Tagged With "Southern Ag Exchange Network"
Blog Post
Save the date! Western Region Mental Health and Nutrition Network Conference
The Western Region Mental Health and Nurition Network is convening a inaugural mental health and nutrition Conference and Workshop on October 17-19, 2023 athe University of Nevada in Las Vegas. For more details. Please visit: https://www.wrmhnn.org/
Blog Post
Identity- Based Trauma (Lockett;Siegel)
The author James Baldwin states that “an identity is questioned only when it is menaced, as when the mighty begin to fall, or when the wretched begin to rise, or when the stranger enters the gates, never, after that, to be a stranger: the stranger’s presence making you the stranger, less to the stranger than to yourself” (Baldwin, 1976 p.537). The quote by Baldwin emphasizes the importance for people to be cognizant and confident of their distinctiveness and the multiplicity of identities...
Blog Post
September is National Suicide Prevention Month
(Note: Today I’ll be talking about suicide, which can be a really painful topic. I’ll be focusing on suicide prevention.) September is National Suicide Prevention Month. Prevention means doing something before the crisis happens. We’ve talked about all sorts of ways to manage stress and be SAFER ( S leep, be A ware of your stress levels, F ocus on positives and gratitude, E at well and drink water, R each out to talk to someone)—these are all ways to reduce the risk of emotional distress and...
Blog Post
Sowing Support for Agricultural Stress
Last month I had the opportunity to do a webinar for the Southern Ag Exchange Network on infusing stress education and stress management content in a range of agricultural settings. They recently posted the video, and I thought it might be useful to some folks. Sowing Support: Folding Stress Management Awareness into Agricultural Spaces . Southern Ag Exchange Network, North Carolina State University. Virtual. ...
Blog Post
Engaging the Mental Health and Wellbeing Community of Practice at NHOC
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Community of Practice (MHWB CoP) had a significant presence at the 2024 National Health Outreach Conference (NHOC) in Greenville, NC, held from May 13-15. Both presentations submitted were accepted and received strong engagement at the conference. A team comprising Jennifer Park-Mroch, Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin Madison), Bobbie Jo Bensaid, M.A. (Mississippi State University), and Calandra Lindstadt, Ph.D. (Colorado State University), with assistance from...