Because human and vertebrate pest conflicts are on the rise in urban and rural areas, there is an urgent need to increase awareness and adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in vertebrate pest management. Extension Professionals and others who work in the fields of wildlife damage must possess knowledge and resources to address this need. With that situation known, the IPM Pesticide Safety Education Collaboration Team invites you to take part in this needs assessment survey of Extension Professionals, State and Federal Wildlife Agency Staff, Technical Advisors, and other Wildlife Control Professionals throughout the United States and its territories. If you fall into one of the listed professions, we invite you to take this survey. Furthermore, we encourage you to forward this email to others you know working in these fields.
Below, we provide more information about the survey.
Follow this link to the Survey:
Study Purpose: The purpose of this survey is to collect as much data as possible from professionals who provide information, advice, or educational resources to their clientele on vertebrate pest management. We will use the responses to learn what resources participants currently use or distribute, and determine how we can create future learning opportunities on IPM in vertebrate pest management.
Participation Time: It will take you 15-20 minutes to complete the survey. The survey will remain active up to November 8, 2023.
Risks and Discomforts: We are not aware of any risks associated with this survey. You do not give up any legal rights by taking part in this research study. All data collected is anonymous. IRB Exemption Number 2304773065.
Target Audience: The needs assessment survey is intended for Extension Professionals (Specialists, Agents/Educators), State and Federal Wildlife Agency Staff, Technical Advisors, and other Wildlife Control Professionals throughout the United States and its territories.
Incentive: There is no direct compensation, but we will provide a summary of the results to anyone who desires it (instructions are at the end of the survey).

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