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August 2023

Feedback Requested - Journal of Extension Job Board Service

The Journal of Extension (JOE), the official refereed journal of the U.S. Cooperative Extension System, is seeking input from its partners on its Job Board Service at . This fee-based service is available to those wishing to promote Extension job openings on the JOE website. Revenue received from this service helps support the production of the Journal of Extension . The feedback received will be used to make improvements to the service. Even if you have not used the service in...

Urban and Innovative Agriculture 101: USDA and Local Food Systems - A Spotlight on Philly

For those interested, OUAIP will be hosting the next installment of our Urban and Innovative Agriculture 101 webinar series on September 6, 2023, from 1-2:30PM EST. We will be spotlighting the local and regional food system around Philadelphia and some of the ways USDA is supporting food system transformation. The work in Philly can serve as a model for other communities around the country. The webinar starts at 1PM, but the lobby will open for panelists and speakers at 12:30. Register in...

The #1 clue of dysfunction

In some leadership sessions recently we asked the participants what they were experiencing that might be holding back their teams. Without much hesitation, they said there was something keeping them stuck. Keeping them from collaborating the way they hoped. It's probably not what you expect. They said it was not asking for help . Seriously? Yes! This one thing reveals a number of things that work against effective collaboration. Here are two... Fear exists Poor psychological safety Fear is...

University of Arizona - ANR Assistant/Associate Agent - Pima County (Tucson)

This continuing eligible Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) Assistant/Associate Extension Agent position will work with a dynamic team of professionals developing and delivering community outreach programs that provide research-based, objective informal agriculture and natural resources education in Pima County, Arizona. The primary focus of the position will be to develop and deliver education and assistance to small-scale and urban growers in Pima County, Arizona. In addition, the...

Balancing Your Mental Health to Better Serve Others

As September approaches we want to recognize Suicide Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about suicide prevention, promoting understanding of mental health challenges, and fostering conversations that can save lives. Mark your calendar for 11:00 AM ET on September 27, 2023 and plan to attend OneOp’s professional development opportunity focused on balancing our mental health to better service others. To learn more, go to: Balancing Your Mental Health . Providers, whether...

Job Opening: Extension Educator, High Obesity Program - Multi County, Oklahoma State University

The scope of work for the HOP Extension Educator is 100% on the CDC HOP project. Responsibilities include working with community partners to address health disparities related to poor nutrition, physical activity, and obesity using policy, systems and environmental changes to promote food and nutrition security and safe and accessible physical activity in community and early care and education settings. Four positions are available in four different counties in Eastern Oklahoma...

Funding Opp: USDA Seeks Partner to Evaluate Impact of Food Supply Chain Funding

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development today announced that it is inviting proposals to evaluate the impact of the agency’s grant and loan programs on regional food supply chains . The agency is making $750,000 available to measure how well USDA Rural Development programs are creating market opportunities for small- and mid-sized farmers and independent agricultural businesses throughout the food supply chain. In 2022, the Biden-Harris Administration and USDA...

Job Opening: State 4-H Program Leader at Iowa State University

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is seeking an exceptional individual to lead its 4-H Youth Development program to enhance the impact of ISU on the lives of Iowa youth. The Program Leader provides strategic leadership and administrative management for the 4-H Youth Development program. Specifically, this person provides motivation, strategy, vision, and coordination for the development and delivery of 4-H Youth Development Extension programs that address the diverse needs in Iowa...

Promoting Physical, Mental, and Emotional Wellness for Military Families

Written by: Jason Jowers, MS, MFT The end of another summer is upon us. Families have geared up for back-to-school season and that means reestablishing routines that will last through the upcoming school year. With families getting back into the swing of things, it’s important to remember to prioritize self-care and wellness practices so as not to get overwhelmed with a jam-packed schedule. Incorporating health and wellness practices can help reduce the stress that military families...

Coaching 101

If you're after self-improvement at all you've probably sought out a coach. These days it's cool to have a coach. Whatever your goal, great progress can be made with a coach. What about when someone asks you for help? Or you're in a role that requires you to guide others? What will your approach be? What will your style be? For me, it's helpful to start from the beginning, perhaps it will help you too as you consider how to bring the best version of yourself to the role of coach. I'm just...

UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND: Tenure Track Extension Agent Position

Extension Colleagues, Please take a moment to consider this exciting opportunity, and feel free to share it with others who wouldn't mind moving to the East Coast! About an hour from Washington, DC. University of Maryland Extension is seeking to hire a Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Educator to fill the Agent position in St. Mary’s County. The home office is located in Leonardtown, Maryland, and provides programming to the Southern Maryland Cluster, which includes Calvert, Charles, and...

Job Opening: Extension Evaluation Specialist

We're hiring an Extension Evaluation Specialist. Join our team and advance the field of program evaluation by designing and testing methods that lead to improved capacity to measure outcomes of UConn Extension programs. The Specialist designs and delivers education programs and non-credit courses for UConn Extension faculty, staff, and administrators to increase their capacity to evaluate programs aligned with the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources strategic vision and...

Increasing Physical Activity in Older Adults: Implementation Strategies for Older Adults Webinar Recap

The Extension Foundation recently hosted an webinar with the HHS to discuss and summarize key strategies to increase physical activity among older adults! Leading this webinar were Bianca Macias and Malorie Polster, representatives from the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion to relay the results of the Midcourse report. The focus of the webinar was a review of the "Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Midcourse Report: Implementation Strategies for Older Adults," along...

Success from Extension Foundation’s New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) Program Accelerator: North Carolina State University Juntos Program Awarded $7.8 Million from USDA-NIFA

The Juntos Program from North Carolina State University was competitively selected in 2020 as a recipient of the Extension Foundation’s New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) award and received it for a second time in 2021. The program was served by Extension Foundation staff including its key informants, and was assigned Dr. Scott Reed as the catalyst/coach for the Juntos Program during their two-year partnership with the Extension Foundation. NTAE is a grant from USDA-NIFA in partnership...

Normalizing the Conversation: Mental Health

By: Sara Croymans adapted by Anna Peterson Part 1 of this blog post introduced the topic of military mental health and suicide and provided a variety of resources. To learn more, go back and read the blog post here . Many Service members and veterans with mental health needs are not seeking treatment for mental health care. One study found that more than 60% of veterans of the Iraq war that screened positive for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), generalized anxiety, or depression did...


About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
