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Positive Changes


"Whatever you do out there in the world do an equal amount of work internally because if you don't your work in the world will not be as effective."
-Dr. Gabor Mate'

Recently attended a leadership development workshop where a Psychologist spoke and led us in some discovery exercises. He point-blank stated there are not enough Psychologists to encourage positive lifestyle changes. He asked us to implement them in some way and share the value with others!

Here are the therapeutic lifestyle changes he guided us through based on
"Integral Life Practice" by Ken Wilber...


  • 10-minutes each day for mindfulness
  • Fun & Flow
    • Think "Bob Ross painting"... Whatever that is for you, try to fit in 1 hour each day


  • Nutrition
  • Exercise
    • 5-days per week get your pulse up 60-80 beats above your resting heart rate


  • Sleep
    • Generally, 7 hours per night; if you wake up and have enough energy for the day you're on track. Have a routine to get great rejuvenating rest!
  • Relationships
    • Get together with a "hero" in your life; we're products of the top 5 people we have in our lives. Reach out, it's been too long!


  • Time
    • This is your service to others. With the other positive lifestyle changes in place, you'll increase the impact you have on others!
  • Nature
    • 14 hours per week outside in nature; find out more here.

Score yourself on each of these categories from 1-10. You're on the right track with a score of around 64 points or better.

If this sounds like too much, ponder ways to combine activities. Ex: exercise outdoors with a hero. You are probably combining some of these already!

Don't overthink these. Ask yourself these questions to focus on the right activities for you:

  • Do you enjoy it?
    • We always find time for the things that are important to us
  • Are you personally able to do it?
    • Discover limitations and modify if needed
  • Do other people encourage you to do it?
  • Do other people make it easier to do it?
    • A "success partner" is essential
  • Does the structure around you encourage you?
  • Does the structure around you help enable you?
    • Your "setup" for success

It's hard for any of us to deliver "water" to others if our cup is already empty. These positive changes will fill your cup so you have some to pour into others.

We rise by lifting others!

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