Tagged With "interest rate"
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Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement: Dec 2021 Immunization Education Program Spotlight Menominee Nation
exciteThe focus of the November EXCITE Spotlight session was utilizing Social Media in our Vaccine Education project. Teams shared resources, success stories, and difficulties of using social media to share their project messages and reach their audiences. As part of the presentation, The College of Menominee Nation was highlighted for the significant progress made in their projects goals after launching social media campaigns to reach their target audience. The College of Menominee Nation...
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Downsizing Holiday Debt
Families often have leftover holiday debt hanging over their heads like a big dark cloud. What can you do to help these clients? Below are 5 time-tested debt repayment steps to consider using.
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Movement and Mental Health
As the pandemic continues, the rates of mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression steadily continue to climb. During times of quarantine, while working virtually, or when managing a new schedule, it is easy to forget about adding movement to your day. Sedentary activities like watching tv, video gaming and computer work are dominating our current society while mental health is on the decline. One approach to lowering bouts of anxiety and depression, improving mood, and gaining...
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Looking Back: Arkansas Family’s Farm Legacy and a New Era of Opportunities for Landowners Of Color
We are highlighting a story from a Farm Journal Story Lead contest that focused on stories of 1890 Land-Grant Universities who are making a measurable impact in the lives of farmers or ranchers. The contest-winning story was "Landowner Furthers Family Farm Legacy Through Partnership with UAPB Forestry Program," by Will Hehemann of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. The story spotlights Shane Boler, a landowner, and participant in the University's Keeping it in the Family (KIITF)...
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How to Help Your Client Balance Saving Money Versus Paying Off Debt
Finding the balance between paying off debt and saving more money can be overwhelming. While it may be tempting to focus on one or the other, it may be possible to both save money and pay off debt at the same time with the right plan. Paying Off Debt The first step to paying off debt is knowing what is owed. Clients should make a list of their debts including the lender’s name, the total amount owed, the monthly payment, and the interest rate. Before attempting to save any income, they...
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Tips to Cope with Market Volatility
With respect to investments, the word “volatility” refers to sharp up and down movements in prices. Read on for several tips for Extension educators to share with clients to help them cope with market volatility.
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Biodegradable Plastic Mulch: A Climate Smart Agricultural Practice
During the growing and harvest seasons, vegetable producers often begin their day before sunrise and finish as the last light is seeping into the horizon. These long days are normal but varied. Challenges such as pests, disease, climate change, and weather make each day and each growing season unique and unpredictable. Vegetable farmers control some of the variables they face – like weeds and the temperature and moisture levels of their soil – by using a product that comes with pros and...
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Money-Saving Tips for Uncertain Times
Between a four-decade record high for inflation and rising interest rates, many Americans are being squeezed financially.
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EXCITE Design Phase Deadline Extended to November 30th, 2022
The application for the EXCITE Design Phase has been extended to November 30th, 2022 at 11:59 PM PST. The application is short, here are the requirements: Contact Information for Principal Investigator, Administrative Contact, and Financial Contact Subrecipient Information for FFATA Reporting (DUNS Name & Number, etc…) Letter of Support from Extension Director/Administrator Budget Template/Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement EXCITE is a nationwide local response by U.S. Cooperative...
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Positive Changes
"Whatever you do out there in the world do an equal amount of work internally because if you don't your work in the world will not be as effective." - Dr. Gabor Mate' Recently attended a leadership development workshop where a Psychologist spoke and led us in some discovery exercises. He point-blank stated there are not enough Psychologists to encourage positive lifestyle changes. He asked us to implement them in some way and share the value with others! Here are the therapeutic lifestyle...
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Smart Holiday Spending and Debt Repayment
In December, many Extension educators field questions about holiday shopping and subsequent debt repayment. Check out these tips to share with clients.
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Spotlight on Youth Mental Well-Being in Military Families
Edited by: Anna Peterson Written by: Karen Shirer, Ph.D. The popular media continues to draw attention to the national mental well-being crisis among children and youth, including those in military families. The CBS television station affiliate in Minnesota, WCCO-4, recently aired a three-part series on the pandemic’s impact on youth mental health . The reporter, Esme Murphy, interviewed the following national experts on youth development regarding the crisis: Doctor Sarah Jerstad, the...
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Smart Uses for 2022 Tax Year Refunds
Below are five smart uses for tax refunds for Extension professionals: Debt Repayment- There is probably no better “investment” than repaying consumer debt (e.g., outstanding credit card bills). Paying off an 18% credit card is equivalent to earning a 20.5% return for taxpayers in the 12% tax bracket
Blog Post
Ten Tips for Military Families to Survive a “Financial Tornado”
U.S. consumers haven’t just experienced a “perfect storm” of financial challenges…they have experienced a “perfect tornado!” Challenging financial events include sustained high inflation (and increased costs for food, utilities, rent, gas, insurance, housing, etc.), recession fears, increased interest rates, bank failures and government bank take-overs, volatile stock prices, lower savings rates, and increasing household debt. Extension professionals routinely answer questions from clients...
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Register for the National Extension Tourism conference before 8/25
Registration for the 2023 National Extension Tourism Conference closes in one week! Check out the agenda and fantastic lineup of mobile workshops, and register today!
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GUEST POST: How to Fix the Workplace Through a Culture of Voluntary Influence
By Don Shapiro President, First Concepts Consultants, Inc. University Extension faces the same challenges today as any organization where a group of people are working together to accomplish something significant. You’re challenged with issues such as retention, burnout, managing change, leadership, and collaboration. Each one of these has a huge impact on how well you carry out your mission and serve your communities and constituents. Leadership stands out on this list because it’s not just...
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Recording and Resources: Catch Up on the NAPPC Webinar - Drilling Down on EPA Regulations: What Is the Latest Buzz on Pesticides and Bees?
Explore EPA Regulations on Pesticides and Bees in this webinar. Follow a pesticide's journey from risk assessment to the marketplace, led by host Andony Melathopoulos. Gain insights into the EPA's historical and current approaches, understanding their role in safeguarding pollinators. Since 2010, the EPA has focused on assessing pesticide risks to bees. The key question: Is the EPA effectively protecting bees? This webinar delves into this topic, exploring its impact on our environment and...
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Scam Prevention Information for Military Families
In 2022, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) received over 93,000 reports of fraud by Military Consumers. Military families are frequent targets for scams. Explore the reasons for this, discover how you can help clients spot, avoid and report fraud.
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Application Deadline Extended for 12 Coordinator Positions – AgriProspects Workforce Development Network
Summary NEW Application Due Date: November 17th, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET. Application Link: https://webportalapp.com/sp/agriprospects Positions Available: AgriProspects Regional Network Coordinators, AgriProspects Regional Content Coordinators Time Frame: This is a five-year grant project. Support for each position is a flat $25,000 per year beginning on or about January 1, 2024. Funds can be used by the recipient to support the portion of an FTE commensurate with the incumbent’s current rate of...
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Trending Topics in Financial Education
Stay current with trending financial topics in order to effectively serve clients. Here is a brief description of five trending financial topics related to current events, economics, legislation, and consumer behavior. Implications for military families are described.
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Two AgriProspects Workforce Development Network Coordinator Positions Available for 1994 Institutions
Summary: Two individuals are needed to fill the Regional Content Coordinator and Regional Network Coordinator roles across the 1994 institutions. As 1994 institutions are located across the country, the 1994 incumbents will serve as leads with assistance in program execution from other AgriProspect coordinators, specifically those where CES regions overlap. These critical positions will help build and engage our national network of partners working to provide access to skills training and...
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Registration now open for Digital Volunteer Initiative Train-the-Trainer Workshop
Register by March 22nd for a three-day in-person intensive train-the-trainer workshop. This workshop is for teams of Extension professionals interested in addressing the challenges of increasing digital literacy by working with local volunteers to provide information technology (IT) training and support in their communities.
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Digital Volunteer Initiative Train the Trainer Workshop
Digital access is vital to community wellbeing. Yet many communities and individuals lacking access struggle with navigating the divide. In partnership with Extension Foundation, the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy's Broadband Program Action Team, and USDA NIFA, the National Digital Extension Education Team (NDEET) is offering a three-day in-person intensive train-the-trainer workshop for teams of Extension professionals interested in addressing the challenges of increasing...
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EXCITE Adult Vaccination Project
The Virginia Cooperative Extension EXCITE Team and the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) conducted a symposium on November 3rd, 2023 to discuss the EXCITE project funded through CDC and ways that Virginia Cooperative Extension Agents could get involved in vaccine education! This session introduced our vaccine ambassadors and their roles in their respective localities, provided background on adult vaccinations and the current vaccination schedule, and discussed approaches to communicating...
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Earn a Certification in Issues and Crisis Management
The Association for Communication Excellence (ACE) is offering a certification in Issues and Crisis Management. ACE is pleased to offer this Certification for Communication and Extension Professionals at an introductory rate of $185. The three part certification includes: March 19 - 2 p.m. CT - Issues Management with Frankie Gould and Faith Peppers - 45 minutes; virtual May 22 - 2 p.m. CT - What is Crisis Communication with Erica Irlbeck - 45 minutes; virtual June 26 - Post Conference...
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New Research Publication Explores Technology Acceptance and CRM Technologies in Extension
The Extension Foundation released a new research publication titled " A Qualitative Investigation of the Technology Acceptance Model in the U.S. Cooperative Extension Service on the Adoption of Customer Relationship Management Systems ." Authored by Dr. Aaron Weibe, Extension Foundation's communication and engagement manager for his recently awarded PhD, the study delves into the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and its role in Extension adopting Customer Relationship Management (CRM)...
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Urban Agriculture and Food Systems Program Action Team Fellow and Workforce Development Coordinator Position Available
Summary: One individual is needed to fill an Urban Agriculture and Food Systems Coordinator role across the LGU system with the Urban Ag and Food Systems PAT and AgriProspects. As Urban programs are active across the country, the incumbent will serve as a lead with assistance in program execution from other AgriProspect coordinators, specifically those where CES regions overlap. This critical position will help build and engage our national network of partners working to provide access to...
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NTAE Workforce Program Action Team Fellowship Position Available
Summary: One individual is needed to fill an Economic and Workforce Development Program Action Team (WF PAT) Fellow role. The Fellow will support the PAT co-chairs with PAT operations; assist with meeting planning; assist the PAT working group chairs with documentation and reporting; and assist with the development of a Workforce PAT convening and with writing of a post-conference white paper. Application Due Date: Open until filled. Application Link:...
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Nothing changes if nothing changes
Stats tell us up to 80% of people who attend a conference, training, or other professional development won't change anything in their lives after the experience. The notes, books, articles, and videos you diligently collected during the experience have been all but abandoned. The ironic part is that most people respond positively when asked if they are lifelong learners. They often take pride in describing themselves this way. If this is so, why do we find it so difficult to act on those...
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Twelve Coordinator Positions Available: Extension Foundation and ECOP WorkForce Development Program Action Team Launches AgriProspects Workforce Development Network
Summary NEW Application Due Date: November 17th, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET. Application Link: https://webportalapp.com/sp/agriprospects Positions Available: AgriProspects Regional Network Coordinators, AgriProspects Regional Content Coordinators Time Frame: This is a five-year grant project. Support for each position is a flat $25,000 per year beginning on or about January 1, 2024. Funds can be used by the recipient to support the portion of an FTE commensurate with the incumbent’s current rate of...
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GUEST POST: The Encouraging Mentor #5 - Triangulating Your Skills, Abilities, and Interests
Triangulating Your Skills, Abilities, and Interests to Find Your Future What do you enjoy doing? What are you good at (i.e., your natural gifts)? Where do you want to learn more? These three items, together, can powerfully steer you toward your desired future. Let’s talk about that today. Most people have multiple gifts. Many people can do a variety of jobs, and career paths are frequently not linear. Anecdotally, my friends and former students share that their journeys have been directed...
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Nurturing Futures: How Quality Child Care Supports Family Financial Well-being
by Crystal Williams, Ph.D. What is high-quality child care? High-quality child care programs are settings in which children receive enriching experiences and engage in responsive interactions that promote their development and learning (Barnett et al., 2010). All child licensed care programs meet minimum licensing requirements in their state, which focus primarily on health and safety. High-quality programs meet standards that go beyond the minimum. Some characteristics of a high-quality...
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Deploying the Use of Mindfulness with Military Service Members and Their Families
Written by: Jason Jowers, MS, MFT Working in a high-stress environment requires the use of stress-management techniques to mitigate long-term adverse impacts on a service member’s body, mind, and relationships. One such strategy that you can use daily in your work with military families is mindfulness. The Mayo Clinic describes mindfulness as a meditation practice to increase awareness of yourself, and your feelings and emotions in the present moment without judgment. Mindfulness reduces...
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Request for Applications & Application Guide: Advancing Disaster Education in America
ELIGIBILITY: Applications must be submitted by Extension professionals employed by land-grant or sea-grant universities that are members of the Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN). At least one individual on any proposed project must be an EDEN delegate or Point of Contact. AWARD AMOUNT: For (2024-2025), up to six $25,000 grants are available. TIMELINE: Application Open: September 3, 2024 Application Deadline: 11:59 pm Pacific on Friday, November 1, 2024 Award Notification: December,...
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How Does Military Spouse Employment Contribute to Financial Readiness?
Military spouses face challenges in gaining and maintaining meaningful employment. A military family’s economic security is critical to mission readiness. As such, spouse employment can greatly contribute to financial readiness.
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Two AgriProspects Workforce Development Network Coordinator Positions Available for 1994 Institutions
Application Link: https://registry.extension.org/242736198558168 Application Due Date: Open until filled. Summary: The Extension Foundation, in partnership with the ECOP Workforce Development Program Action Team, is seeking dynamic, collaborative individuals to join our AgriProspects team. Supported by USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture AFRI Education and Workforce Development Competitive Grant 2023-67037-40533, AgriProspects focuses on growing and refining the national...
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Dec Webinar: Reviewing and Evaluating Transdisciplinary and Engaged Research Projects: Perspectives from Funding Programs
Reviewing and Evaluating Transdisciplinary and Engaged Research Projects: Perspectives from Funding Programs Date : December 11, 2024 @ 1pm ET Registration : https://www.nifa.usda.gov/events/reviewing-evaluating-transdisciplinary-engaged-research-projects-perspectives-funding D escription : As more research funding agencies begin to support the use of transdisciplinary and engaged research practices in their programs, to help generate tangible, positive societal impacts, we can take...
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Job Opportunity - Full Professor, Extension Specialist and Endowed Chair in Rangeland Ecology, University of Arizona
The University of Arizona is seeking candidates to fill The Kemper and Ethel Marley Chair and Endowment for Sustainable Rangeland Stewardship. Faculty appointment will be a Full Professor and Extension Specialist in Rangeland Ecology and Management in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment (Nine-month appointment). The Marley Endowment for Sustainable Rangeland Stewardship works to support technical assistance, community-based research, and education to enhance and strengthen...