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Tagged With "sustainable"


Re: 25th Booker T. Washington Economic Development Summit

Sheila Stevenson ·
Hi, I am trying to get a copy of my registration, but am unable to locate it in my email. Please send another verification to: Most Sincerely, Sheila Stevenson

Re: 25th Booker T. Washington Economic Development Summit

Aaron Weibe ·
@Gary Walton - just making sure you're aware of Sheila's request.

Re: 25th Booker T. Washington Economic Development Summit

Gary Walton ·
@Sheila Stevenson I do not have access to the confirmation emails. Eventbrite should be contacted to resend the confirmation. I hope this helps. If you need any further assistance, please email me at .

Re: 25th Booker T. Washington Economic Development Summit

Gary Walton ·
Thank you, @Aaron Weibe . I'd missed this comment.

Re: 25th Booker T. Washington Economic Development Summit

Aaron Weibe ·
No worries, we're here to help! Thanks for sharing this event.

Re: Incentives for Sustainable Practices

Aaron Weibe ·
Automated message: Thanks for sharing this event! If you can, please remember to update this listing after your event with a link to the recording. You can do that by coming back to your event here in Connect Extension, clicking "Manage Event" and then "Edit Event." From there, I suggest adding the words "Recording Available Here" to the top of your event and linking out to the recording. Example: Recording Available Here Thanks for helping us make this an awesome archive of resources for...

Re: Industry Initiatives for Environmental Sustainability - a Role for Everyone

Aaron Weibe ·
Automated message: Thanks for sharing this event! If you can, please remember to update this listing after your event with a link to the recording. You can do that by coming back to your event here in Connect Extension, clicking "Manage Event" and then "Edit Event." From there, I suggest adding the words "Recording Available Here" to the top of your event and linking out to the recording. Example: Recording Available Here Thanks for helping us make this an awesome archive of resources for...
Blog Post

New Job Opening: Manager, Climate-Smart Ag Interactive Programming - Farm Journal's Trust In Food

Nate Birt ·
I'm sharing the following opening in case anyone in the Extension community might have recommendations for a great person to fit the needs of this role -- recognizing you all work with so many fantastic collaborators across the U.S. Please feel free to email any questions or recommendations to me at Thank you! -Nate Birt, Vice President, Trust In Food , a Farm Journal initiative Trust In Food, a fast-growth startup division of 145-year-old Farm Journal, seeks a...

Incentives for Sustainable Practices

Blog Post

Helping Youth to Go Green

Alisha Barton ·
Many of us have heard the phrases “go green,” “eco-friendly,” and “sustainable lifestyle” tossed around. But what do these phrases mean and how do they affect us, the planet, and other living organisms? When we are living sustainably we are living in harmony with our natural environment and all living creatures. This is a big goal!! A good place to start with sustainable living is to look at a single day. How do you get around? How many items do you use? What food do you eat? Ohio State...
Blog Post

 Central State University Participates in Agricultural Industry Roundtable with National and State of Ohio Representatives

Central State Extension ·
Agriculture is vital to the State of Ohio and is the number one industry contributing more than $100 billion to the state’s economy and for that reason, representatives from across the nation and the State of Ohio met with Central State University and The Ohio State University to discuss issues affecting farming and agriculture in Ohio. The Ag Roundtable took place on Friday, December 10, 2021, at The Ohio State University and featured representatives from the US Department of Agriculture,...
Blog Post


Central State Extension ·
Brandy Phipps, Ph.D., Central State University Assistant Professor and Project Leader for a recent historic $10 Million grant, joined notable leaders such as Senators Cory Booker and John Cornyn to discuss the need to invest in Sustainable Nutrition Science! WILBERFORCE, OH –Our Health, Our Planet, Our Future: The Urgent Need to Invest in Sustainable Nutrition Science congressional briefing, hosted by the Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy and the Union of Concerned...

Siempre Juntos (Forever Juntos)

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
Blog Post

#GoodReads from Extension Foundation

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
The Extension Foundation has recently released several new titles on a broad range of topics, from climate and extreme weather to building farm and farm family resilience. Check out our bookshelf to learn more about the work other Extension professionals are doing. ICYMI, here are a few recent titles that may interest you. Sustainable Tourism, Agritourism, Outdoor Recreation, and Community Development. Our newest title is The NET Effect . This 57-page ezine contains eight case studies that...
Blog Post

Registration open for Sustainable Living Series

Marie Ruemenapp ·
Registration is now open for the Sustainable Living Series offered by University of Florida, Purdue University and Michigan `State University Extension systems. The program focuses on how participants can live a more sustainable lifestyle and lead sustainability efforts in their communities. Please consider signing up and helping to promote this program to audiences you work with. Register here: The full program flyer is attached if you click on READ STORY.

SARE Grants – Preparing a Proposal

Blog Post

A closer look at the Groundwater-Food Nexus: Join us at "Toward Sustainable Groundwater in Agriculture - Linking Science and Policy"

Thomas Harter ·
We are getting close to the upcoming international conference " Toward Sustainable Groundwater in Agriculture - Linking Science and Policy ", June 17-20, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport Hotel in Burlingame/San Francisco, California. Check out our exciting program and register by May 27 for reduced hotel rates! This unique international conference covers a wide range of topics on sustainable management of groundwater resources in agricultural regions. We are convening for the...

Re: Toward Sustainable Groundwater in Agriculture - Linking Science and Policy

Jody Norman ·
I'd really like to sign up for the half-day free workshop "Groundwater governance: Tools and strategies to engage stakeholders in groundwater management and planning (half-day)", but I can't find a way to do that. If the QR code registration is for that, my android phone doesn't seem to recognize it. Is there another way to register for this workshop? Or do I have to be signed up to attend the conference itself?
Blog Post

Call for Papers: Transdisciplinary Collaboration for Sustainable Agriculture

Claire Beveridge ·
You are invited to consider publishing your extension work in a special collection on the topic of “Transdisciplinary Collaboration for Sustainable Agriculture.” This collection is co-hosted by Community Science Exchange, a highly innovative experiment in scientific publishing that elevates the types of community-focused work that extension professionals do.

Climate-Friendly Eating


Ask the Horticulturist


About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
