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How Practicing Connection Can Cultivate Food Security Collaborations

Like many of the issues that impact our families and communities, food security is complex. There are multiple factors that affect the issue, including economic, social, environmental and political factors. Interrelated issues like poverty, healthcare, and climate change make food security even more complex. Complex issues can only be addressed from multiple perspectives and by a wide range of people and organizations. Obach and their collaborators write, “Building networks allows for...

Helping Military Families Inflation-Proof Their Budget

For over two years, U.S. inflation rates have exceeded their long-term average of about 3%. Like all Americans, military families have experienced a loss of purchasing power as their income cannot buy as much as it did previously. Individuals cannot stop inflation but they can mitigate its impact. Below are six inflation-fighting strategies for Extension professionals to discuss with Service members: Needs Versus Wants Analysis - During inflationary times, it is more important than ever to...

University of New Hampshire Extension seeks State Specialist, Economic Development

The Extension Economic Development State Specialist is an academic (non-tenure track) professional with primary responsibility to develop educational resources and programs for communities and the state that serve the economic development mission of the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and Cooperative Extension. The successful candidate will have a demonstrated knowledge of, and experience with, local and regional economic development, including economic analysis for supporting community...

June Check in: Recap of this Year's Program Center Stage Webinars!

Cooperative Extension implements community-driven impactful programming across the system. To showcase these programs, the Extension Foundation hosts a monthly series called Program Center Stage , which invites Extension teams from diverse areas to spotlight their programs and project methods, strategies, and impacts. This series serves as a platform for Extension professionals and partners to connect with these programs, gain insights and explore opportunities for collaboration or program...

Announcing the Physical Activity Guidelines Midcourse Report on Older Adults!

Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Midcourse Report: Implementation Strategies for Older Adults (Midcourse Report). The Midcourse Report is a guide to help policy makers; exercise and health professionals; health care providers; gerontologists; built environment professionals; local, state, territorial, and tribal leaders; and others working with older adults implement strategies to support physical activity...

Coaching or Mentoring?

Not that many years ago it wasn't very cool to have a coach for personal development. It was seen as somewhat of a weakness if you sought out a coach for help. Today, it's different. You want to learn and grow because you're after increased effectiveness. It's cool to have a coach. On the other hand, mentors have been a big part of personal and professional networks throughout our lives. These relationships continue to be a vital part of our development and the quality of our lives. Mentors...

FALCON 2023 Annual Conference registration is now Open. Please Register Now!

Register Now! Dear 1994 Land-grant Colleagues and FALCON members, The First Americans Land-Grant Consortium (FALCON) is pleased to announce that registration is now open for its 19 th Annual Conference, scheduled for October 13-15, 2023, at the Hilton Denver City Center, Denver, Colorado. Please register for the conference now. As always, the conference will include sessions in 1994 land-grant teaching, extension programs and research that benefit Native American students, communities,...

FREE Webinar Series!

The Association for Continuing Higher Education ( ACHE ) is hosting a 5 session summer webinar series. Everyone is welcome at these free events! To find out more on the topics and to register, click HERE ! If you have any questions or curiosities please send them to: Have a great summer! *For more information on Extension Foundation member offerings in Leadership & Team Development click HERE !

EXCITE Launches Implementation Phase for 33 Immunization Education Projects/37 Land-grant Universities

Cooperative Extension has been given the opportunity to continue immunization education work through the Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE). The Extension Foundation, in cooperation with the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP), through an Interagency Agreement with the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are funding the Cooperative Extension System to increase...

USDA Announces Funding for 33 Institutions for $262.5M Investment through NEXTGEN Opportunity

The Extension Foundation (EXF) was awarded by USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) in the Fall of 2022 to serve as the Technical Service Provider for the NEXTGEN Funding Opportunity. According to USDA-NIFA, “...the National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s (NIFA) ‘ From Learning to Leading: Cultivating the Next Generation of Diverse Food and Agriculture Professionals Program ’ (NextGen) will enable eligible institutions, from New York to the Northern Mariana Islands, to...

Serving with Pride: The History and Impact of LGBTQ+ Military Service Members

By Dr. Tiffany Lange, Psy.D. (she/her/hers) LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, and related identities) people have existed throughout history (e.g., two-spirit in Native American cultures) and are present in every aspect of society – they are the people we know, the people we love, and even the people who serve in our military. In the United States (U.S.), less than 1% of the population volunteer to serve in the armed forces and there are often assumptions about...

Who's responsible?

Becoming the leader we want to be requires consistent personal commitment. The environment also matters, especially where we spend the most work. With the combination of personal growth and organizational support, we can rise with leadership challenges throughout our professional lives. Personal Responsibility Improving your leadership skills on your own is a daunting task at the least. Actually, we don't really do it on our own, we have help from a ton of different sources. Our...

Strategies and Tools for Effective Program Evaluation from the Extension Foundation

The Extension Foundation offers a variety of resources that can help Extension professionals develop strategies and utilize new tools for program evaluation, data collection, and stakeholder engagement. On Connect you can find videos and publications that highlight and present various evaluation methods, data collection techniques and tips, and effective evaluation approaches. Resources include webinars on qualitative research, data analysis, survey strategies, and multiple tools for...

Social Determinants of Health for Military Families in Transition

By: Jenny Rea, Ph.D. , Edited by Anna Peterson Arizona is home to 500,000+ service members, veterans, and their families. I recently had the opportunity to attend the Arizona Coalition for Military Families’ 13th Annual Statewide Symposium in Phoenix, Arizona. This annual event is Arizona’s only conference that brings together the military, government, and community. The symposium focuses on strengthening services and support for Arizona’s military-connected population. As Extension...


About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
