Tagged With "community-engaged research"
Re: People's Garden Initiative
Hi, Several years ago, we were funded to help put together research on connecting garden education with improved health outcomes for elementary age children schools - as part of the Peoples Garden program. You can check out our website here: https://peoplesgarden.wsu.edu/ Also, check out Dr Nancy Wells for ongoing publications from the data we collected and related research she and her lab does in this area.
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Funding Available!!!!
The National Urban Research and Extension Center (NUREC), formerly the Western Center for Metropolitan Extension and Research, is accepting applications for our Fellows program (Deep Dive, Urban Sabbatical, and Graduate Fellows)! The deadline for applications is July 31, 2023 ! For more information, see: https://metroextension.wsu.edu/fellows/ . Applications will be accepted on any topic of interest that addresses our mission and goals including projects related to: Extension programs;...
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New Transdisciplinary Approaches Webinar Series
Presented by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture and the National Agricultural Library Join a new webinar series highlighting opportunities and challenges of transdisciplinary approaches within agricultural research! Together we will examine strategies for implementing transdisciplinary approaches, team-building, and overcoming challenges to encourage the adoption of and training in transdisciplinary systems. Upcoming Transdisciplinary Approaches Webinars What They Are and Why...
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New Urban Ag Specialist Postion at Ohio State
The Ohio State University is hiring an Urban Agriculture Specialist. This 12-month faculty member will lead a statewide Urban Agriculture team of faculty, staff, and students. They will lead urban ag system curriculum development and conduct research in collaboration with other CFAES urban-focused faculty members. They will serve as a Principal Investigator, managing grant funding, project leadership, and partner development. As leader of a five-year project funded Cooperative Agreement with...
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Urban Extension Initiative - Leadership Fellows - APPLY BY AUGUST 15! Don't Miss this Opportunity
Now recruiting for Cohort 4, Urban Extension Initiative - Leadership Fellows is expanding to accept Extension professionals nationwide. Hosted by the University of Kentucky faculty, this year-long experience will connect you virtually with others working in larger communities through monthly Zoom meetings and other interactions. Want more information? Check out the attached flyer or contact me, Jeff Young at jyoung@uky.edu.
Re: Urban Extension Initiative - Leadership Fellows - APPLY BY AUGUST 15! Don't Miss this Opportunity
Jenia I'm adding an additional file with that information. Jeff
Blog Post
Opportunities and Challenges for Indiana's Urban Agriculturalists
Here is a recent Purdue Extension publication that summarizes opportunities and challenges for Indiana’s urban agriculturalists. The data is part of an urban agriculture needs assessment conducted by Purdue Extension. Big thanks to all of the farmers, gardeners, and community partners who participated in this project! https://extension.entm.purdue.edu/publications/ID-531-W.pdf?_ga=2.252898944.822598867.1689783057-453391612.1689783056
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Southern and 1890's Regional NUEL Conference Award Winners
Three individuals were recognized at the Southern and 1890s Regional NUEL Conference, Aug 8-10 in Houston, TX. Regional Team Innovation Awards. These awards are unique to our regions. The purpose of the NUEL Innovator Award is to recognize individuals and teams whose programming incorporates adaptation, innovation, impact, and commitment to urban communities. An innovative program could be one that adapts an existing successful program to the needs of an urban audience or could be a...
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Announcing GROW Urban Agriculture Conference
Announcing the inaugural Generating Research Opportunities Workshop for (GROW) Urban Agriculture Conference. This is a virtual three part conference for researchers, extension professional, educators and stakeholders designed to build interdisciplinary teams and support their efforts to secure funding for research, extension and education (REE) that supports and expands urban agriculture. Phase I is November 1-3, 2023. This virtual session will focus on connecting participants with similar...
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NUEC 2024 - Call for Proposals is Open
The NUEC 2024 Conference Team invites you to submit proposals for the upcoming conference which will be held in Nashville, TN, May 28-31, 2024. We seek proposals that share impactful programming in one of these five focus tracks: Strengthening Communities Protecting the Environment Improving Our Health Enriching Youth Feeding the Future : Local food systems and networks In addition to these five programmatic focus tracks, we will also host a Leading Edge Dialogue administrative track . The...
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Director of Center for Urban Agriculture at UGA
The University of Georgia (UGA) currently has an opening for the Director of the Center for Urban Agriculture. This position is located on the Griffin Campus of UGA approximately 40 miles south of Atlanta. The position description and associated information for application is attached.
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Hiring Urban Extension Specialist for Ohio State University Extension
The Urban Extension Specialist in the Department of Extension will address Ohio State University's RAISE themes of race, economic opportunity, and leadership. The successful candidate will foster a dynamic hub of innovation linking the priorities of urban communities with university assets. The position will advance Ohio State's efforts to coordinate and facilitate community-engaged research and relevant programming to address equity in the areas of food, health and wellness, environment,...
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University of Kentucky, Urban Extension Initiative - Leadership Fellows
Currently in its fourth cohort, the Urban Extension Initiative Leadership Fellows program (UEI) provides professional support for Extension Agents who serve and engage within urban communities across the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Its primary focus is to enhance community engagement, professional development, advocacy, and research for urban-centered Cooperative Extension. This is the first year UEI has been offered to agents and administrators in other states, according to Dr. Jeff Young,...
Michael Cary
Blog Post
Dr. Chiquita Briley Named Assistant Director for Urban Programming
Dr. Chiquita Briley has been selected as the new Assistant Director for Urban Programming at the LSU AgCenter. Chiquita has worked for 23 years in Cooperative Extension with 18 years focusing on urban programming. Working for the University of Nebraska Extension Service, Chiquita, was the supervisor for EFNEP and SNAP-ed programming for Douglas County (Omaha, NE). Over the course of her career, she has served in many diverse roles including NEWS Program Coordinator, SU AgCenter, Nutrition...
Martha Aitken
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Backyard Poultry Certification Course
Interest in keeping backyard poultry for personal and family food security has steadily increased over the past decade. Many cities and municipalities require a certificate for residents to keep backyard poultry. Increased numbers of youth are raising chickens and turkeys for 4-H livestock projects. Maybe you just want to learn more about the keeping of a backyard flocks. Whatever your reason, OSU Extension has you covered with this Backyard Poultry Certification Course that discusses...
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NUEL Updates, 2023 Annual Meeting, New Orleans
Greetings and Happy Holidays to my colleagues and to Extension Directors around the country. I am writing to share a few brief updates as NUEL is working to our momentum and address the needs of our Extension system working to remain relevant, responsive, and recognized in our urban communities. The NUEL Steering Committee held our latest Bi-Annual Face to Face meeting in New Orleans, LA, December 6-8, 2023 . Special thanks to Anthony Tuggle and the Tennessee Extension System for their...
Violeta Dominguez
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Invitation to participate in a survey about urban farmland tenure:
Good morning and Happy New Year! If you work with urban farmers, would you consider taking a survey about urban farmland tenure? Would you consider sharing the following survey recruitment information with any urban farmers or urban agriculture service providers you work with? Or in your newsletter? Our goal is to develop educational material about how different jurisdictions have successfully preserved urban farmland or buildings and made them accessible to growers. Invitation to...
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New SARE Bulletin: Best Practices for the Sustainable Urban Farm
For decades, urban farms and community gardens have helped meet demand for fresh and local produce. Urban farming creatively utilizes limited space, conserves land and transforms vacant lots or buildings into productive greenspaces. Farming in cities can be a rewarding way for communities to grow healthy food while receiving a wide range of other interrelated environmental, economic and social benefits. SARE Outreach’s newest bulletin, Best Practices for the Sustainable Urban Farm , outlines...
Avik Mukherjee
Angie Cottrell
Alisha Gaines
Renysha Harris
Blog Post
MSU seeking Urban & Regional Planning Academic Extension/Outreach Specialist
The Michigan State University School of Planning, Design and Construction (SPDC) invites applications for a full‐time, 12‐month Continuing Academic Specialist with a 85% extension/outreach and 15% teaching assignment. The desired position start date is May 1, 2024. This position will focus on adaptive strategies to enhance the sustainability and resilience of communities with an emphasis on climate change and development regulation. Activities will include creating educational programs and...
Blog Post
Registration is Open for the 2024 Urban Food Systems Symposium
[Please share this info to your networks.] On June 11-13, The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) hosts the Urban Food Systems Symposium in Columbus, Ohio. The event includes keynotes, a grower panel, 40 presentations, a reception with approximately 50 posters, a choice of six off-site educational tours, and dinner at The Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory, a unique 261-acre university facility for teaching, research,...
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Urban Underground: Agroecological Functions of Soils in the City Webinar
The National Urban Research & Extension Center (NUREC) invites you to attend the Soils in the City webinar presented by Dr Doug Collins on April 17 at 9:00 AM PDT . Attendance is free, but you must register to attend. Registration is available here ( https://wsu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8oU17xsqOu2ee2O ). More people around the world now live in cities than in rural areas. While cities have long been economic and cultural centers, there is increasing demand for ecological and...
Aishwarya Kaushal
Blog Post
MSU seeking Urban & Regional Planning Academic Extension/Outreach Specialist
The Michigan State University School of Planning, Design and Construction (SPDC) invites applications for a full‐time, 12‐month Continuing Academic Specialist with a 85% extension/outreach and 15% teaching assignment. The desired position start date is May 1, 2024. This position will focus on adaptive strategies to enhance the sustainability and resilience of communities with an emphasis on climate change and development regulation. Activities will include creating educational programs and...
Byron Smith
Blog Post
Urban Soils Webinar!
Don’t forget! Soils in the City Webinar - The National Urban Research & Extension Center (NUREC) invites interested parties to attend the Urban Underground: Agroecological Functions of Soils in the City Webinar to be presented on April 17 at 12:00 PM ET . Attendance is free and registration here is required . Dr. Collins will share results from a National Urban Research & Extension Fellowship which included an observational study of soil parameters in farmed soils in urban and...
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Ohio State Hiring Urban Ag Specialist
The Ohio State University is hiring an Urban Agriculture Specialist. This 12-month faculty member will lead a statewide Urban Agriculture team of faculty, staff, and students. They will lead urban ag system curriculum development and conduct research in collaboration with other CFAES urban-focused faculty members. They will serve as a Principal Investigator, managing grant funding, project leadership, and partner development. As leader of a five-year project funded Cooperative Agreement with...
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Tribal Research Partnerships: Indigenous Agroforestry, Food Security and Sovereignty Webinar Registration
Hi Everyone, I’m happy to share that our next installment in the Transdisciplinary Webinar Series is open for registration ! Details are below. Registration Link: https://www.nal.usda.gov/events/transdisciplinary-approaches-webinar-may2024 Title : Tribal Research Partnerships: Indigenous Agroforestry, Food Security and Sovereignty Date : Weds. May 29, 2024. 2:00pm-3:30pm ET Description : Join us for a webinar series highlighting opportunities and challenges of transdisciplinary approaches...
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2024 Urban Food Systems Symposium - Registration Price Increasing Soon
Register now and book your hotel room! Registration prices increase on May 25 and hotel reservations close May 21. UrbanFoodSystemsSymposium.org The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) hosts the 2024 Urban Food Systems Symposium in Columbus, Ohio on June 11-13. The event includes keynotes, a grower panel, 40 presentations , a reception with more than 30 posters , a choice of off-site educational tours , and dinner at The Waterman...
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New Census data show a country that is a collection of “small communities”
Improving the quality of life in smaller, and older (legacy) cities (like Springfield, Mass) is something I have been working on for many years with my students as part of my Urban Extension work at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Photo: Springfield, Massachusetts downtown Placemaking project.
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New Funding Opportunity for NUEL: Adult Immunization Integration Projects with EXCITE
We are excited to announce a new funding opportunity through the Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement (EXCITE). This initiative, funded by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), aims to address health disparities in rural and underserved communities through immunization education. All Extension program areas are invited to apply. Funding Opportunity: Adult Immunization...
A. Reardon
Blog Post
Free Webinar - Leveraging Extension and University Engagement: Developing and Implementing Novel Projects Using Transdisciplinary Approaches
Join us for a webinar looking at how Land-grant University administration can support faculty and staff in adopting transdisciplinary approaches and leverage the power of engagement. We’ll hear from top University administrators about the challenges of such work and the opportunities to overcome them, and discuss how to navigate multifaceted projects that support inclusivity and diverse perspectives to address the complex challenges facing food and agricultural systems today. Register here.
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Reviewing and Evaluating Transdisciplinary and Engaged Research Projects: Perspectives from Funding Programs
As more research funding agencies begin to support the use of transdisciplinary and engaged research practices in their programs, to help generate tangible, positive societal impacts, we can take advantage of opportunities to learn from programs that have been early adopters of these modes of research. The increased emphasis on engagement throughout the research process is helping to shine a light on the importance of partnerships, relationships, and trust in moving research into practice...
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Reviewing and Evaluating Transdisciplinary and Engaged Research Projects: Perspectives from Funding Programs
Date : December 11, 2024 @ 1pm ET Registration : https://www.nifa.usda.gov/events/reviewing-evaluating-transdisciplinary-engaged-research-projects-perspectives-funding Description : As more research funding agencies begin to support the use of transdisciplinary and engaged research practices in their programs, to help generate tangible, positive societal impacts, we can take advantage of opportunities to learn from programs that have been early adopters of these modes of research. The...
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Webinar: Thriving Agricultural Systems in Urbanized Landscapes
Thriving Agricultural Systems in Urbanized Landscapes Project Overview Register for the webinar here October 31st, 2:00 PM ET About: This webinar will introduce and discuss findings from the Thriving Agricultural Systems in Urbanized Landscapes project, a 6-year, $9 million project funded by USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) ( https://thrivingag.org/ ). This transdisciplinary research-extension-education project is working to create economically thriving and...
Blog Post
Reviewing and Evaluating Transdisciplinary and Engaged Research Projects: Perspectives from Funding Programs
Reviewing and Evaluating Transdisciplinary and Engaged Research Projects: Perspectives from Funding Programs Date : December 11, 2024 @ 1pm ET Registration : https://www.nifa.usda.gov/events/reviewing-evaluating-transdisciplinary-engaged-research-projects-perspectives-funding Description : As more research funding agencies begin to support the use of transdisciplinary and engaged research practices in their programs, to help generate tangible, positive societal impacts, we can take advantage...