Tagged With "urban garden"
Blog Post
Welcome to the National Urban Extension Leaders Connect Extension Subgroup! This group is designed for professionals working in or interested in Extension programming in urban areas. This platform will provide access to educational resources, events, and opportunities to connect with other urban Extension professionals.
Blog Post
Urban farming: four reasons it should flourish post-pandemic
Good article at conversation.com. Here are four reasons why food growing should become a perennial feature in our gardens, towns and cities after COVID-19. https://theconversation.com/ur...post-pandemic-144133 This is a sample post.
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North Central Region Network Conference
Connect, Discover, Action NUEL North Central Region Network Conference is Going Virtual! May 18-19, 2020 The NCR Network Conference was held via Zoom on May 18 and 19 and featured many of the same presenters that were scheduled to be in Madison. This decision was made in an effort to keep all participants safe and healthy as COVID-19 continues to spread globally and have dynamic impacts on our families and communities. The virtual sessions will be offered on May 18-19, 2020. The same dates...
Blog Post
National Urban Extension Conference 2022
The National Urban Extension Leaders are proud to present the 2022 National Urban Extension Conference hosted by Rutgers Cooperative Extension in Camden, New Jersey -- part of the Camden-Philadelphia metro area! Situated on opposite banks of the Delaware River and connected by the iconic Ben Franklin Bridge, Camden and Philadelphia epitomize all that is exciting and challenging about urban America. In spite of their close proximity, over the centuries these adjacent cities have developed...
Blog Post
The 2021 National Urban Extension Conference was a virtual summit
National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL) 2021 Virtual Summit was held May 19-20 For a printable agenda CLICK HERE Wednesday, May 19, 2021 Recognition of regional Urban Extension award winners Keynote speakers Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) and Urban Extension Dr. Christopher Watkins, Director, Cornell Extension and ECOP Chair Crisis Births Opportunity: Extension’s DEI Role Dr. Quentin Tyler, Associate Dean and Director for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Interim...
Blog Post
NUEL Steering Committee Meeting in December 2019
Tampa Riverwalk The National Urban Extension Leaders held its semi-annual steering committee meeting in Tampa, Florida, at the Embassy Suites Tampa Downtown December 3-5, 2019 . This is a business meeting of the NUEL steering committee and will focus on the implementation of the National Extension Urban Initiative Implementation Plan , that was approved by ECOP in early 2019 and shared at the National Urban Extension Conference in Seattle in May as well as NUEL’s national Action Teams and...
Blog Post
2019 National Urban Extension Conference
It was great to see you all in Seattle! Innovation in the City: A Land Grant University Experience The National Urban Extension Conference provided opportunities for Extension professionals from all program areas to share their research and innovative educational strategies that address the needs of urban, suburban, and peri-urban populations as well as urban-rural interdependencies. Click on the image below for more information and to register.
Blog Post
Registration for National Urban Extension Conference Still Open!
We are 41 days away from the National Urban Extension Conference (May 23-26) in Camden, New Jersey! Registration is still open! https://sites.google.com/msu.edu/nuec22/home
Blog Post
Join the Reimagining Our Future. . . Together Chat on Friday, May 13
If you have not yet, please join NUEL for the first NUEL Subgroup Virtual Chat on Friday, May 13 at 12:00 PM EST . This 1-hour virtual chat will focus on Reimagining Our Future…Together with Urban Extension Leaders . During this time, all Extension professionals are welcome to join the virtual chat as we discuss the strengths and areas for growth in urban Extension, building for success in the future, and working together to advance communications, education, and outreach efforts. A link to...
Blog Post
Virtual Chat: Reimagining Our Future…Together with Urban Extension Leaders
The National Urban Extension Leaders subgroup held its first virtual chat on Friday, May 13 titled, Reimagining Our Future…Together with Urban Extension Leaders. During the 1-hour virtual chat attendees discussed topics on Lessons Learned from the Pandemic , Working in Non-Conventional Spaces , Measuring Impact , and Ten Years from Now . Key highlights from the Lessons Learned from the Pandemic discussion were that it seems like there is are still adjustments as we transition from virtual...
Re: Virtual Chat: Reimagining Our Future…Together with Urban Extension Leaders
Thank you for summarizing this chat. I wanted to but was unable to attend last Friday. We found terrific success with hybrid workshops/webinars in our county, seeing our registrant numbers increase dramatically.
Blog Post
NUEL Professional Development Survey
In 2021, the NUEL Professional Development Action Team continued its focus on enhancing and supporting the professional growth of urban Extension professionals by focusing on opportunities to improve recruiting and retention strategies. The Action Team is excited to expand its understanding of urban Extension professional development needs by administering a new survey to collect data from the 2022 NUEC conference attendees. The survey is similar to one conducted at the 2017 NUEC conference...
Re: Welcome!
@Qing Lana Luo welcome to the group. I'm also a landscape architecture specialist. We should talk!
Blog Post
Facing Racism in a Diverse Nation Train the Trainer Program (Virtual)
Webinar series: August 18, 19, 25 and 26, 2022, 9:00 a.m.-Noon each day Participants are expected to attend all sessions as they build on each other. Cost $100. To register: https://events.anr.msu.edu/FRDN922/ Facing Racism in a Diverse Nation is a dialogue based program that helps participants explore the impacts of racial inequities and the opportunities to help create more inclusive change and approaches forward. This program is based on a dialogue to action process, and through...
Blog Post
USDA Announces Framework for Shoring Up the Food Supply Chain and Transforming the Food System to Be Fairer, More Competitive, More Resilient
Full USDA press release: https://www.usda.gov/media/press-releases/2022/06/01/usda-announces-framework-shoring-food-supply-chain-and-transforming. Goals of USDA’s Food System Transformation framework include: Building a more resilient food supply chain that provides more and better market options for consumers and producers while reducing carbon pollution Creating a fairer food system that combats market dominance and helps producers and consumers gain more power in the marketplace by...
Blog Post
Extension Today: 2022 AEA System-wide Conference
Get ready to position Extension for the next generation Tired of virtual meetings and conferences? Well, you’re in luck! The 2022 Association of Extension Administrators (AEA) System-Wide Conference will be held this year in sunny Orlando, Florida – the City Beautiful! Orlando is known for its scenic landscapes and tourist attractions, but from July 31-August 4, it will be the destination to network with 1890 colleagues and friends! The nation’s events of the past three years taught 1890...
Blog Post
Ohio State University Extension is Hiring
Three Urban Area Leaders Are YOU a highly effective leader? Do you know a great leader? The Ohio State University Extension is looking for three area leaders. We are seeking individuals who are ready to make decisions and want a chance to work with some of the best staff, teams, and top coworkers. An area leader provides overall strategic leadership and perform all administrative functions within the county units by serving as administrative head. Area leader positions are available in...
Blog Post
New study examines potential for recycled water to address irrigation needs
Some new research coming out of King County, WA (Seattle) around using reclaimed water for crop irrigation versus river water for peri-urban farms. "Fresh water availability is a growing concern as snowpack storage and rainfall decrease during our dry summer months. Access to a stable water source is important for farmers who rely on river water during the summer months to irrigate their crops. Yet this use, impacts the habitat of the aquatic life that rely on the river streamflow to survive...
Blog Post
USDA Advances Food System Transformation with $43 Million for Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production, Adds New Urban County Committees
Funding is First Part of $75 Million Investment to Support a Fairer Food System and Expand Access to Nutritious Food WASHINGTON, June 3, 2022 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announces significant investments to support urban agriculture, including $43.1 million for grants and cooperative agreements as well as six new urban county committees to help deliver key USDA programs to urban producers. These actions support USDA’s efforts to strengthen the food supply chain and transform...
Blog Post
Urban poultry can be a polarizing issue
From the most recent NACo County News! How many of your cities have some sort of urban 'livestock' ordancies? I know Settle allows chickens and miniature goats! Urban poultry raising is increasingly popular, but county officials find that a “not-in-your-backyard” attitude often applies. It took years for Charlotte County, Fla., to pass an ordinance allowing backyard chickens, said Shaun Cullinan, the county’s planning and zoning and code enforcement official. “I’ve been with the county for...
Blog Post
Census of Agriculture Response by June 30
Help continue to make urban agriculture the fastest growing segment of agriculture. From the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Extension Directors and Administrators are reminded that the 2022 Census of Agriculture is about people. Every survey response is essential by June 30, 2022 . Ag census data informs policy, research, assistance programs, ag education, community development, and countless more decisions that ultimately affect farms and communities. From cattle...
Blog Post
NUEL Needs Your Input
The National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL) Professional Development Action Team is focused on enhancing and supporting the professional growth of urban Extension professionals by focusing on opportunities to improve recruiting and retention. NUEL is currently seeking input from Extension professionals working in urban and metropolitan communities about their professional development needs and thoughts on how Extension can improve employee recruitment and retention. Please take a few...
Blog Post
FUNDING OPPORTUNITY - Urban, Indoor, and Emerging Agriculture
USDA NIFA has release a Request for Applications for the new Urban, Indoor, and other Emerging Agricultural Production Research, Education and Extension Initiative (UIE). Anticipated available funding: $9,400,000 Average Award: $50,000 - $1,000,000 Letter of Intent Due: July 11, 2022 Full Proposals Due: September 22, 2022 FIND OUT MORE . . . UIE is a NIFA competitive grant program implemented in 2022 to support research, education and extension activities that facilitate development of...
Blog Post
Nicole Debose’s Awards Information: Cuyahoga County Extension Director in Cleveland, OH.
Biography Nicole D. Debose, MPA, MHA Area Leader – OSU Extension, Cuyahoga County Nicole holds a Bachelor of Arts in Urban Planning, Design and Development, a Master’s in Public Administration with a concentration in Nonprofit Management, and a Master’s in Healthcare Administration with a concentration in Informatics. Nicole joined OSU Extension in 2015 as the Cuyahoga County Extension Director in Cleveland, OH. Prior to joining OSU Extension, Nicole worked for Cuyahoga County Health and...
Blog Post
Farm Service Agency Now Accepting Nominations for Farmers and Ranchers to Serve on Local County Committees
WASHINGTON, June 15, 2022 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) is now accepting nominations for county committee members. Elections will occur in certain Local Administrative Areas (LAA) for members. LAAs are elective areas for FSA committees in a single county or multi-county jurisdiction. This may include LAAs that are focused on an urban or suburban area. County committee members make important decisions about how Federal farm programs are administered...
Re: Nicole Debose’s Awards Information: Cuyahoga County Extension Director in Cleveland, OH.
Congratulations, Nicole, on a very well-deserved recognition!
Blog Post
Special Urban Extension Issue of the Journal of Human Sciences and Extension
The latest issue of the Journal of Human Sciences and Extension is now available online (Volume 10, Number 2). To access it, visit JHSE’s website at: Journal of Human Sciences and Extension | Mississippi State University (msstate.edu) This special issue of JHSE focuses on Extension engagement in urban communities. The 35 authors who contributed to this issue represent a range of geographic and programmatic viewpoints. Insights shared in this special issue demonstrate that diversity in our...
Re: Nicole Debose’s Awards Information: Cuyahoga County Extension Director in Cleveland, OH.
Yay Nicole!!
Blog Post
Apply Now! WCMER Fellowship Application Closes 7/31
About Deep Dives, Urban Sabbaticals, and Urban Graduate Fellowships are designed to enhance the impact of Extension, and the broader land-grant university system, in metropolitan communities. Learn more or meet our past fellows at https://metroextension.wsu.edu/fellows/ . Application: Click here Application deadline (11:59 PDT): July 31, 2022: Fellowship Programs DEEP DIVES: Deep Dives were created to spur innovation within Extension, address complex issues facing metropolitan areas, and...
Blog Post
Nebraska Extension hiring Urban Food, Nutrition and Health Educator
Do you have the drive to help others create healthier lifestyles for a higher quality of life? Work in the vibrant growing metropolitan Omaha area as a member of the Nebraska Extension team. We have an excellent opportunity for a full-time faculty position with focus on food, nutrition and health programs and working with the Nutrition Education Program. Review of applications will begin September 26, 2022 and continue until position is filled. To view details of the position and create an...
Blog Post
YOUR HELP NEEDED collecting urban workforce development programs
The Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) Workforce Development Program Action Team (PAT), in partnership with the Extension Foundation, is in the process of developing an Extension network for workforce development. Key to this effort is identifying a point of contact at each land-grant university to learn about Extension's workforce development efforts across the country. This effort will help guide the work of the PAT, will be shared with Extension directors through a...
Re: Nebraska Extension hiring Urban Food, Nutrition and Health Educator
The main motive of these organizations is to hire qualified employers who had experience in urban food and nutrition. The resume writer reviews opportunities for those who are looking for new job platforms and for emerging job opportunities.
Re: Extension Today: 2022 AEA System-wide Conference
This would be a great place to attend if invited 🎃 🎃 🎃 cookie clicker
Blog Post
A New Twist on Urban Agriculture
Check out this article at Turn Your Backyard Into a Snack Yard With Edible Landscapes . Learn how one couple turned their suburban yard into a mini-farm, reimagining the space and installing fruit trees and bushes. Daniel and Sarah Mobley grow many fruits and vegetables, including pomegranates, persimmons, satsumas, peaches, and blueberries.
Re: Extension Today: 2022 AEA System-wide Conference
This is a beautiful place for this winter, I will definitely go there with my friends to play diggy and enjoy the Christmas season here.
Blog Post
A National Framework for Urban Extension
Adopted by the Extension Committee on Policy (ECOP), the National Framework for Urban Extension is the product of NUEL leadership designed to call attention to three primary external shifts influencing Extension's work in urban communities: demographic characteristics community conditions urban-suburban-rural interdependencies In addition to this external perspective, an internal strategic analysis resulted in common themes that have emerged in urban Extension: positioning programs personnel...
Blog Post
The NYSIPM Program is looking for an Extension Specialist in Urban/Community IPM
The New York State Integrated Pest Management Program (NYSIPM, Cornell University) is looking for a Community Integrated Pest Management Associate, with expertise in applied entomology, pest or wildlife management, and/or turfgrass management, to support statewide community pest management programs and to develop an outstanding extension and applied research program in community settings. A portion of time will also be allocated to extension responsibilities that support urban agricultural...
Blog Post
Purdue Extension Urban Agriculture Publication
This publication summarizes the demographic information of urban agriculturalists in Indiana. The data is part of an urban agriculture needs assessment conducted by Purdue Extension. https://mdc.itap.purdue.edu/item.asp?Item_Number=ID-530-W
Blog Post
Urban Professionals Explore Aspects of Culture
The NUEL JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) Action Team hosted its second learning session, Cultural humility, translation, competency: What does it all mean for urban Extension? on March 17. Extension professionals across the country came together to explore these key terms and learn how we can apply them when interacting with community members and colleagues. To help us expand our learning, we were joined by Extension professionals Eduardo Gonzalez, Cornell, Esmerelda...
Blog Post
NIFA Invests $9.4M in Urban Agricultural Production REE Initiative
NIFA has announced funding of more than $9.4 million for 12 projects through the Urban, Indoor, and Other Emerging Agricultural Production Research, Education and Extension Initiative. This initiative provides grants for research, education and Extension work to solve key problems of urban, indoor and emerging agricultural systems. The awardees are: University of Alabama, Birmingham; University of California, Davis; Cornell University; University of Delaware; University of Florida;...
Re: Nicole Debose’s Awards Information: Cuyahoga County Extension Director in Cleveland, OH.
Nicole has been a strong leader in Cuyahoga County, with impact highlights in various areas. tunnel rush
Blog Post
REGISTRATION NOW OPEN: NUEL North-Central Regional Conference in Madison, WI, June 7-9, 2023!
Urban-Serving Extension Professionals in the North-Central Region: Registration is open for the NUEL North-Central Regional Conference in Madison, WI June 7-9, 2023! Please visit the event website to register, access the conference agenda, and make hotel reservations: https://uwmadison.eventsair.com/nuel-2023
Re: Nicole Debose’s Awards Information: Cuyahoga County Extension Director in Cleveland, OH.
I would like to congratulate him on the award he has achieved, and I hope slither io he achieves even more in the years to come.
Re: NIFA Invests $9.4M in Urban Agricultural Production REE Initiative
Proud of the cross university work being done - our local Extension office is a participant in the UAB grant award. Partnerships are essential!
Re: USDA Advances Food System Transformation with $43 Million for Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production, Adds New Urban County Committees
We are thrilled to hear the news of USDA's significant investments to support urban agriculture. This is an excellent step towards promoting sustainable agricultural practices and increasing food access in urban areas. We applaud this effort and look forward to its positive impact on our communities. Food systems must plan their service according to customers feedback thank you Mywawavisit page