Tagged With "community-engaged research"
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North Central Region Network Conference
Connect, Discover, Action NUEL North Central Region Network Conference is Going Virtual! May 18-19, 2020 The NCR Network Conference was held via Zoom on May 18 and 19 and featured many of the same presenters that were scheduled to be in Madison. This decision was made in an effort to keep all participants safe and healthy as COVID-19 continues to spread globally and have dynamic impacts on our families and communities. The virtual sessions will be offered on May 18-19, 2020. The same dates...
Blog Post
2020 NUEL Regional Award Winners
NUEL is thrilled to recognize our 2020 Regional Award Winners! 1890 Region Leadership Award: Misty Layne Watkins , Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent with Tennessee State University Misty Layne Watkins' Homebuyer Education Program has provided 138 counseling sessions and 8 first-time homebuyer classes, resulting in $ 18.8 million in mortgage loans. Southern Region Leadership Award: Diana Doggett , Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent at the University of Kentucky Diana...
Blog Post
2019 National Urban Extension Conference
It was great to see you all in Seattle! Innovation in the City: A Land Grant University Experience The National Urban Extension Conference provided opportunities for Extension professionals from all program areas to share their research and innovative educational strategies that address the needs of urban, suburban, and peri-urban populations as well as urban-rural interdependencies. Click on the image below for more information and to register.
2020 Accomplishments
2019 Accomplishments
2018 Accomplishments
2017 Accomplishments
2021 Accomplishments
Blog Post
Virtual Chat: Reimagining Our Future…Together with Urban Extension Leaders
The National Urban Extension Leaders subgroup held its first virtual chat on Friday, May 13 titled, Reimagining Our Future…Together with Urban Extension Leaders. During the 1-hour virtual chat attendees discussed topics on Lessons Learned from the Pandemic , Working in Non-Conventional Spaces , Measuring Impact , and Ten Years from Now . Key highlights from the Lessons Learned from the Pandemic discussion were that it seems like there is are still adjustments as we transition from virtual...
Akashi Kaul
Blog Post
From Plans to Equitable Change - Community Partnerships to Encourage Walkability
America Walks Webinar on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 from 2:00-3:00 ET. Registration here (gotowebinar.com) Planners, whether urban, transportation, housing, or environmental, have a tremendous impact on the physical and built environment we live in. How can other agency professionals, elected officials, and community members influence planning processes to get more walkable, accessible, and equitable communities? The Centers for Diseases Control and America Walks asked the American Planning...
Blog Post
2 University of Maryland Extension 4-H Youth Development Tenure-Track Openings in Urban Communities
University of Maryland Extension is seeking to fill two (2) 4-H Youth Development Educator positions, with one position at each of the following county Extension office locations: Montgomery County (Position 103437) - This Office is located in Derwood, Maryland, and provides programming to the Central Maryland Cluster, which includes Montgomery County. Prince George’s County (Position 103358) - This office is located in Clinton, Maryland, and provides programming to Prince George’s County...
Blog Post
New study examines potential for recycled water to address irrigation needs
Some new research coming out of King County, WA (Seattle) around using reclaimed water for crop irrigation versus river water for peri-urban farms. "Fresh water availability is a growing concern as snowpack storage and rainfall decrease during our dry summer months. Access to a stable water source is important for farmers who rely on river water during the summer months to irrigate their crops. Yet this use, impacts the habitat of the aquatic life that rely on the river streamflow to survive...
Blog Post
Washington State University Extension Youth and Families Program Unit invites applicants for the Extension Youth and Families Unit Director position.
This is a permanent, full-time, 12-month, career track continuous or tenured/tenure-track Associate Professor or Professor faculty position (depending on background), with a negotiable location based in Washington State. CAHNRS seeks a candidate to provide leadership to the statewide Youth and Families Program Unit of approximately 23 faculty and 63 staff conducting applied research and programming related to nutrition and food safety; individual and family development; and health, wellness,...
Blog Post
Census of Agriculture Response by June 30
Help continue to make urban agriculture the fastest growing segment of agriculture. From the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Extension Directors and Administrators are reminded that the 2022 Census of Agriculture is about people. Every survey response is essential by June 30, 2022 . Ag census data informs policy, research, assistance programs, ag education, community development, and countless more decisions that ultimately affect farms and communities. From cattle...
Blog Post
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY - Urban, Indoor, and Emerging Agriculture
USDA NIFA has release a Request for Applications for the new Urban, Indoor, and other Emerging Agricultural Production Research, Education and Extension Initiative (UIE). Anticipated available funding: $9,400,000 Average Award: $50,000 - $1,000,000 Letter of Intent Due: July 11, 2022 Full Proposals Due: September 22, 2022 FIND OUT MORE . . . UIE is a NIFA competitive grant program implemented in 2022 to support research, education and extension activities that facilitate development of...
Blog Post
Join us in Oregon - 4-H evaluation position with an office in Portland
Oregon State University and the Division of Extension and Engagement are seeking applications for a Positive Youth Development Research Coordinator. This is a full-time (1.00 FTE), 12-month, professional faculty position. View the Posting: https://jobs.oregonstate.edu/postings/120964 The focus of this position is the 4-H Thriving Model in Oregon. The anticipated appointment period of this professional position is through December 31, 2024. Extending of employment past that date is dependent...
Blog Post
Special Urban Extension Issue of the Journal of Human Sciences and Extension
The latest issue of the Journal of Human Sciences and Extension is now available online (Volume 10, Number 2). To access it, visit JHSE’s website at: Journal of Human Sciences and Extension | Mississippi State University (msstate.edu) This special issue of JHSE focuses on Extension engagement in urban communities. The 35 authors who contributed to this issue represent a range of geographic and programmatic viewpoints. Insights shared in this special issue demonstrate that diversity in our...
Blog Post
Natural Resources Program Coordinator position is Open for Iowa State Extension in Polk County
ISU Extension and Outreach in Polk County (Polk County Extension) builds a strong Iowa by connecting residents to the research and resources developed by Iowa State University. ISU Extension and Outreach in Polk County serves the diverse urban, suburban and rural areas of the Des Moines metro, 500,000+ population. Polk County Extension, based in Altoona, has an immediate full-time opening for a Natural Resources Program Coordinator. Under general supervision, the coordinator will work with...
Blog Post
Apply Now! WCMER Fellowship Application Closes 7/31
About Deep Dives, Urban Sabbaticals, and Urban Graduate Fellowships are designed to enhance the impact of Extension, and the broader land-grant university system, in metropolitan communities. Learn more or meet our past fellows at https://metroextension.wsu.edu/fellows/ . Application: Click here Application deadline (11:59 PDT): July 31, 2022: Fellowship Programs DEEP DIVES: Deep Dives were created to spur innovation within Extension, address complex issues facing metropolitan areas, and...
Blog Post
The NYSIPM Program is looking for an Extension Specialist in Urban/Community IPM
The New York State Integrated Pest Management Program (NYSIPM, Cornell University) is looking for a Community Integrated Pest Management Associate, with expertise in applied entomology, pest or wildlife management, and/or turfgrass management, to support statewide community pest management programs and to develop an outstanding extension and applied research program in community settings. A portion of time will also be allocated to extension responsibilities that support urban agricultural...
Blog Post
"The Root Zone Environment" a Key Factor In Controlled Environment Hydroponic Production?
When it comes to hydroponic vegetable production the root zone environment, including oxygen levels and root temperature, play a critical role in the success of the crop. “For true hydroponics, which would include deep water culture and nutrient film technique (NFT), both have different oxygen profiles,” said Neil Mattson, greenhouse horticulture professor at Cornell University. “Typically with NFT, there is near saturation with oxygen because of mechanical aeration from the water...
Blog Post
New Position - Ohio State University Urban Extension Specialist
Ohio State University Extension - Urban Extension Specialist / Associate or Full Professor The Urban Extension Specialist in the Department of Extension is a senior-level faculty 12-month position with a 60% Extension appointment and 40% applied research and teaching. The position will be located on the Columbus campus of The Ohio State University, will address the OSU RAISE theme of Race, Economic Opportunity, and Leadership and will foster a dynamic hub of innovation linking the priorities...
Blog Post
NIFA Invests $9.4M in Urban Agricultural Production REE Initiative
NIFA has announced funding of more than $9.4 million for 12 projects through the Urban, Indoor, and Other Emerging Agricultural Production Research, Education and Extension Initiative. This initiative provides grants for research, education and Extension work to solve key problems of urban, indoor and emerging agricultural systems. The awardees are: University of Alabama, Birmingham; University of California, Davis; Cornell University; University of Delaware; University of Florida;...
Blog Post
USDA presents: Equity in Conservation Outreach Cooperative Agreements
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NCRS) has created an outreach opportunity in collaboration with partners to expand conservation assistance to historically underserved producers and underserved communities and to provide opportunities for students to pursue careers in agriculture, natural resources, and related sciences. The following is a list of priority areas that NRCS will consider. Addressing local natural resource issues, promoting potential conservation career opportunities,...
Blog Post
Call for Presentations - Southern Region National Urban Extension Leaders Conference
Good Day Everyone The planning committee for the Southern Region and 1890’s Institutions is excited to release the official Call for Presentations for our National Urban Extension Leaders - Regional Conference in Houston, TX August 8-10, 2023. Our theme will be “Vibrant Southern Cities – Reaching for the Stars” and will be held at: Houston Marriott West Loop by the Galleria 1750 West Loop South Houston, TX 77027 The conference will serve as a platform to share the great work happening around...
Sandya Kesoju
Blog Post
Job Alert! Urban Ag Extension Specialist
UMD is hiring an Urban Horticultural Production and Management Extension Specialist. This is a tenure-track Extension position. Best consideration date is June 19, 2023. Please keep an eye out for a second specialist position on Urban Farm Business Management coming soon. Job description and application: https://ejobs.umd.edu/ postings/107530 The Specialist is part of a diverse team (College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, UME, and key stakeholder groups) working on applied research...
Rick Goodman
Thomas Hickey
Veronica Calles Torrez
Christine Coker
David Weisberger
Kelli M Gilzow Stowell
Meredith Taylor
Brian Anderson
Claire Friedrichsen
Darren L Haver
Blog Post
Southern Region & 1890's NUEL Regional Conference - Deadlines approaching
May 15 th is the deadline for workshop proposals and awards for the Southern Region/ 1890’s NUEL Regional Conference. In addition, registration for the conference and hotel is also open. Please use the link below to go to the registration site for the 2023 NUEL SR & 1890’s Conference in Houston. https://agriliferegister.tamu.edu/ereg/index.php?eventid=749815&
Clarissa Harris
Blog Post
We are hiring! Are you the next leader for the Metro Master Gardener™ Program?
The position of Assistant Professor of Practice for Metro Master Gardener Program develops and conducts educational programs and contributes to applied horticulture research activities in topics relevant to gardening as well as economic development and community development in the Portland, OR area (Clackamas, Washington, and Multnomah Counties). This position will serve as an educational liaison to local metro area organizations and state and federal agencies, as well as work...
Blog Post
Collaboration, Engagement, and Communication
Today's US Census Story behind the numbers is about multi-generational homes: Multigenerational households — three or more generations under one roof — made up 4.7% of all U.S. households but 7.2% of family households in 2020, an increase from 2010 .... There were 6.0 million U.S. multigenerational households in 2020, up from 5.1 million in 2010, according to 2020 Census data released recently. This helped with my reflection on a great NUEL Steering Committee, hosted by the North Central...
Re: Collaboration, Engagement, and Communication
Thank you, Brad, for reacquainting the system with these important frameworks for distinguishing outreach from engagement! Very important work.
Jessica Lawrenz