Tagged With "climate grant"
Danny Badger
Veronica Fall
Becca Nixon
Youth Climate Curriculum
Have you developed, are you working on, or are you seeking climate curricula for youth? Share it here!
Re: Youth Climate Curriculum
4H Weather and Climate Lab Leader's Guide is now available FREE! https://shop4-h.org/products/4...g-lab-leader-s-guide
Re: Youth Climate Curriculum
I am adapting the program found here: http://www.theresourceinnovati...or-climate-stewards/ I'm building a Ppt. so it can also be delivered virtually.
Re: Youth Climate Curriculum
If you are willing to share let me know. I'm just getting started on a series of classes to be offered to the public through the local Extension Office here in Florida.
Re: Youth Climate Curriculum
The following resources from Purdue might be of interest: - 4-H Weather and Climate Science curriculum, set includes levels 1-3 plus a facilitator's guide ( https://shop4-h.org/products/w...734856042.1617208007 ) - Dynamics of Climate Toolkit prepares educators to understand both the science of climate and climate change and the pedagogy for effectively teaching it ( https://ag.purdue.edu/climate/for-k-12-teachers/#DOC ) - Activities for Conceptualizing Climate and Climate Change,...
Re: Youth Climate Curriculum
I just found this thread and wanted to share the curriculum we released this year. "Sea-Level Rise in the Classroom," a curriculum that helps teachers explore sea-level rise science from the intersection of social and environmental issues, is now available online . In an effort to further support coastal education we will host six teacher workshops along the Gulf of Mexico in spring and summer of 2022! If you are interested in attending an educator workshop, please sign up online .
Re: Youth Climate Curriculum
We helped create a curriculum on soil health with the idea it would be used as a tool for both agriculture adaptation and co2 equivalent reduction (as a mitigation tool) you can find the most recent version at http://soilcarboncoalition.org/learning/Soil_Health_and_Watershed_Function.pdf
Policy and Partnerships Committee description
Extension Policy Committee: Identify, strengthen, and develop new relationships, partnerships, and pathways to leverage and grow current work on climate change; Facilitate compensation of expertise; Encourage land grant universities/administration to support climate programming by identifying or designating state-level Extension specialists/faculty points of contact; Improve willingness to act throughout the system .
Re: Youth Climate Curriculum
I am working on learning Project WET's Climate and Water Resilience's curriculum. It can be accessed here: https://www.projectwet.org/programs/climate
Patti Welander
Beth Wild
Jessica Rudnick
Barbara Abolafia
Re: Youth Climate Curriculum
Lipedema Treatment is a condition that's been puzzling patients and doctors alike for years. It's characterized by a disproportionate accumulation of fat in the legs and sometimes arms, leading to pain, tenderness, and often a significant impact on mobility. This fat isn't like the kind that might appear from a few extra cookies; it's stubborn and doesn't respond to diet or exercise. That's where liposuction comes in as a possible treatment for lipedema.
Re: Youth Climate Curriculum
My friends in New Jersey have established Climate Education standards across the curriculum. If you are working on climate curriculum in your state, you may want to crosswalk these standards with your materials. These standards are some of the first established for educators in the nation. If you're working with educators, standards driven instruction is more apt to be applied if standards are present. https://www.nj.gov/education/standards/
Re: Youth Climate Curriculum
Popular brands that offer girls' rain jackets include Columbia, The North Face, Marmot, and Patagonia. Additionally, you can find a variety of options at department stores, outdoor retailers, and online marketplaces.
Pat Charlebois
N. Samantha Dancil
Sonia Lynn
Benita Litson
Austin Bergstrom
Re: Funding for Community Science
Have you all looked at NSF's Advancing Informal Science Learning grant? Just opened. It's a wonderful opportunity to engage stakeholders in community science and engagement programs. https://new.nsf.gov/funding/op...formal-stem-learning
Jeremy Lewis
Northern Plains Climate Educator - U_WY
The University of Wyoming Extension is excited to share a collaboration with the USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub to hir e an Extension Educator to work on climate resilience of rural, agricultural communities in Wyoming – specifically focused on cropland and rangeland systems. This 3-year position, with statewide responsibilities , is funded through a USDA grant designed to foster collaboration and cooperation between cooperative extension services and USDA Climate Hubs. Click here to view...
Re: Youth Climate Curriculum
In this Curriculum Jams process , a group of UW-Madison Extension colleagues focused on materials that adults can use to facilitate lessons about climate . Their was to identify resources that could support youth in developing greater understanding and agency around the topic of climate. Thought I would share in this space! https://youthdevelopment.exten...iculum-jams/climate/
Amanda Guthrie
Deb Abibou
April Taylor