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Ask Extension Experts

This is a group of Extension professionals and master volunteers who serve as "experts" in eXtension's "Ask Extension" system. This group will be used as a means of posting news about Ask Extension, as well as a way for the experts to share information with each other. It is a forum meant to supplement the information available at

Forum Topics

Dashboard "Response Time"

· 1 reply FM
What is the Response Time in the Dashboard? The explanation isn't clear to me. Is this the number of hours I was signed in while answering questions? "Shows an average response time by an Expert, in hours, to question correspondence."Read More...

What is CSGO Launch options

· 3 replies FM FM FM
Players can use game launch options to change game settings before running the game. Launch options allow the user to supersede the inner settings of the game. That is an effective manner to recover from incompatible video settings and troubleshooting a wide range of issues. (It is a must if you are using a 144hz monitor or have an eight-core CPU.) How To Set CSGO Launch Options Right-click on the game title under the Library in Steam and select Properties. Under the General tab, click the...Read More...
Mark Locklear

Updates on 8Sept21

· 1 reply FM
The following updates were deployed on 8 Sept. 21 *Added a plugin that allows admins to add a banner with a message to the homepage *Overdue question reminders are now resent every day *The collaborator feature now allows experts (instead of questionaskers) to be added *Collaborators are now notified on internal notes *A watch button has been added to questions to allow experts to quickly add themselves as a collaborator *The icon for 'edit tags' on questions has been changed to be unique...Read More...
Mark Locklear

Updates on 22July21

· 1 reply FM
The following updates were deployed on 22July21: *Expert and Client login screens now have some additional validation *Ensures that the widget won't allow the user to start writing a question if the site is down *Additionally, it does a check when submitting the question and if the question isn't successfully submitted to the site then it warns the user. *Removed references to 'Organizations' *Question tags are now shown in the question details *Experts can now click a tag from the question...Read More...
Mark Locklear

System is down

· 3 replies FM FM FM
Good morning all. We are having an issue with Ask Extension early this morning and have taken the system offline. Our engineers are looking into the issue and I will send an update when we know more. We apologise for the inconvenience.Read More...
Mark Locklear

Increased overdue time for questions

· 3 replies FM FM FM
On June 21 we increased the overdue timeframe from two business days to three business days for questions to give experts more time to respond. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know at .Read More...
Mark Locklear

Updates on 18 Jun 21

· 3 replies FM FM FM
*Fixed the spelling of Extension *Added an option to email group leads when a question is overdue *Made it so users autocomplete won't change a fixed location on the widget *Added the new analytics setup *Disabled groups should no longer show in reassignment search *Fixed the white error box when trying to reassign a question with no group *Removed the 'create user' button on the expert panelRead More...

Export list of ppl marked "on vacation"?

· 7 replies FM FM FM FM FM
Hi, It looks like we have a lot of people marked “on vacation” at ND State in Ask . I’m assuming it’s because they haven’t gone in to uncheck “on vacation” with the new system. Is there anyway to export this list of emails so I can reach out to them individually vs. just a blanket email to everyone in our org? Thanks!Read More...
Mark Locklear

Updates on 20Apr21

· 2 replies FM FM
-Experts should now be able to reopen a closed question if they have editing permission - Standardized language about inactive experts ('Retired' vs 'Locked'/'Disabled') - Added the ability for experts to reassign a question to their own group in order to reassign the question to a new expert - Reopened questions are now reassigned to the original expert, additionally that expert will always receive a notification that there's a new response (even if they're on vacation)Read More...
Mark Locklear

Updates on 9Apr21

· 1 reply FM
The Ask Extension production server has been updated with the following fixes: Counties that had been missing from the widget should be visible again Expert's vacation status should now be visible from the directory Note notification emails should now go out to the assigned expert You can now see if a question is locked from the queueRead More...


Ask an Expert becoming Ask Extension

Earlier this year, eXtension announced the transition of Ask an Expert ( ) to a new platform we are calling Ask Extension ( ). The migration of questions and accounts began in September and this process will be complete February 1, 2021. What will happen February 1? All question submissions will switch to Ask Extension. The web form that allows people to submit questions to Ask an Expert will be shut down. To continue to receive and answer questions, you...

Auto-Assign Setting

Those who viewed our How-To videos a few weeks ago may have missed some changes posted next to their respective videos. Related to managing your profile, there is a new auto-assign setting not reflected in the screencast. When questions are submitted to your group, they are auto-assigned on a round-robin basis to available experts within the group. Some groups prefer that all questions go to an internal "question wrangler" who will then reassign them to other appropriate experts within the...


About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
