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Tagged With "The Leadership Challenge"


Re: From "Me" to "We" - Discussions on Values, Trust & Teamwork

Aaron Weibe ·
When you click: Register Here And fill out your info, it should email you a link and show you one on the screen immediately.

Re: From "Me" to "We" - Discussions on Values, Trust & Teamwork

Karyn ·
How do I get into the webinar? I am registered.
Blog Post

ICYMI & What's Coming Up! - From "Me" to "We"

Karl Bradley ·
In this first of three sessions during From "Me" to "We" the focus was introspective as we looked at how our values help us with our daily decisions, guide our behaviors & inform our beliefs. Our core values are the platform for authentic leadership. They are the way we connect with ourselves & how others' begin to trust us. In case you couldn't join us, you can watch the "Values" video here . Here are some resources for continued action on your journey! KNOW YOURSELF Here's a FREE...
Blog Post

From "Me" to "We" - TRUST

Karl Bradley ·
We sincerely hope you will join us on June 18 at 2PM Eastern for our session on "Trust". One of my favorite videos on this topic is from Colin's a sneak peek before we're together again! “ The Essence of Leadership ” Invite others to our sessions here & please share your best resources, favorite articles, videos or books on these topics in the comments in these posts. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow! WHAT HAPPENED ALREADY? In our first of three sessions during From "Me"...
Blog Post

ICYMI & What's Coming Up! - From "Me" to "We"

Karl Bradley ·
Thanks for joining us for our discussion on "Trust"! If you missed us, here's a recap...we discussed how TIME isn't what supports the conditions for being's our behaviors. We can behave in ways that lead others to believe we are trustworthy. What evidence are we giving that we're trustworthy? Watch the "trust" session video here ! We recognize this can be a complicated topic, thanks for hanging in with us! Here are some notes from our time together & a couple resources...

Re: From "Me" to "We" - Discussions on Values, Trust & Teamwork (Session 3)

Kathleen Foley ·
Sounds like a fabulous event although, unfortunately, I'm unable to participate.
Blog Post

Your Leadership & Culture

Karl Bradley ·
These days we don't have to look far for articles on how to positively affect workplace culture. The founder of Southwest Airlines, Herb Kelleher, was once asked by an employee if they could serve sandwiches on their flights. He responded by asking if that would help them become THE low-cost airlines in the industry? It didn't so they don't! Every great leader believes their leadership can make a difference in their organization & helps keep everyone focused on their vision of what that...
Blog Post

Leadership: It's On You!

Karl Bradley ·
Blog Post

10 Leadership Theories

Karl Bradley ·
"There's nothing so practical as a good theory." - Dr. Kurt Lewin To fully understand where we are on our leadership journey it's important to see how far we've come in our thinking about leadership. Here are 10 of the most common leadership theories... 1. The Great Man Theory (1840s) -The thought that Great Leaders are born...not developed. 2. The Trait Theory of Leadership (1930s - 1940s) -The thought that there are ideal characteristics for Leaders. 3. The Skills Theory of Leadership...


Debra Sweeten ·
This post included some questions to assist with reflection on gratitude. I've never seen these type of questions before in any of the multitude of articles on gratitude that I've seen over the years. I shared this on facebook. I copied it into my calendar, as a recurring appointment each Monday morning, so I can purposefully reflect on gratitude each week throughout the end of the year.


Karl Bradley ·
Thanks @Debra Sweeten , so glad you enjoyed the post & found some personal value!
Blog Post


Karl Bradley ·
When things get tight it seems we always are expected to do more with less...not less with less. This can lead to that uncomfortable feeling of being overwhelmed. While this one post won't be able to address the cause here are a couple things to help deal with the symptoms... JUST START The start is what stops most people. Just pick something & accomplish it. Whether you start with something you don't care for or something you love, just getting it checked off the list will help create...


Buffy Rhoades ·
Hi Karl, Perfect timing! Thank you for this reminder and helpful tips. I'm in the process of trying to release my program's first blog post, ever, and it seems to be taking forever. The Touch It once concept it as top of my To-Do list. Much appreciated, Buffy Rhoades- OSU Clackamas County Extension EPA Family & Community Health
Blog Post


Karl Bradley ·
"When employees respect each other and get along in the workplace, it's amazing how productivity increases, morale increases and employees are more courteous to customers." -Maureen Wild Gifford Thomas, the founder of Leadership First & author of The Inspirational Leader, Inspire Your Team to Believe in the Impossible writes... "Respect is the glue that holds teams and organizations together. When there is a high level of trust and respect, in any environment, loyalty is extremely high...


Justin Egbe ·
Hello Karl, Thanks for the tips. You are correct. Justin Egbe
Blog Post


Karl Bradley ·
My curiosity about leadership & management led me to connect with Don Shapiro of First Concepts Consulting. We had a great conversation about our mutually favorite topic...leadership! Here's his site where you can find out more about his offerings, thought leadership, etc... First Concepts Consulting During our conversation, he had two important insights... *Over the last 20 years (or so), there has been an almost exponential increase in the focus on leadership. Ok, maybe exponential...
Blog Post

Begin Again

Karl Bradley ·
If we don't learn the skill of gratitude we'll never be grateful for what we've learned. Hopefully you appreciate not only the amazing ability we have to learn new things but also the value added to your life. To gain greater clarity & purpose with our knowledge in certain areas it can be helpful to "begin again". This serves as a rediscovering of what it means to us today & how the meaning has changed from when we originally tackled it. Greater self-consciousness & appreciation...

Re: Benefits Of Using Cover Crops

Russell & Jewell Bean ·
Cover Crops Information
Blog Post


Karl Bradley ·
*Inspired by Andy Stanley TRUE or FALSE *The best leaders are good at everything *The best leaders focus on weaknesses & make them strengths These are 2 fairly common myths about leadership. How did you answer? At first glance, these seem to both be true. At closer examination, however, the best leaders actually spend more time on the things that bring the most value by using their core competencies. Focusing on weakness to bring it up to mediocre doesn't do anybody any good & can be...


Sergio Arispe ·
Great note and perspective, Karl. Thank you.
Blog Post

No Holes in the "Boat"

Karl Bradley ·
Gary Hamel says in his book The Future of Management , that the practice of management is to... "set & program objectives, motivate & align efforts, coordinate & control activities, develop & assign talent, gain & apply knowledge, amass & allocate resources, balance & meet stakeholders demands AND... build & nurture relationships." The companies that have survived crisis & thrived have leveraged the wisdom of all the members on their team. Companies where...
Blog Post

eXtension Foundation Welcomes Karl Bradley as Leadership Development Specialist

Aaron Weibe ·
The eXtension Foundation is pleased to announce that Karl Bradley will be serving as eXtension’s Leadership Development Specialist. Karl originally joined the eXtension Foundation team in April 2020 as the Leadership Development Fellow while transitioning from full-time active duty service in the United States Air Force. His internship with the eXtension Foundation was made possible through the Skillbridge program offered by the Department of Defense for active duty service members...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
