The next National Extension Climate Initiative (NECI) professional development webinar will be February 5th, at 3 pm Eastern/2pm Central/1pm Mountain and noon Pacific time.
Duane Friend, Climate Specialist with University of Illinois Extension, collaborated with several faculty, curriculum creators, and animation specialists to create a short course called "Integrating Climate into Extension Programming." The course is for Extension educators, advisors and specialists who would like to incorporate climate into existing programming. Information on climate science, communication, and interactive scenarios are included. This presentation will cover why the course was developed, aspects of the course, and comments from those that have already completed the course.
Duane Friend has been in the Climate Specialist position since 2022 and is the first to have a designated climate role in Illinois Extension. Prior to this position, Duane was an educator in natural resources, focusing on soils, weather/climate, and water issues.
Join the webinar using this Zoom link:
Feel free to share with your networks. We hope to see you in February!
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