Tagged With "awareness"
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Searching for L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P.
Have you ever Googled "leadership"? The other day I got 2.5 Billion search results in under half a second. That might indicate I've got to get a whole lot better at searching for content on the internet. It also means the real messages of leadership can get buried in all that great information. Here are a few qualities (as verbs) that might resonate with you. L – Listening E – Empathizing A – Acting with awareness D – Dedicating time for others E – Encouraging R – Removing doubts S – Serving...
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Suicide Prevention & Awareness
A recent study found that at least four times as many service members and war veterans of post-9/11 conflicts have died of suicide than died in combat (Suitt, 2021). The report also notes that the increasing rates of suicide for both active duty service members and veterans is outpacing those of the general population, which is concerning since historically the suicide rates for service members have been lower than those for the general population. With September being National Suicide...
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You do what?
Whether you're in a "leadership" position or are leading from another spot in the organization, everyone has responsibilities. Responsibilities to understand the requirements of leading that help everyone with expectation setting. If part of your duties include caring for others, the following likely show up in your everyday collaborations! THE "WHAT" Primary Leadership Tasks Vision – Set the general tone, direction Management – Set goals and focus resources Empowerment – Select and develop...
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Professional & Amateur gap
Developing our leadership is a lifelong pursuit. It takes constant learning about ourselves and awareness of the influence we have. If you're like me, you enjoy reading, watching, listening to something on leadership most days. It's a good habit for continued growth as we get diverse perspectives from everything we digest. One of the things we can do to help integrate new learnings into our lives is to take notes on what is important to us from these books, videos, articles and podcasts we...
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What's your style?
Nope, not your choice in clothing or furniture, sorry to disappoint... We're talking about the ways in which you live and operate in the world. Understanding our unique approaches can lead to more meaningful conversations, less confusion and less frustration with others. 6 Questions To Describe YOUR Style What do you value most? "A value is a decision-making principle: an articulation of what you want your decisions to accomplish." -Drew Dudley Who we are is how we lead; they are the roots...
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2 Resources!
Awareness is the first step leading to personal growth. The folks at Crucial Learning have provided some great free resources to help you do just that. Influence is leadership. Discover the methods you use to lead and help others through change with the Influencer assessment! It would be hard to believe anyone left an organization because they received too much communication. Our words are a powerful force for good when used in the direction of truth and love. For every crucial conversation...
Blog Post
Our biological need to trust is strong. We approach situations with an almost automatic seeking of a transaction to occur. Knowing how we approach our daily interactions is important for creating moments of clarity that fit with our values. Naive & Distrust Some of us approach awarding our trust from a place of distrust making it hard for others to convince us we should place our trust in them. Some of us approach from a more naive place that can make it hard for us when trust is fragile...
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Positive Changes
"Whatever you do out there in the world do an equal amount of work internally because if you don't your work in the world will not be as effective." - Dr. Gabor Mate' Recently attended a leadership development workshop where a Psychologist spoke and led us in some discovery exercises. He point-blank stated there are not enough Psychologists to encourage positive lifestyle changes. He asked us to implement them in some way and share the value with others! Here are the therapeutic lifestyle...
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Your "User Manual"
How well do you know your colleagues? Do you really know them? Our initial response is probably a quick "yes". It's when we slow down we discover quite a few assumptions. Help get to know them better by sharing your self-awareness "manual" in answering just six questions! What’s your style? Strengths, weaknesses OR include descriptors like energetic, compassionate, participative Gets people in touch with how their emotions/actions might affect others What do you not have patience for? Common...
Energizing Drinks
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Be Aware!
Leadership is influence. Influence is felt by others in our behaviors. These behaviors provide evidence of our intentions. Be aware: It's our intentions we betray first followed by our behavior. When tolerated, these bad behaviors have devastating effects on those we spend the most time with; our professional colleagues. There are many studies that chronicle the impact of poor leadership, the resulting toxic environment it creates, and the negative effects on our health. Just guessing it's...
Cancer Basics
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Dam Safety Awareness Day: How Does a Changing Climate Impact Dams? USDA Scientists are Looking for Answers
How Does a Changing Climate Impact Dams? The Agriculture Research Service is Looking for the Answers Media contact : Maribel.Alonso@usda.gov How do the extreme weather changes resulting from climate change impact the condition of our nation’s aging dams? Do sudden shifts from extreme precipitation events to flash droughts put this infrastructure at risk? These are the types of questions researchers like Dr. Sherry Hunt, a research leader and acting location coordinator at the USDA...
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USDA Studies Determine that the Way We Treat Our Land Impacts Water Availability
Studies by USDA Agricultural Research Service Determine that the Way We Treat Our Land Impacts Water Availability Media Contact : Maribel.Alonso@usda.gov What impact, if any, do farming and ranching practices have on how much water is available downstream? That was the question scientists at the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Agroclimate and Hydraulic Engineering Research Unit in El Reno, Oklahoma, set out to answer in a series of studies conducted in Central and Western Oklahoma.
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Feel the surge? Resist the urge!
A few years ago an assignment came my way due to a lack of personnel with the right experience. It featured a lot of diverse tasks to prepare a team for a challenging assignment involving advanced training, remote communication, outside agency networking/coordination & team building. After months of painstakingly detailed work, my bosses felt I had not asked the right questions, sweat the small stuff enough and let too many “balls drop”. In a one-way conversation, they fired me. This hit...
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Fueling Hope: Breast Cancer Awareness through Nutrition
In October, the focus shifts to Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to the American Cancer Society (2023), breast cancer stands as the most prevalent cancer in women, and among Hispanic women in the United States, it remains the leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis frequently gives rise to a multitude of questions and anxieties related to diet and nutrition. Register with OneOp on October 25, 2023 as we delve deeper into strategies that assist...
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New Funding Opportunity: Adult Immunization Awareness Messaging Integration Project
EXCITE announces two new funding opportunities aimed at further integrating immunization education awareness and messaging across various projects and programs within Extension through the Adult Immunization Education Integration project , and the Adult Immunization Messaging Awareness project. This initiative is a step toward building a holistic health approach with Extension Programming. In the RFA you will find information about where and how to apply. Please find the details and links to...
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Self-awareness is the Foundation for Effective Practice
Self-awareness allows financial service providers to respond compassionately to themselves and their clients regarding financial topics and concerns, helping providers identify their potential triggers and biases around money.