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Slowing Down: Rethinking Your Relationship with Time

Slowing Down: Rethinking Your Relationship with Time

Join Sigrid Solis, Family & Community Health Sciences Program Coordinator on Wednesday January 18th at 12:30pm as she discusses Slowing Down: Rethinking Your Relationship with Time. “There aren’t enough hours in the day!” Have you ever caught yourself saying that all too common phrase? While slowing down may seem like a counterproductive response to this, there are surprising benefits that one experiences when choosing to intentionally slow down. Slowing down is good for our well-being and can help us feel less stressed while accomplishing more. We will explore the relationship between slowing down and our nutrition and how it can benefit our health. Join us as we discuss tips on how to incorporate a bit more of the “slow life” into our everyday. Register here:

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