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May 2023

Get to know the Move Your Way campaign!

In 2018, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) created the Move Your Way® campaign to promote the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans . Now ODPHP has created the Get to Know the Move Your Way Campaign video to provide helpful information about Move Your Way and how community organizations can use it. The new video outlines the guiding principles of the campaign, shares the Move Your Way...

USDA Studies Determine that the Way We Treat Our Land Impacts Water Availability

Studies by USDA Agricultural Research Service Determine that the Way We Treat Our Land Impacts Water Availability Media Contact : What impact, if any, do farming and ranching practices have on how much water is available downstream? That was the question scientists at the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Agroclimate and Hydraulic Engineering Research Unit in El Reno, Oklahoma, set out to answer in a series of studies conducted in Central and Western Oklahoma.

New Video: Get to Know the Move Your Way Campaign!

Posted May 25, 2023 by ODPHP In 2018, ODPHP created the Move Your Way® campaign to promote the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans . Now we’ve created the Get to Know the Move Your Way Campaign video to provide helpful information about Move Your Way and how community organizations can use it. The new video outlines the guiding principles of the campaign, shares the Move Your Way resources available to organizations, and includes testimonials from 3 community...

Dam Safety Awareness Day: How Does a Changing Climate Impact Dams? USDA Scientists are Looking for Answers

How Does a Changing Climate Impact Dams? The Agriculture Research Service is Looking for the Answers Media contact : How do the extreme weather changes resulting from climate change impact the condition of our nation’s aging dams? Do sudden shifts from extreme precipitation events to flash droughts put this infrastructure at risk? These are the types of questions researchers like Dr. Sherry Hunt, a research leader and acting location coordinator at the USDA...

Summit Panel Discussion: From Good To Great

The NTAE Incubation Summit provided attendees with valuable insights and discussions for NTAE teams currently going through the incubation track. This event was an opportunity for teams to collaborate and receive support to help propel them forward in their projects. Participants had the opportunity to learn from speakers, engage with mentors and professionals, and share their own experiences and projects. One of the panel discussions at the Summit was "Ways to Take Your Work from Good to...

Memorial Day

The "unofficial" start of summer begins on the last weekend in May. It begins with reflection. It begins with gratitude. Gratitude for those who lost their lives serving our nation. It's a different pause for reflection. Each November 11 we set aside for Veteran's Day. This day is for ALL who have served in our military. In peace or at war. Living or deceased. Memorial Day is about those who have given everything. In this letter, President Lincoln captures the sacrifice & loss of loved...

Virginia Cooperative Extension EXCITE Team Recognized with National Immunization Excellence Award!

Congratulations to the Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) EXCITE team for receiving the National Immunization Excellence Award for "Immunization Neighborhood Champion" at the National Adult Immunization Summit! This award acknowledges their outstanding efforts in fostering collaboration and communication among immunization stakeholders within their community. They exemplify Extension's role as a partner in immunization education and public health. The Virginia EXCITE team was nominated for...

New Event! AI Basics for Extension: Intro to Using AI

AI Basics for Extension: Intro to Using AI June 1st, 2023 2:00 - 3:30 PM ET Register Here If you are new you new to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and wondering how it can enhance your work? Intrigued by the buzz of AI but don't know where to start? This special session for Extension Professionals will explore the basics of Artificial Intelligence and its potential use in Extension work. This engaging and informative session is a great opportunity to learn about the potential of AI, whether...

Beliefs on the Leadership Journey

Getting clear with ourselves about our beliefs helps connect us to our core values. They will shift over our lives so it's a constant journey of discovery. Here are some things to ponder as you check in on your journey. Your Leadership Philosophy Defining what the huge topic of leadership is to you is of utmost importance. It helps us get clear on our approach, communicate it to others, and measure how we're doing every day. Here's mine right now... It's realizing it's not about me &...

Job Posting - University of Kentucky Area Extension Director

The University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service is currently accepting applications for the Area Extension Director for Central 7 and Central 8. This position provides county-focused leadership and administrative oversight for eight counties located in Northern Kentucky (Boone, Campbell, Carroll, Gallatin, Grant, Kenton, Owen, and Pendleton). Responsibilities include direct supervision of agents and support staff, as well as indirect supervision of additional county-level positions.

Extension Foundation National Professional Development Needs Assessment

We invite you to participate in a survey to identify professional development needs for Cooperative Extension professionals at 1862, 1890, and 1994 Land-grant universities in the US and US territories. We estimate the survey will take roughly 10 minutes to complete. Findings from this survey will be used to determine the future direction for the Extension Foundation as well as being shared widely across all Cooperative Extension organizations. We ask that you please complete the survey by...

2 Leadership Styles

Recently our family was at a party of mutual school parent friends. Had a conversation with one of the Dads about "what we do". This led to him sharing a bit about where he works and their culture. He said they are highly transactional in how they approach almost everything. Curious, I inquired how he felt about their approach. He stated that for his industry it was probably appropriate, then added that it didn't always feel very good. We had a great conversation about his experience and the...

Three Ways Service Providers Can Expand Food Security in Their Communities

In 2021, 33.8 million people living in the United States were food insecure (Weeks et al, 2023). Food security is defined by the USDA as, “Access at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members” (OPA). Frequent relocations, barriers to spousal employment, and the Basic Allowance for Housing being factored into SNAP eligibility compounds the issue of food security for military families. As a result, one in four service members currently experience food...

Mental Health First Aid Summit- #BeThe1in15 during Mental Health Awareness month this May

Have you taken a first aid class or been trained in CPR? What about Mental Health Frist Aid? Mental Health First Aid is a course that teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. We were fortunate enough to attend the Mental Health First Aid Summit in LA on May 1 st . We spent the day learning from our peers about the importance of mental health and how we can bring the MHFA program to every corner of the country and the world.

Extension Foundation National Professional Development Needs Assessment

The Extension Foundation invites Cooperative Extension to participate in a survey to identify professional development needs for Cooperative Extension professionals at 1862, 1890, and 1994 Land-grant universities in the US and US territories. We estimate the survey will take roughly 10 minutes to complete. Findings from this survey will be used to determine future direction for the Extension Foundation as well as being shared widely across all Cooperative Extension organizations. Please use...


About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
