Tagged With "label game"
Re: Our Chemical Environment: How to Read Product Labels and Understand Marketing Terms
Automated message: Thanks for sharing this event! If you can, please remember to update this listing after your event with a link to the recording. You can do that by coming back to your event here in Connect Extension, clicking "Manage Event" and then "Edit Event." From there, I suggest adding the words "Recording Available Here" to the top of your event and linking out to the recording. Example: Recording Available Here Thanks for helping us make this an awesome archive of resources for...
Re: Gender and Finance
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Re: Tomato Varietal Improvement
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Collaboration & Competition
I’m just Karl... I'm from Branson, Missouri... I’m human... I’m going to make mistakes. Every decision I make will be what’s best for the team. It may not be what’s best for me (or you) but if it’s good for the team then it’s the best choice. At work, at home & in our communities we find ourselves on a "team" of some sort. The experience we have comes in how we approach them. Competition It's a myth that you have to work hard to beat the competition. Competition is the opposite of...
Re: Navigating the Grocery Store Aisle: Use Our Game In Your Extension Program
Automated message: Thanks for sharing this event! If you can, please remember to update this listing after your event with a link to the recording. You can do that by coming back to your event here in Connect Extension, clicking "Manage Event" and then "Edit Event." From there, I suggest adding the words "Recording Available Here" to the top of your event and linking out to the recording. Example: Recording Available Here Thanks for helping us make this an awesome archive of resources for...
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Navigating the Grocery Store Aisle: Use Our Game In Your Extension Program
Navigating the grocery store aisle is challenging for many consumers—especially those who want to buy the most nutritious food and stay within their budget. Food manufacturers and distributors cover their boxed, canned, and bottled foods with labels like “whole grain” and “low-calorie” to suggest that their food has certain health benefits. Among the most misunderstood food marketing labels are “non-GMO,” “natural,” and “organic." The UConn Extension New Technologies in Agricultural...
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Unpeeled: The Case Files of Maya McCluen Game is Available for Extension Programs
Navigating the grocery store aisle is challenging for many consumers—especially those who want to buy the most nutritious food and stay within their budget. The University of Connecticut (UConn) Extension New Technologies in Agricultural Extension (NTAE) team developed an interactive learning activity (or game), Unpeeled: The Case Studies of Maya McCluen . Our team sought to clarify food marketing labels and empower consumers to make science-based decisions while shopping. We hosted a...
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Thoughts from a former NFL coach
During my short college coaching time, had the pleasure of attending a clinic where some successful coaches shared their X’s & O’s & overall philosophies. Knowing why, how & what gets these guys out of bed in the morning is powerful knowledge. One of the speakers was Marty Schottenheimer; his passion for coaching resonated with all of us. An awesome opportunity to hear from a great NFL coach & man. Here are some of his thoughts... He is perhaps most famous for his pre-game...
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Project Accelerator Leads to New Grant and Ongoing Partnership
A new USDA-NIFA funded project will develop cohorts of 4-H youth and create biotechnology video games. The games will convey fun and science-based information about biotechnology such as genetic engineering. They will also build public confidence in the safe use of biotechnology in agriculture and the food system. The project will also provide education to youth on career opportunities. The University of Connecticut (UConn) Extension , together with faculty members of other departments in...
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Extension Foundation 2021 End of Year Update
Dear Extension Colleagues, It has been our pleasure to serve the Cooperative Extension System this past year and we are excited for the work ahead in 2022. We wanted to provide an update to all of you about how the Extension Foundation has partnered with Cooperative Extension this past year and our progress towards making a greater impact on local issues. We thank you all for the work you do everyday in your states and communities, and we wish all of you a happy and restful holiday season.
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The "Doctor" is in!
Sport provides such fertile ground for life lessons. There is immediate feedback constantly. You made the shot or missed it. You completed the pass or it was incomplete. You won or lost. The scoreboard is just the start to all the statistics. AND... Since we can't participate and evaluate at the same time, there's always a coach. One of my favorite coaches is Glenn "Doc" Rivers in the NBA. In a Netflix series called " The Playbook " he and 4 other amazing coaches give us their take on " A...
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Celebrating Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE) Activity 1 Achievements with CDC
ECOP, through an Interagency Agreement with the USDA and CDC, funded the Cooperative Extension System to address Immunization education in rural and medically underserved areas through the EXCITE program through two national projects, Vaccine with Confidence and Pilot Project Adult Immunization Education. The Extension network being a trusted and reliable resource for communities was a key factor in being selected by the CDC as a partner. 72 Land Grant Universities were selected,...
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Human Factors
It's December 28, 1978, in New York City. United Airlines Flight 173 has just taken off for Portland, Oregon. Unknown to the passengers, a warning light has come on stealing the Captain's attention. Not long after, the Co-Pilot realizes they won't have enough fuel to reach their intended destination and will need to land at a different airport. With his mind focused on the warning light, the Captain is unable to focus on what is really important. They're going to run out of gas. The plane...
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Mass Media: Sustaining Pollinators Publication Reissued
The Mass Media: Sustaining Pollinators fieldbook published by Extension Foundation in 2020 is now available in a flipping book format to be consistent with other publications on the Extension Foundation’s new Publication Bookshelf on Connect Extension. The publication is a result of a three-year collaboration between the National Pesticide Safety Education Center (NPSEC) and a team from Prairie View A&M University in Texas. NPSEC has been supporting pollinator health since 2017,...
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New Publication Available from the Extension Foundation, Collaborative Design in Extension: Using a Modified Game Jam to Explore Game-Based Learning
A new publication is available from the Extension Foundation. Collaborative Design in Extension: Using a Modified Game Jam to Explore Game-Based Learning describes the collaborative design process used to develop an interactive mobile app for consumers. The work was done as part of the New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) project Navigating the Grocery Store Aisle: Understanding "Non-GMO" & Other Food Labels . Other funders and supporters of the project are the Extension Foundation,...
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Juntos Publication Now Available in Spanish
“El Programa Juntos: La trayectoria de un programa de Extensión al servicio de una comunidad en crecimiento” is available on the Extension Foundation bookshelf in a flipping book format. This publication is a Spanish translation of the Juntos eFieldbook produced in 2021. The Juntos program focuses on educating high school Latinx students and equipping their families with the knowledge, skills, and resources to ensure high school graduation and increase college access and attendance rates. In...
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New Report Provides Regional Assessment of Ecosystem Services in Northeast U.S.
A new report - Ecosystem Services in Working Lands Practice and Policy of the U.S. Northeast - has been added to the Extension Foundation’s bookshelf. Authored by Northeast Ecosystems Services Fellows Alicia F. Coleman, PhD, and Mario R. Machado, PhD, the report documents results from an assessment of over 1,300 ecosystem service provisioning programs and policies across the U.S. Northeast (Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York,...
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ECOP Health Equity Framework Available in Flipping Book Format
Cooperative Extension’s National Framework for Health Equity and Well-Being has been published as a flipping book by the Extension Foundation. First published in July 2021, the report was produced by the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP), Health Innovation Task Force. The Health Innovation Task Force was established in March 2020 by ECOP to "investigate, explore, and provide recommendations in support of extension innovating for system-level change” particularly as it...
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New Publication Helps Cooperative Extension Professionals Engage Communities
A new publication - Engaging Communities Through Issues Forums: A How-To Guide for Onsite and Online Community Engagement - is available from the Extension Foundation. The publication explores the use of issue forums as a community engagement tool in Extension work. Both a process guide and content publication, it is a comprehensive “how-to” designed to help Cooperative Extension professionals successfully develop and implement issues forums in both onsite and online settings. Each section...
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Safety First!
Each of us strives to fulfill basic needs as humans otherwise we're surviving instead of thriving. When we perceive a situation isn't safe our fight/flight/freeze mode kicks in automatically so we can live through it. It's a great adaptation humans have developed over the millennia. We wouldn't be here without it. The problem comes when we live in this mode more than we feel safe. Cortisol and adrenaline flood our system even when we aren't actually in danger. Prolonged exposure to these...
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UNH Extension seeks State Specialist, Community Conservation
The Extension state specialist in community conservation provides statewide leadership in land conservation and stewardship to sustain the natural resources of New Hampshire. This is a full-time, benefits-eligible position based at the University of New Hampshire’s Durham, N.H., campus. It is a grant-funded, non-tenure track, 100% Extension appointment. The specialist will provide education and technical assistance to communities, land trusts and organizations seeking to conserve and steward...
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Helping Military Families Inflation-Proof Their Budget
For over two years, U.S. inflation rates have exceeded their long-term average of about 3%. Like all Americans, military families have experienced a loss of purchasing power as their income cannot buy as much as it did previously. Individuals cannot stop inflation but they can mitigate its impact. Below are six inflation-fighting strategies for Extension professionals to discuss with Service members: Needs Versus Wants Analysis - During inflationary times, it is more important than ever to...
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Strategies to “Liven Up” Financial Education Classes
Extension educators are always looking for ways to increase participation and engagement in their financial education classes. Here are a dozen interactive teaching methods to consider: Case Study Analyses, Current Events, Financial Calculator Debriefs, Gallery Walks, Documentary Debriefs, Guest Speakers, and more!
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Ten Personal Finance Capstone Review Activities
Every extension educator has been there. You’ve just taught some personal finance content (e.g., investment basics or wise credit use) and you want to make sure that it “stuck.” You are looking for a fun, interactive activity to reinforce what you just covered. Below is a summary of ten interactive activities to review previously taught personal finance content: Educational Games - Tools that are popular with teachers in a K-12 setting can also work well as capstone reviews with adults. For...
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During my senior year in High School, we were fortunate to play in the football state playoffs. Throughout the experience, at home or away games, signs hung up in our locker room with this saying... If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you don't. If you'd like to win but think you can't, it's almost certain you won't. Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man, but sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can. We made it to the...
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Extension Foundation Releases New NTAE Titles
The Extension Foundation has added five new titles to its publications library. The brief publications - written as magazine-style feature stories - share project work funded through the New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) program , a cooperative agreement between USDA NIFA, Oklahoma State University, and the Extension Foundation. NATE's goal is to incubate, accelerate, and expand promising work that will increase the impact of the Cooperative Extension System (CES) in the communities...
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New Publication Available: Teaching Youth Food Safety - A Game-Based Approach
The Extension Foundation (EXF) has issued Teaching Youth Food Safety: A Game-Based Experience , a publication written by a team from the New Mexico State University Learning Games Lab. The publication details how the team is addressing food safety through game-based learning. Their ideas ties into research that indicates youth prefer to learn about food safety topics through interactive educational tools. The publication details how the team developed “Theme Park Cafe”, a food safety game...
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Unlock the Power of Game-Based Learning with New Mexico State Learning Games Lab - Register Now for Our Exclusive Webinar
Research highlights the efficacy of game-based learning in educating youth. A team at New Mexico State University’s Learning Games Lab is applying that research, using their expertise in game-based learning to make food safety education exciting for the next generation of food handlers and enthusiasts. Youth prepare food for themselves and their families and may have careers in the food industry. It’s important that they learn about safe food handling, cooking, storage, and when food is...
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What makes a successful Executive team?
Being chosen for a role with the primary responsibility of caring for others is a privilege. It's an honor to be selected for these positions. The real challenge is to be worthy of that honor every day. Too much? You're right to think that. It's a lot. Notice though, you're part of an executive "team". Everything that needs to be done can only be done with a team. An executive team is expected to model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the status quo, enable others to act, and...
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Food Safety Education for Youth: Theme Park Kitchen Game is now Available!
The Learning Games Lab team at New Mexico State University recently hosted a webinar with the Extension Foundation to introduce their latest educational technology innovation: " Theme Park Kitchen ," a food safety game for youth. Using their expertise in game-based learning and engaging young learners, the team has turned food safety education into an exciting game for the upcoming generation of food handlers. "Theme Park Kitchen" is an online game aimed at both entertaining and educating...
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An offering for Women's History month...
Why do we wait until March every year to do this? Shouldn't it be an everyday thing? Let's start making recognition one of our most abundant resources. Here's a past pioneer who was a great example of courage & determination. She was one of the coolest for sure! *Picture from www.wired.com Jacqueline Cochran (May 11, 1906 – August 9, 1980) was a pioneer in aviation and one of the most talented pilots of her era. She was an important contributor to the formation of the wartime United...
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The Puzzle of Culture
"Culture" has become such a buzzword surrounding the workplace. People expect to see something on the company's website about it. They ask current employees about it. They ask about it in interviews. The fact is, it's a big deal. It might be THE big deal for any organization. What we've learned about it is it's much more than flexible work hours and bean bag chairs in the breakroom. It's about " the way we do things around here". The way this is answered can be profoundly revealing. Why...
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New Game from UConn Extension Helps Youth Discover Biotechnology
Youth may not aspire to careers that they can't visualize or fully comprehend. A new biotechnology game created by UConn Extension, in cooperation with the Learning Games Laboratory at New Mexico State University, allows youth to imagine and explore career opportunities in a biotechnology lab. The game, Dr. Eugene’s Biotechnology Lab, is now available at https://www.4hbiotechgames.org/ . The journey to make this game began when UConn 4-H youth pitched game ideas to Extension and members of...
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//GUEST POST// The Encouraging Mentor - #1: 6 Conversations for Early Career Growth
Imagine a point in the future where you have achieved your greatest professional goal. Invest a moment here. Try to visualize your career success—you are at the top of your game. Imagine you’ve worked hard and have earned this. Now consider this question: How might that success feel? I think most people will have some level of contentment or satisfaction. Others may feel a bit of pride in the accomplishment. Some may begin to ponder, “What’s next?” Those responses are all normal and valid.
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Gratitude: Can making a list improve your career? [6th of 8]
Can increasing gratitude improve your brain chemistry and help you feel better? Can it improve your career? The science of gratitude has expanded greatly in the past twenty years. Studies increasingly show that regularly practicing gratitude contributes to better relationships, decreased anxiety, and increased internal satisfaction. These bolster what Daniel Goleman labels emotional and social intelligence, key items for success in our careers and lives. Though once labeled soft skills—i.e.,...
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New Report: Land-Grant University Capacity to Support Recreation Economies in National Forest Gateway Communities
The Extension Foundation has published a new research report titled Land-Grant University Capacity to Support Recreation Economies in National Forest Gateway Communities. This study provides insights into how well Land-Grant Universities (LGUs) are positioned to promote and develop outdoor recreation economies near U.S. national forests. It also identifies specific locations that are best equipped to allocate resources for recreation economy programs. The report aims to assess the ability of...
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Register Now: 2025 Extension Foundation Professional, Leadership, & Team Development Events!
Thank You from the Entire Extension Foundation Team! As we wrap up 2024, we want to thank all of our partners across Cooperative Extension, for making this year a success. Over the past 12 months, we hosted 70+ events, attended by more than 2,000 Extension professionals! Your participation made it an impactful year of growth and learning. If you missed out on any of these sessions, you can catch up by exploring the recordings and resources in our Video Resource Library What's in Store for...