Tagged With "Elevating and Amplifying Action"
Frank Niepold
JEDI Committee description
Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee: Investigate strategies to engage with marginalized populations to address meaningful and impactful change; Work with other committees on developing resources to educate about and empower allyship in Extension climate justice work; Investigate strategies for shifting away from information exchange and harness knowledge of different world views to build relationships engaging diverse knowledge forms as the foundation for driving action
Re: Beta tester group sessions
We had our kickoff meeting for the NECI Beta Test this afternoon. For those who were not able to attend I am putting the link to the recording here: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/sh...Hwf.qlQ2LmpffXXs-Z3I Passcode:us3=Y=*$ I tried it just now by copying the link above without the passcode and pasting it into my browser. It brought up the recording just fine. Some people had asked for a copy of the PowerPoint slides I had today and I am attaching them here as well.
Re: PD Committee description
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AGING & Climate
Youth & Climate Webinar