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Tagged With "groundwater sustainability"

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NPSEC and Texas A&M Agrilife Extension partner with eXtension through USDA-NIFA Cooperative Agreement for Mass Media Pollinator Stewardship Effort

Aaron Weibe ·
Advancing the role of integrated pest management, including effective use of pesticides, is critical to controlling the spread of harmful pests and diseases. It is estimated that 40 percent of global crops are lost to agricultural pests each year. The US Department of Agriculture Strategic Plan 2018-2022 emphasizes prevention and mitigation of agricultural pests and disease. There are recognized, undesirable effects associated with application and misuse of pesticides, especially by the...
Blog Post

What’s It Like to Work with the eXtension Foundation as an NTAE Project? - Using Mass Media for Extension Messaging

Aaron Weibe ·
eXtension recently announced the opportunity for nominations for the New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) for Year 2 projects. The nomination form will be available on June 15th until July 20th, 2020. Selected projects will receive wrap around services from the eXtension Foundation to support, accelerate, and amplify the project/program outcomes. Wrap around services include: Project/Program advisory support from a Catalyst (current or past senior program or administrative...

Re: Benefits Of Using Cover Crops

Russell & Jewell Bean ·
Cover Crops Information
Blog Post


Karl Bradley ·
How long do you work continuously? Do you just go until you actually start to feel fatigue? If you're like most, you just go without thinking much about stopping until the end of the workday. Without much thought, we're setting ourselves up for underperformance...imagine that! And...its become a well ingrained habit. Every 16 words on average we reach for a metaphor so let's use one now! Race cars are built to go fast for a long time but they take pit stops to go faster for longer. We're a...
Blog Post

ICYMI: Development of market assessment tools for improved sustainability and profitability of small and medium-sized U.S. dairy farms

Ray Bernier (Guest) ·
Atlantic Corporation thanks the extension professionals who joined them to discuss findings from their national consumer attitudes and preferences survey about local dairy. We enjoyed sharing our findings and providing demonstrations of our interactive spatial visualization tool, Dairy Market Assessment and Planning System (DairyMAPS). If you missed the presentation, the recording is now available and the PowerPoint slides are attached to this post. To help Atlantic improve the value and...
Blog Post

A Plan to Stick Together

Karl Bradley ·
"So much of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to work." -Peter Drucker We never really get clarity, we're always seeking it. Here are some points of clarity to help bring people together because... "We don't have to do it all alone...we were never meant to." -Brene' Brown Leadership vs Management Let's stop calling leadership, management & management, leadership. Management is for resources, leadership is for people. The Scarcity of Time When a critical...

Re: Introduction to Groundwater, Watersheds, and Groundwater Sustainability Plans - An Online Short Course

Aaron Weibe ·
Automated message: Thanks for sharing this event! If you can, please remember to update this listing after your event with a link to the recording. You can do that by coming back to your event here in Connect Extension, clicking "Manage Event" and then "Edit Event." From there, I suggest adding the words "Recording Available Here" to the top of your event and linking out to the recording. Example: Recording Available Here Thanks for helping us make this an awesome archive of resources for...

Re: Introduction to Groundwater, Watersheds, and Groundwater Sustainability Plans - An Online Short Course

Former Member ·
This is so generous of you & It is really beneficial for students like me to avail your educational courses coupons & learn important topics like the Groundwaters, Watersheds, Sustainability plans, etc. I hope I will take good advantage of it for my future & career.

Re: Introduction to Groundwater, Watersheds, and Groundwater Sustainability Plans - An Online Short Course

pkin pum ·
Yes!!! Thanks so much for bringing it back! I had just found a vanilla upload this morning, which is great, but it was nice seeing the video when I was home and at the computer. It works so nicely together. - slope unblocked - 1v1 lol

Re: Introduction to Groundwater, Watersheds, and Groundwater Sustainability Plans - An Online Short Course

Former Member ·
These courses are very rare available but people should know about these. I am happy to see that these courses are now being offered here and at medical essay services uk . Every individual of this must know about groundwater and watersheds and their advantages.
Blog Post

Project Accelerator Leads to New Grant and Ongoing Partnership

Stacey Stearns ·
A new USDA-NIFA funded project will develop cohorts of 4-H youth and create biotechnology video games. The games will convey fun and science-based information about biotechnology such as genetic engineering. They will also build public confidence in the safe use of biotechnology in agriculture and the food system. The project will also provide education to youth on career opportunities. The University of Connecticut (UConn) Extension , together with faculty members of other departments in...
Blog Post

Federal Nutrition Innovations Funding Opportunity

Judy Simon ·
The Administration for Community Living has announced the following Funding Opportunity: Innovations in Nutrition Programs and Services - Research HHS-2022-ACL-AOA-INNU-0017 This FOA includes two project approaches. Applicants select one project model to implement: Project Model A: Demonstrate Congregate Meal Program Impact on Nutrition, Socialization, Health, and Well-being Outcomes. Project Model B: Evaluate and Sustain Effective, Non-Traditional Senior Nutrition Program Delivery Models.
Blog Post

New Leadership Skillsets

Karl Bradley ·
The last two years have been filled with despair, uncertainty, frustration and feelings of exhaustion. We are now entering the third year of a global pandemic. Since the world shut down, everything is in a different context now. Leadership feels different. The way we used to lead isn't how we do things anymore. We've had to develop new skills, utilize new tools for communication to create an environment where trust can thrive. In adapting to this dynamic new environment, we carry our...

NEXTGEN Program Overview Webinar

Blog Post

Extension Foundation Selected by USDA-NIFA as Technical Provider for NEXTGEN Funding Opportunity

Aaron Weibe ·
The primary goal of the From Learning to Leading: Cultivating the Next Generation of Diverse Food and Agriculture Professionals Program (NEXTGEN) is to enable 1890 Land-grant institutions, 1994 Land-grant institutions, Alaska Native-serving institutions and Native Hawaiian-serving institutions, Hispanic-serving institutions, and insular area institutions of higher education located in the U.S. territories to engage, recruit, retain, train, and support students to help build and sustain the...
Blog Post

Starting October 3rd! NEXTGEN Grant Support Introduction and Partnership Opportunities

Aaron Weibe ·
October 3rd, 2022, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Eastern Time October 4th, 2022, 8:30 PM - 10:00 PM Eastern Time October 5th, 2022, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Eastern Time October 6th, 2022, 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Eastern Time REGISTER HERE The Extension Foundation was selected by USDA-NIFA to serve as the technical service provider for NEXTGEN to raise awareness of the program and provide technical assistance for eligible institutions to develop teams, partners, program strategies and to connect with USDA and other...
Blog Post

UNH Extension seeks Field Specialist, Community and Economic Development, Sullivan County

Victoria Rappeport ·
UNH Extension Seeks a Field Specialist in Community and Economic Development | Extension The Sullivan County Community and Economic Development field specialist, based in Newport, New Hampshire, will provide educational outreach, technical assistance, and community planning and project implementation support that builds community and regional leaders’ capacity to implement effective strategies to grow and sustain the economy. Areas of focus include, but are not limited to, entrepreneurial...
Blog Post

The Perfect Meeting

Karl Bradley ·
"One can either work or meet. One cannot do both at the same time." -Peter Drucker Darn it! He's right again. Despite our best efforts we can only do one of these (effectively) at a time. Through this, he also reminds us of the multitasking myth. What we actually do is task switch. It takes 40% longer to accomplish two things we're switching on and longer when we add a third or fourth task. One thing we can do to help with effectiveness is to have better meetings. Most HR professionals will...
Blog Post

UNH Extension seeks State Specialist, Community Conservation

Victoria Rappeport ·
The Extension state specialist in community conservation provides statewide leadership in land conservation and stewardship to sustain the natural resources of New Hampshire. This is a full-time, benefits-eligible position based at the University of New Hampshire’s Durham, N.H., campus. It is a grant-funded, non-tenure track, 100% Extension appointment. The specialist will provide education and technical assistance to communities, land trusts and organizations seeking to conserve and steward...
Blog Post

USDA Announces Funding for 33 Institutions for $262.5M Investment through NEXTGEN Opportunity

Aaron Weibe ·
The Extension Foundation (EXF) was awarded by USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) in the Fall of 2022 to serve as the Technical Service Provider for the NEXTGEN Funding Opportunity. According to USDA-NIFA, “...the National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s (NIFA) ‘ From Learning to Leading: Cultivating the Next Generation of Diverse Food and Agriculture Professionals Program ’ (NextGen) will enable eligible institutions, from New York to the Northern Mariana Islands, to...
Blog Post

Well Connected Communities Webinar: Building Coalitions to Advance Community Health and Well Being

MelaniePugsley ·
Building Coalitions to Advance Community Health and Well Being Thursday, July 27th, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM ET Register here ! Register here to join us for another lightning session to share best practices and strategies for building, managing, and sustaining coalitions. Six LGUs will be sharing how they developed coalitions and the keys to their success, resources they have developed or used to help Extension professionals work more effectively with community coalitions, and community...
Blog Post

What keeps senior leaders up at night?

Karl Bradley ·
Our family had the pleasure of being stationed in Tokyo, Japan while my wife and I were in the U.S. Air Force. While Japan and the other countries we visited were amazing, it was a particularly complicated time in the Pacific region. Most notably, North Korea's leader was threatening war. Additionally, many career fields in the Air Force lacked the people to sustain the operational pace required to maintain peace and stability in the region. Because of these situations, several military...
Blog Post

Extension Foundation Receives USDA-NIFA Award to Maximize Biosecurity Threat Resilience

Aaron Weibe ·
The Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) is a collaborative network of Cooperative Extension educators across the United States and territories who work to improve the delivery of education and information, and the availability of resources related to disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. Historically, this grassroots network has been aligned with the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) and supported by USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)...
Blog Post

Explore Immunization Education in Extension through the EXCITE Annual Reports!

MelaniePugsley ·
EXCITE Year 2 Annual Report Introducing the EXCITE Year 2 Annual Narrative Report , a comprehensive document that marks the conclusion of both Activity 1 and Activity 2 projects. This report is a collaborative effort by the EXCITE program team and the Extension Foundation. In it, you can find the outputs and outcomes, and valuable lessons learned at both the project and system levels during year two of the project . The report also details the value of EXCITE establishing new healthcare...
Blog Post

Extension Foundation Seeks Chief Operating Officer

Aaron Weibe ·
Application Link: Application Deadline: November 16th, 2023 Extension Foundation (EXF) is a well-established non-profit organization providing diverse services to over 100 public universities across the United States. EXF is a membership-based 501(c)(3) non-profit operating foundation formed in 2006 by Extension Directors and Administrators. EXF partners with university-based Cooperative Extension Services to increase their capacity and offers...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
