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NTAE Workforce Program Action Team Fellowship Position Available

Summary: One individual is needed to fill an Economic and Workforce Development Program Action Team (WF PAT) Fellow role. The Fellow will support the PAT co-chairs with PAT operations; assist with meeting planning; assist the PAT working group chairs with documentation and reporting; and assist with the development of a Workforce PAT convening and with writing of a post-conference white paper.

Application Due Date: Open until filled.

Application Link:

Contact: Megan Hirschman,

Position Available: NTAE Workforce Program Action Team Fellow

Time Frame: This is a one-year grant project with a potential renewal of up to four years. Support for this position is a flat fee of up to $25,000 per year in 12 months with an anniversary date of September 21 each year, with renewal required through available funding. The recipient can use funds to support the portion of an FTE commensurate with the incumbent’s current rate of salary and benefits. Contracts will be on a year-to-year basis, subject to annual review and renewal.

Full Position Description

The Extension Foundation, in partnership with the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) Economic and Workforce Development Program Action Team (WF PAT), seeks a Fellow who is passionate about building the foundations for future adult workforce development programs and initiatives nationwide. The Fellow will support the PAT’s work to expand the capacity and impact of Extension adult workforce development. The Fellow will work as a team member in coordination with the WF PAT leadership, Extension Foundation’s Partnership and Development Coordinator, and the Extension Foundation’s AgriProspects Program Manager.

The Workforce Development Fellow will:

  • Support the WF PAT’s leadership team and working group chairs in strategic planning, documentation of WF PAT efforts, reporting to various stakeholders, and meeting administration
  • Lead efforts to develop an Advocacy Toolkit for Extension Adult Workforce Development
  • Lead efforts to write an Extension Adult Workforce Development White Paper, either as defined by the potential NIFA Conference Grant Convening or in conjunction with WF PAT co-chairs and working group chairs
  • Participate in partnership and stakeholder collaboration with WF PAT leadership, ECOP, and Extension Foundation
  • Coordinate grant writing efforts as the need arises
  • Support system-wide communication and coordination with ECOP and the Extension Foundation (for example, writing announcements and updates for newsletters, listservs, etc.)


  • Develop an Advocacy Toolkit Extension Workforce Development
    • Collect data and information that more comprehensively tell Extension’s story and role in WD at the national level
    • Short document/whitepaper that can be shared with prospective partners
    • Content for WF PAT one pager, WF PAT website, social media, news articles, and other outreach materials
  • Special short-term project - NIFA Planning/Conference Grant Convening:
  • Implementation of the NIFA Planning/Conference Grant if awarded
  • Creation of a white paper summarizing the outputs from the NIFA Planning/Conference Grant and other convening outputs as directed

The successful fellow will demonstrate existing knowledge of workforce development, knowledge of Cooperative Extension program development and delivery, and a passion for building the foundations for future programmatic efforts nationwide.

Work hours are flexible, with an expected workload of 10-15 hours per week, which will vary based on workload underway. Some travel will be required. A letter of support from the applicant’s Extension Director is required to be considered for the position.

Time Period and Funding

This is a one-year grant project with a potential renewal of up to four years. Support for this position is a flat $25,000 per year with an anniversary date of September 21 each year. The recipient can use funds to support the portion of an FTE commensurate with the incumbent’s current rate of salary and benefits. Contracts will be renewed on a year-to-year basis subject to annual review.

The position will be open until filled. To apply for this position, please complete the online application here:

The NTAE PAT Fellows are housed within the Extension Foundation, reporting to the Development & Partnership Lead. This is a virtual position with some travel to meetings. Personal online/computer access/equipment will be required for daily work.

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