Dear National Extension Climate Initiative colleagues,
Mark your calendars for a free professional development opportunity/webinar focusing on climate change communication, helping all of us develop “narratives to engage your communities” by physicist Dr. Rob Davies, Thurs. Sept 2 3:30-5:00pm EST. The webinar is hosted through the National Extension Climate Initiative (NECI). You can learn more about Dr. Davies’ work via a past lecture at:
“Tipping Points”
In the words of Winston Churchill, “The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays is coming to its close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences…” From this moment forward our nation, indeed all nations, will be engaged in a full court press to halt further disruptions to Earth’s climate system as rapidly as possible. We need messengers. With its reach into every one of our nation’s 3,031 counties, Extension is poised to play an outsize role in moving us to the “all hands on deck” posture that we must achieve. To fill this role for their clients, extension professionals need a firm grasp of the challenge; the scale of risk, the scale of response, and the context into which all of this fits. This will be our topic. I’ll discuss how I approach this story, and get all of you thinking about the narratives you will develop to engage your communities.
Trained as a physicist, Dr. Davies’ work focuses on complexity, global change, human vibrancy, and critical science communication. Rob has delivered hundreds of public lectures ― to policymakers, business leaders, civic organizations and faith communities ― and his “performance science” theatrical collaboration The Crossroads Project | Rising Tide, co-created with the Fry Street Quartet, has been performed across the U.S. and in three countries. He has served as a scientific liaison for NASA; as a project scientist with Utah State University’s Space Dynamics Laboratory; and an officer and meteorologist in the United States Air Force. Dr. Davies has served on the faculty of three universities, is a past Associate of the Utah Climate Center, and is currently Associate Professor of Professional Practice with Utah State University, where he holds a joint appointment in the Dep’t of Physics, USU’s Ecology Center, and the Caine College of the Arts.
Join Thurs. Sept 2 3:30-5:00pm EST Zoom Meeting at:
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