A reminder that our next monthly NECI member meeting is today May 6 at 3:30pm ET and we hope you can join us to share and catch up on all of the exciting climate news, events, professional development, collaboration, and funding opportunities.
Today’s agenda will focus on April’s 3-Day Extension Climate Action Forum and specifically the outcomes from Day 3 when we began identifying specific items and priorities for moving climate Extension action forward: critical goals are to elevate, amplify, and accelerate climate action.
NECI monthly meeting: Thur. May 6 3:30PM ET
and/or (253) 215-8782 Meeting ID: 950 2663 8335
- Welcome and Introductions
- Announcements and News from Steering Committee and All Members
- Climate Action Forum Debrief, Products, Next Steps
- Top Action Items as basis for NECI Strategic Plan
- Discussion of Immediate Next Steps, NECI subcommittees, Roles, Responsibilities, Commitments
- Other Business / Announcements
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