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National Urban Extension Leaders

Get engaged with NUEL! The National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL) began in 2013 as a grass-roots effort of a group of passionate and committed urban Extension educators with the mission to advocate and advance the strategic importance and long-term value of urban Extension activities by being relevant locally, responsive statewide, and recognized nationally.

A National Framework for Urban Extension


Adopted by the Extension Committee on Policy (ECOP), the National Framework for Urban Extension is the product of NUEL leadership designed to call attention to three primary external shifts influencing Extension's work in urban communities:

  1. demographic characteristics
  2. community conditions
  3. urban-suburban-rural interdependencies

In addition to this external perspective, an internal strategic analysis resulted in common themes that have emerged in urban

  1. positioning
  2. programs
  3. personnel
  4. partnerships

As urban populations continue to grow, it is increasingly important that the Cooperative Extension System demonstrate impact in U.S. cities.

Check out the full document here:

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This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at

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