Tagged With "Peter Dale Wimbrow Sr."
Leadership Insights
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Help! My empathy meter is falling & I need to know how to bring it up! If you're confused about the difference between sympathy, empathy & compassion you're not alone. Too often these "cousins" are misused so here's a quick run-down... Sympathy When we act out of sympathy we're not really connecting with the other person. It means we understand what the person is feeling. It's pity for them. Empathy When we act out of empathy, a connection emerges with the feelings of the one who is...
Very insightful! thank you for sharing. I enjoyed reading the related articles as well.
Blog Post
Worrying is a habit. Do you have it? First, check out " Getting to the bottom of your worrying-and how to let it go " by Gordana Biernat for some great insights! We all have dreams, aspirations & goals. It's healthy to be in a growth mindset but not at the expense of getting meaningful things done today. Making zero progress toward your preferred vision of the future is demotivating. Focus on the task at hand, like the mantra of former NFL head coach Marty Schottenheimer. The main thing...
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Simple Plan that Matters
Time is not a renewable resource. It seems we never have enough. This isn't anything new, it's an age old issue. While no amount of money ever bought us a second of time, here's a simple concept that could...for free. Don't touch anything twice. Open the email, move it on. Get the laundry out of the dryer, put it away. Get those everyday tasks done & move on. Don't wait for the timing to be just right or when you're in the mood. Choose putting effort (time) into opportunities of the...
Blog Post
What we know compared to Google isn't much. None of us knows everything. Here are some thoughts on leveraging your expertise. Have a clear mission & focus! Peter Drucker , the great teacher, said you should be able to fit your mission statement on a t-shirt! Reach out & meet the greatest people in the world in your topic area & ask them to be your mentors. Learn from them. Get clarity & make your t-shirt. Parallel Allies! Who are the experts who can help you with your...
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Meet or Work
There you are, attending another meeting struggling to stay engaged. Why? We want to be there (but our mind is wandering), we're interested in the reason it's taking place (but the slides are so boring) & most importantly we're ready to participate (if we ever get asked). This all too familiar scene seems to plague us even with so many great ideas floating around to make it better. Transparency of information & the speed at which it flows can make all the difference in focusing on...
Re: Meet or Work
I love it! The Einstein quote is great! Thank you for providing a framework for a productive meeting. To extrapolate your example of how being 5 minutes late costs an hour because you are holding everyone up…a one hour meeting of 10 people that is ineffective results a waste of 10 person-hours. That kind of waste would not be tolerated in most organizations if it was properly identified as such.
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3 Naturally Occuring Things
"Three things happen naturally in organizations; friction, confusion & underperformance. Everything else requires leadership." -Peter Drucker Friction happens when people don’t understand one another Interpersonal issues are present Confusion happens as a result of poor communication Team goals are unclear Underperformance happens when people aren’t engaged Skill-set mismatch The thing to keep in mind here is that these things “happen naturally”. It’s nobody’s fault. Take a deep breath!
Anne CS
Craig Woods
Dale Monks
Dale Morton
Norma Rodriguez
Scott Cotton
Erin Ling
Esther Turner
Georgette Mosley
Heather Ottenbacher
Isaac Hilpp
Marisol Ortiz
MaryAnn Capehart
LeeAnne Savoca
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‘Just Good Food’ is topic of URI’s fall Honors Colloquium
‘Just Good Food’ is topic of URI’s fall Honors Colloquium Speakers to address equitable, sustainable and resilient food systems KINGSTON, R.I. – Aug. 22, 2022 – Just the mention of the word food can bring to mind varying images for Americans: a big dinner with family; a low-key night at home with pizza; children and families across the globe facing starvation; the behemoths of agribusiness; and the increasing interest and participation in local, sustainable farming and food production.
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It's time again...
It's time again to talk about time. It's time for a reminder that time isn't a renewable resource. My absolute favorite simple time management tool is this: Don't touch anything twice. When you read that email/text, deal with it then, don't wait. When you take the clothes out of the dryer, fold them, and put them away. You get the point. If you were to add up all the time you take to think about and take action on things you've already touched it would be a bit depressing. Like most of these...
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Leadership Lunch & Learn - Book Review Series
The SR-PLN PSD Committee is teaming up with the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture to host a monthly Leadership Lunch and Learn webinar in 2023. The Leadership Lunch and Learn Book Review Series , features leadership experts from across the southern region. All webinars will be hosted on the last Wednesday of every month at 1:15 – 2:00 PM (EST) / 12:15 PM – 1:00 PM (CST). Webinars will be hosted and recorded using Zoom webinar, and recording links will be shared.
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The Perfect Meeting
"One can either work or meet. One cannot do both at the same time." -Peter Drucker Darn it! He's right again. Despite our best efforts we can only do one of these (effectively) at a time. Through this, he also reminds us of the multitasking myth. What we actually do is task switch. It takes 40% longer to accomplish two things we're switching on and longer when we add a third or fourth task. One thing we can do to help with effectiveness is to have better meetings. Most HR professionals will...