccine ambassadors and their roles in their respective localities, provided background on adult vaccinations and the current vaccination schedule, and discussed approaches to communicating...

EXCITE Activity 2 Assets: Slide Deck

MelaniePugsley ·
Blog Post

Catch Up on Quarter 1: Reviewing Our "Telling Your Story" Extension Skills Series

MelaniePugsley ·
This month concluded the first series of Extension Skills, a monthly professional development offering for our members! This quarter's theme, "Telling Our Extension Story, aimed to equip you with valuable insights and strategies to enhance your communication and outreach efforts. We've been fortunate to have had many experts on to share their tips and best practices on how to connect to our audiences, and share the learnings and success of your extension projects and programs in a variety of...
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Student Loan Repayment Updates

Kristen Jowers ·
Learn about the return to student loan repayment, the new SAVE plan, historical loan balances and upcoming changes that impact borrowers.
Blog Post

AFT Southeast Regional Advanced Soil Health Training Application Now Open

Dr. Courtney Owens ·
We are thrilled to announce that applications to AFT’s Southeast Regional Advanced Soil Health Training (ASHT) are now open! (Please click on this link to access the application ). The Advanced Soil Health Training (ASHT) program is designed for farmers and farm advisors who share an interest in improving soil health and who will share their expertise with their clients, communities, and the next generation of farmers. We are excited to bring you the best in agricultural education through...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
