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November 2023

How to Support Attachment and Child Well-Being, Even in Times of Change and Transition

Written by Summer Jones, ZERO TO THREE Between birth and age 3, a child’s brain develops one million neural connections per second (Center on the Developing Child, 2007). These connections are built through repeated experiences with their caregivers. Babies are born wired for connection, instinctively drawing responses from their caregivers that help strengthen the bond between them (Sullivan et al., 2011). The building of this bond, or attachment, is a two-way street between baby and their...

Juntos Webinar on Spanglish for Professionals December 12th

The Juntos Program will host Dr. Jim Michnowicz, Head of the Department of World Languages and Cultures and Professor of Hispanic Linguistics at NC State University. Jim will share some knowledge with us regarding Spanish Perceptions in the US. This engaging call will focus on Spanglish and what this bilingual mode of communication means for our Hispanic communities. We will first define "Spanglish", and then examine why and how speakers mix languages. We will highlight some reasons why...

Mental Resilience

Thought you might enjoy a Yogi Berra quote to start... "Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical." Too funny and makes a great point. Life is a constant mental challenge. And we know, heaven or hell, it's between our ears. As you ponder what it will take for you to become more mentally resilient, here are some things to consider. "I don't count my sit-ups; I only start counting when it starts hurting because they're the only ones that count." -Muhammad Ali When the going gets...

Webinar for Cooperative Extension Professionals: 22007 Discrimination Financial Assistance Program Overview

November 29th, 2023 2-3 PM ET/1-2 CT/12-1 MT/11-12 PT Register Here: The Extension Foundation is hosting a webinar that will feature senior officials from USDA, along with third-party program vendors, to discuss the Discrimination Financial Assistance Program (DFAP) . Because of Cooperative Extension’s proximity to farmers at the local level, this webinar will share important DFAP information ahead of the application deadline, January 13, 2024. The...

Extension Foundation Releases Three New Publications

The Extension Foundation has added three new titles to its publications library. These brief publications - written as magazine-style feature stories - share project work funded through the New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) program , a cooperative agreement between USDA NIFA, Oklahoma State University, and the Extension Foundation. NATE's goal is to incubate, accelerate, and expand promising work that will increase the impact of the Cooperative Extension System (CES) in the...


The hardest part of leadership development is behavior change. It's hard, not impossible. Haven't met a single person who isn't capable of interpersonal behavior change. We all can do it! Step #1 is awareness. If we're not aware we can't put efforts in place to make meaningful growth happen. Feedback is the breakfast of Champions! Step #2 is don't be so hard on yourself. We will all mess up. Great leadership is allowing people to fail but not allowing them to feel like a failure along the...

Application Deadline Extended for 12 Coordinator Positions – AgriProspects Workforce Development Network

Summary NEW Application Due Date: November 17th, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET. Application Link: Positions Available: AgriProspects Regional Network Coordinators, AgriProspects Regional Content Coordinators Time Frame: This is a five-year grant project. Support for each position is a flat $25,000 per year beginning on or about January 1, 2024. Funds can be used by the recipient to support the portion of an FTE commensurate with the incumbent’s current rate of...

They showed up...

Veterans Day always falls on November 11 of each year. This date was chosen to commemorate the anniversary of the end of World War 1, which occured at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. Much of the world, especially Europe, recognized this date as Armistice Day. They Showed Up The veterans of the Revolutionary War showed up with flintlock hunting rifles. The day after Pearl Harbor, brave citizens showed up to wait in long lines at recruiting stations for World War II.

UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND: FCS Program Leader (Principal Agent and Assistant Director)

Job Post Here: Colleagues and friends, I just want to float this job announcement to the top of your emails. The University of Maryland Extension (UME), within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR) seeks a nationally recognized leader in Extension, outreach, and scholarship to serve as Assistant Director and Program Leader (AD/PL) for Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS) . This position provides leadership and direction for UME’s FCS...

Extension Foundation Releases New NTAE Titles

The Extension Foundation has added five new titles to its publications library. The brief publications - written as magazine-style feature stories - share project work funded through the New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) program , a cooperative agreement between USDA NIFA, Oklahoma State University, and the Extension Foundation. NATE's goal is to incubate, accelerate, and expand promising work that will increase the impact of the Cooperative Extension System (CES) in the communities...

UNH Extension Seeks Plant Pathology Program Manager

UNH Extension Seeks a Plant Pathology Program Manager | Extension The Plant Pathology Program Manager will work under the general direction of the Plant Diagnostic Lab director and Extension’s Food and Agriculture Program Team leader. The program manager will be primarily responsible for handling plant health samples within the Plant Diagnostic Lab and working with the Production Agriculture Integrated Pest Management Team in proving outreach to commercial growers in New Hampshire. Lab work...

Virginia Cooperative Extension/Virginia Tech is Seeking a Master’s level Associate Extension Specialist for Family and Community Economics

Virginia Cooperative Extension/Virginia Tech is seeking a Master’s level Associate Extension Specialist for Family and Community Economics. The position is located on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, Virginia. The position is OPEN UNTIL FILLED. Additional details follow. Please share the position announcement widely:

Extension Foundation Launches Pesticide Safety Education Funds Program Application, Due Date: January 1st, 2024

Application Information The application for the Pesticide Safety Education Funds Program (PSEFMP) is now available. Applicants are asked to apply using the following link: . The due date for the application is January 1st, 2024. Additional Resources Application Portal Application Portal Training PSEFMP Frequently Asked Questions Eligibility In order to be eligible for this funding applicants must be affiliated with a U.S. Land Grant University. Only...

Invitation to Participate in Study: Technology Acceptance Model in the Cooperative Extension System on the Adoption of Customer Relationship Management Systems

The general background of this research is that many Extension organizations are still evaluating the use of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems or are not currently considering adopting CRM technologies. This study examines where Extension organizations are in their adoption of CRM technologies and their perceptions and attitudes towards CRM adoption and implementation. The theoretical framework for this research is based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) to better...

Invitation to Participate in a Vertebrate Pest Management Needs Assessment Survey

Because human and vertebrate pest conflicts are on the rise in urban and rural areas, there is an urgent need to increase awareness and adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in vertebrate pest management. Extension Professionals and others who work in the fields of wildlife damage must possess knowledge and resources to address this need. With that situation known, the IPM Pesticide Safety Education Collaboration Team invites you to take part in this needs assessment survey of...


About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
