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Learning Opportunities

Interest in Understanding Ecosystem Service Values by Conservation Professionals in the Northeastern US

A multi-state survey was implemented in December 2018 to assess the information needs of natural resource conservation professionals regarding the value of land conservation in their community. Findings reveal that most respondents do not have the information needed to incorporate ecosystem service values into planning and decision-making. There is opportunity for extension services to deliver economic information and training that can advance the management of conserved lands. Read the full...

Using Data to Understand the Community You Serve

Are you or would you like to be using data in your work to understand and improve the communities you serve? Do you want to know more about about the opportunities you have to make data-driven decisions for your constituents' well-being, and to monitor your community's progress? Are you interested in sharing your experiences and needs with other Extension professionals? If so, join us for a virtual chat on Thursday, December 10, 2020, from 1pm to 2pm EST . Our team is preparing an eFieldBook...

Let’s Talk GMOs: A New Online Course from UConn CAHNR

Are you confused or do you have questions about GMOs? Do you feel inadequate when discussing GMOs? Are you given opposing information of GMOs and not sure what is right? Do you wonder how the misinformation about GMOs spreads like a wildfire? UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources is offering a new online course, Let’s Talk GMOs: Creating Consistent Communication Messages . This course introduces participants to the basics of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). They...

Practicing Connection in a Complex World: VUCA and VUCA Prime

In this episode , Karen Pedersen , Dean for Global Campus at Kansas State University, talks about how the VUCA framework (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) has helped her better understand the world, and how the VUCA Prime framework (vision, understanding, clarity, and agility) has helped her lead in and respond to a VUCA world. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts (iTunes), Google Podcasts , or Stitcher , or listen on our website .

Practicing Connection in a Complex World: Working Out Loud

In this episode , hosts Jessica Beckendorf and Bob Bertsch explore john Stepper’s Working Out Loud framework in the context of building relationships for resilience. Jessica and Bob discuss five elements of Working Out Loud: purposeful discovery, relationships, generosity, visible work, and growth mindset. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts (iTunes), Google Podcasts , or Stitcher , or you can listen on our website .

Farm Biosecurity Education Goes Virtual with Discovery Learning Series

A new virtual learning experience is helping youth in agriculture discover biosecurity, the preventative measures that protect farm animals from the spread of infectious diseases. The Healthy Farms Healthy Agriculture (HFHA) Project’s Biosecurity Learning Module Series is for students in grades 6 to 12, FFA and 4-H participants, college students studying animal science, and other agriculturally related youth groups.

ICYMI: Healthy Eating, Social Media, & Lower Income Communities – A Research Review

Yesterday, we hosted a webinar led by Jessica Larson - Public Affairs Specialist, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, U.S. Department of Agriculture. She provided a research review that offered insights on how various SNAP-eligible audiences use social media channels, particularly when it comes to health and healthy eating. Participants had a chance to find out which platforms are preferred by different lower income populations to more effectively communicate healthy eating messages...

ICYMI- Asynchronous Programs

Nearly five dozen Cooperative Extension professionals from across the nation gathered to discuss asynchronous programs an d how we are making our formerly face-to-face programs available to clientele who want to learn on their own time not necessarily at the same time as everyone else like a webinar. We and our clientele are busier than ever and often cannot participate in synchronous events, so in order to reach them, we need to turn to provide programs asynchronously. As per the chat, most...

Live Stream at 2 PM ET! Healthy Eating, Social Media, & Lower Income Communities – A Research Review

Live Stream Available Here in Connect Extension Gain research insights on how various SNAP-eligible audiences use social media channels, particularly when it comes to health and healthy eating. Find out which platforms are preferred by different lower income populations to more effectively communicate healthy eating messages using social media. Presenters: Jackie Haven/Deputy Administrator, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, U.S. Department of Agriculture Jackie Haven oversees USDA’s...

1 PM ET Today! Connect Extension Chat - Asynchronous Programs

Click Here on August 27th at 1 PM ET to Join the Virtual Chat Each month, the eXtension Foundation will host a virtual chat here on Connect Extension, available to all Cooperative Extension professionals. The purpose of these short virtual chats is to highlight best practices and innovation throughout Cooperative Extension. Each session will be a different topic area. For August 27, 2020, we will be discussing Asynchronous Programs and how we are making our formally face-to-face programs...

Live Stream Today at 3 PM ET! Wrapping Up the Pollinator Stewardship Pilot Program: Outcomes, Metrics & Next Best Steps

Join us here in Connect Extension for a live stream of today's webinar! The Prairie View A&M University Pollinator Pilot has come to a close. Join us to find out how the campaign helped PVAMU's Cooperative Extension Program reach new audience members via radio, digital and social media outreach initiatives. Joining me will be Adam Winters, Chief Innovation Officer for Land.US and creator of, as well as Erica Overfelt and Braden Kobeski, Social Media and Engagement Officers...

10 Leadership Theories

"There's nothing so practical as a good theory." - Dr. Kurt Lewin To fully understand where we are on our leadership journey it's important to see how far we've come in our thinking about leadership. Here are 10 of the most common leadership theories... 1. The Great Man Theory (1840s) -The thought that Great Leaders are born...not developed. 2. The Trait Theory of Leadership (1930s - 1940s) -The thought that there are ideal characteristics for Leaders. 3. The Skills Theory of Leadership...

Virtual National Tribal & Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC) 9/14-17/2020

Registration is now open for ITEP’s Virtual National Tribal & Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC) and there is no cost for attendance. Join us to listen and hear from various partners who will be joining us to share their knowledge and stories about the work they are doing to address the climate crisis occurring in our communities. We are so honored to feature many amazing speakers including our warriors, Winona LaDuke of Honor the Earth and Xiuhtezcatl Martinez of Earth Guardians ,...

ICYMI: Conducting Market Research for Extension Programs: Nebraska Extension's Weather Ready Farms

Last week, we had the opportunity to sit down with a wonderful team that has been working as one of eXtension's New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) projects for 2019-2020. The Weather Ready Farms program comes from Nebraska Extension and as an NTAE project, it received direct support from a third-party marketing firm specializing in agriculture to conduct market research into the target audience and create a marketing & communication plan. Our webinar last week included: Ashley...


About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
