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Tagged With "break even"

Blog Post

The Marathon Effect

Karl Bradley ·
When any change initiative is announced, the person making the announcement is way ahead of the people hearing about it. They already know about it. They've had time to process what’s about to happen, how it will affect them and how they'd like to present it to others. This means they're days, weeks, even months ahead of others in considerations surrounding the change. Ugh! Not another post about how hard "change" is...that's exhausting! You're right. It's often exhausting. Kind of like...
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Practicing Mindfulness, Meditation, and Self-Care to Combat Stress for Military Families

Jason M Jowers ·
Stress and stressful situations are issues that everyone must deal with and affects individuals and families in a multitude of different ways. This is even more true for military service members and their families. On top of daily, normal stressors, military families must deal with the stress of deployments, transitions, frequent moving, and the possibility of injury or death for the military service member in military combat. Military families need outlets and ways to cope with stressful...
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A Philosophy for Working on Wicked Problems

Melissa Kreye ·
A wicked problem is a term used in policy analysis to describe an environmental situation where no matter what policy actions are taken there are still going to be unacceptable losses. Examples of wicked problems can be found in climate change, endangered species, invasive species and environmental justice issues. In order to deal with the psychological stress of threat and uncertainty associated with wicked problems many people are tempted to take a strong position, such as moral outrage.
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How to Help Your Client Balance Saving Money Versus Paying Off Debt

Selena T Garrison ·
Finding the balance between paying off debt and saving more money can be overwhelming. While it may be tempting to focus on one or the other, it may be possible to both save money and pay off debt at the same time with the right plan. Paying Off Debt The first step to paying off debt is knowing what is owed. Clients should make a list of their debts including the lender’s name, the total amount owed, the monthly payment, and the interest rate. Before attempting to save any income, they...
Blog Post

May Is Older Americans Month: Elder Abuse Is a Social Determinant of Health

Holly H. McPeak ·
In this post, the author discusses addressing Elder Abuse to improve health outcomes for older adults and promotes aging in place. The Elder Justice Initiative at the U.S. Department of Justice provides training and resources to help promote the health and well-being of older adults.
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An Important Tool for Strengthening Couples’ Relationships in the Wake of COVID-19

Anita Harris Hering ·
by Karen Shirer, Ph.D. In Brief Relationship education (RE) for individuals, couples and families can provide critical support in recovering relationship health after disruptive events like the COVID-19 pandemic. A new podcast series on RE focuses on three important RE programs and resources — the NERMEM , Healthy Relationship and Marriage Training and Elevate for Couples . Dr. Ted Futris shares examples for applying the model’s components to your work with individuals and families in...
Blog Post

Tips to Build a Diversified Investment Portfolio

Selena T Garrison ·
A key theme in investing that never goes out of style is building a diversified portfolio to reduce investment risk. Below are eight key investing concepts for Extension educators to suggest to their clients: Quantify Your Goals - Encourage clients to write down their goals with the projected cost and a time deadline. Doing this will help them select appropriate investments and provide the motivation required today to set money aside for the future. Discuss Risk - Explain that investment...
Blog Post

Three Keys to Sustainable Change: The Path toward Social Justice and Supporting the Well-being of Diverse Families

Molly Herndon ·
The path of change towards social justice and supporting the well-being of diverse families may, at times, be difficult for professionals who serve families.
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Summer Self-Care Webinar Series

Dee Walls ·
The Community Seminar Series: Summer Self-Care What topics are covered in the series? Summer is busy, and it's easy to forget to take care of ourselves while we try to juggle what everyone else needs. Researchers from University of Illinois can help guide your summer health choices. Find a session that's perfect for you, or participate in all of them. Summer Self-Care is a collaboration between University of Illinois Extension and the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute as part of...
Blog Post

Understanding if Special Needs Trusts & ABLE Accounts are Right for Your Family

Rachel Brauner ·
Join OneOp Military Caregiving and Personal Finance concentration areas as they host a professional development webinar on August 24, 2022 at 11:00 AM ET on ‘ Special Needs Trusts and ABLE Accounts .’ If you or someone you know is caring for an individual with special healthcare needs and thinking about long-term planning, it may be helpful to RSVP for this upcoming event to learn which disability program is right for your family. Special needs trusts are used to purchase goods and services...
Blog Post

Extension Professionals Working with Families of Individuals with Disabilities: Special Needs Trusts & ABLE Accounts Webinar

Rachel Brauner ·
Calling all Extension professionals – Learn how you can better support families within your state and local communities who may be caring for an individual with disabilities. OneOp is providing a professional development webinar for family support providers at 11:00 a.m. ET on August 24, 2022 to discuss ‘ Special Needs Trusts and ABLE Accounts ’ and the different options available for individuals with disabilities. RSVP here to learn more. Webinar presenter, Alison Packard, with Packard Law...
Blog Post

Announcing: NEW EXCITE Programming Opportunity

MelaniePugsley ·
Register for the Introductory Session Here We are happy to announce additional EXCITE programming opportunities! EXCITE is a nationwide local response by U.S. Cooperative Extension made possible through an interagency agreement between USDA-NIFA and the CDC. It integrates partners and funders to increase immunization education, emphasizing boosting vaccination confidence in adult immunization. This new phase of EXCITE will support adult immunization education beyond Covid-19 and increase...
Blog Post

Understanding Food Insecurity for Military Families

Jason M Jowers ·
By Jason Jowers, MS, MFT When families have a tough time providing adequate meals due to lack of access or affordability issues, they face a challenge known as food insecurity. This is a significant problem for many families in the U.S. today and military families are even more so affected by food insecurity. Emerging research has shown that many military families and veterans struggle to put food on the table. With inflation, supply chain issues, and increased food prices, many military...
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Money-Saving Tips for Uncertain Times

Selena T Garrison ·
Between a four-decade record high for inflation and rising interest rates, many Americans are being squeezed financially.
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Extension's Role in Addressing Social Isolation.

Adam T Hughes ·
At a recent Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) Community and Public Health Program Work Team (PWT) meeting, the topic of social isolation was discussed. Groups of Extension educators from across New York State spoke about how their existing work supports people navigating social isolation. There were also a number of ideas on how Extension could play a larger role in partnership with other health-focused community-based organizations to address this issue. What are folks doing in your LGU...

Re: Extension's Role in Addressing Social Isolation.

Sue Schneider ·
Really important topic. We are looking at how we can "multisolve" this issue. How to engage older adults in our work and in the community (building social connections) while connecting them with critical community resources and even involving them in programs like Aging Mastery and or Powerful Tools for Caregivers, depending on what they need and are interested in. The more resources and tools in our toolbox, the better!
Blog Post

What Does FREEDOM Mean To You?

Karl Bradley ·
Some of the most cherished memories from my military career are centered around the privilege of visiting with Veterans. Connecting with one of the last WWI veterans, Robley Rex , was amazing. Hearing individual accounts of WWII directly from members of the greatest generation, including Pearl Harbor survivors, was a gift. Stories from Korean War veterans, Vietnam veterans, Gulf War veterans, the many who we served alongside after the attacks on September 11, our allies, and even veterans of...
Blog Post

Extension Skills 2022

MelaniePugsley ·
This past year, the Impact Collaborative's Extension Skills series has provided Cooperative Extension professionals with the opportunity to build capacity with tools, processes, and tech skills training. Each second Thursday of the month, a workshop was led by an Extension expert to give professionals the opportunity to learn new skills and share best practices to help them be more effective and innovative in their work! This year, the workshops focused on topics such as virtual engagement...
Blog Post

The Impact of Deployment on the Parents of Service Members

Anna Peterson ·
In summary, most research on the impact of deployment excludes parents of service members and focuses on spouses and military children. Parents of service members experience military life differently but experience similar emotions as spouses and children. Parental support and closeness has been linked to the mental health and well-being of their adult children. Practical strategies and resources for Extension Educators and service providers are provided to help support the parents of our mil
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Alignment with a Stop Light?

Karl Bradley ·
You've worked hard to come up with a great plan that will make things easier, remove frustrations, and even save time for everyone. You're proud of it. It's thorough. It's researched. You've consulted people with more experience in this area. You've taken criticism. You've been vulnerable. Now it's time for the big meeting to unveil it. You're excited. Even a bit nervous. It's your turn on the agenda and... Your excitement is met with a mild, lukewarm reception from the team. What happened?
Blog Post

Central State University Extension Charters the Dayton Urban Riding Center as the first official 4-H Charter since becoming a Land-Grant Institution in 2014

Central State Extension ·
On Friday, February 3rd, Central State Extension charter’s first official 4-H program with Dayton Urban Riding Center located in Dayton, Ohio According to the National Bureau of Economic Research Between 1890 and 1899, African American jockeys won the Kentucky Derby six times, but by the early 1900s, they were history. In July of 2020 riding clubs like Compton Cowboys and Houston’s Nonstop Riders, shed the spotlight on this disparity when they rode their horses during a protest march. “The...
Blog Post

Safety First!

Karl Bradley ·
Each of us strives to fulfill basic needs as humans otherwise we're surviving instead of thriving. When we perceive a situation isn't safe our fight/flight/freeze mode kicks in automatically so we can live through it. It's a great adaptation humans have developed over the millennia. We wouldn't be here without it. The problem comes when we live in this mode more than we feel safe. Cortisol and adrenaline flood our system even when we aren't actually in danger. Prolonged exposure to these...
Blog Post

Evaluating a System-wide Project: An interview with the EXCITE evaluation team!

MelaniePugsley ·
We are excited to have Isabel Osborne and Laura Downey to discuss their involvement in the evaluation and reporting process for the system-wide Extension Collaboration on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE) Project. Isabel and Laura have been integral in developing a comprehensive and dynamic system for evaluating the EXCITE project's progress and success. Q: Isabelle and Laura, could you please tell us about yourselves and the roles you play in the evaluation team? Laura: Great.
Blog Post

Let’s talk about nutrition security

Anna Peterson ·
By Noelle Harden I recently talked with my mom and grandparents about hunger and food insecurity in the military. My grandpa served in the air force, then worked for the Veterans Administration. My mom spent her childhood moving across the country from base to base. They shared their struggles to be able to afford healthy and affordable food. Food Insecurity in the Military The RAND Corporation released a report last month on food security in the military. They found that 15.4% of active...
Blog Post


Karl Bradley ·
What is gratitude ? It's a sense of wonder, thankfulness & appreciation for life . Gratitude helps increase optimism for life. It promotes positive thinking. It helps us cope with daily stress & traumatic events. Appreciating things in our life and focusing on the positive can help us move forward with purpose. Gratitude can also strengthen our relationships. People who feel gratitude towards others feel closer to them and report overall better relationships, even if they don't...
Blog Post

Celebrating Active Aging

Holly H. McPeak ·
By ADM Rachel Levine, Assistant Secretary for Health In May we celebrate two National Health Observances, Older Americans Month and National Physical Fitness and Sports Month , both of which offer opportunities to explore the benefits of regular physical activity and their importance to healthy aging. Older adults – individuals aged 65 years and older – can reap big rewards from sitting less and moving more. As we age, the activities we do in everyday life can become more challenging. Being...
Blog Post

5 Reasons Estate Planning is Vital for Caregivers

Rachel Brauner ·
While most Americans plan for retirement, many neglect another crucial aspect of financial planning – end of life or estate planning. Although about 6 in 10 Americans have a retirement account (Census Bureau, 2020), only 1 in 3 have an estate plan according to’s 2023 Wills and Estate Planning Study. Estate planning is one of the most important, yet often overlooked aspects of caregiving. When someone becomes a caregiver for a loved one, their focus is primarily on providing...
Blog Post

Serving with Pride: The History and Impact of LGBTQ+ Military Service Members

Jason M Jowers ·
By Dr. Tiffany Lange, Psy.D. (she/her/hers) LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, and related identities) people have existed throughout history (e.g., two-spirit in Native American cultures) and are present in every aspect of society – they are the people we know, the people we love, and even the people who serve in our military. In the United States (U.S.), less than 1% of the population volunteer to serve in the armed forces and there are often assumptions about...
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How Practicing Connection Can Cultivate Food Security Collaborations

Bob Bertsch ·
Like many of the issues that impact our families and communities, food security is complex. There are multiple factors that affect the issue, including economic, social, environmental and political factors. Interrelated issues like poverty, healthcare, and climate change make food security even more complex. Complex issues can only be addressed from multiple perspectives and by a wide range of people and organizations. Obach and their collaborators write, “Building networks allows for...
Blog Post

Toxic Leadership

Karl Bradley ·
What is toxic leadership? Using coercive, controlling, or manipulative tactics prioritizes personal gain over meaningful goals undermining collaborative achievements. When our actions hurt those we are charged with caring for, it can damage relationships and the whole organization. Common Characteristics Micromanagement Excessive control and monitoring of others leave little space for autonomy or independence. It inhibits creativity and imagination. Intimidation Using threats, humiliation,...
Blog Post

Ten Strategies to Fight Shrinkflation

Kristen Jowers ·
One cause of food insecurity among military families is inflation. As food costs rise, the ability to make nutritionally sound food purchases and maintain consistent access to food decreases. In February 2023, food prices were 9.5% higher than a year earlier according to the USDA Economic Research Service. Another cause of concern for cash-strapped military families is “ shrinkflation ,” i.e., where food and household product (e.g., toilet paper) manufacturers keep prices the same but reduce...
Blog Post

Smart Uses for 2022 Tax Year Refunds

Kristen Jowers ·
Below are five smart uses for tax refunds for Extension professionals: Debt Repayment- There is probably no better “investment” than repaying consumer debt (e.g., outstanding credit card bills). Paying off an 18% credit card is equivalent to earning a 20.5% return for taxpayers in the 12% tax bracket
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Finding Hope and Confidence by Practicing Connection

Bob Bertsch ·
Professionals, like you, can make a difference through connection and collaboration. The Practicing Connection initiative is a place for ideas, inspiration, and information on building skills and creating connections that will help support the well-being of military and civilian families. It’s an exploration of the practices that empower us to work together to help each other, our families, and our communities improve our resilience and readiness. So, why should you join Practicing...
Blog Post

Beyond the Binary: Understanding and Affirming LGBTQ+ Continuums of Identity

Jason M Jowers ·
By Dr. Tiffany Lange, Psy.D. (she/her/hers) In a society where conformity is expected and non-conformity must be “explained”, there are many misperceptions about the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, and related identities) community. Biology and nature are not binary categories, our world is full of spectrums. Yet, society often oversimplifies people and identities into binary categories: we’re either “this” or “that.” Known as social categorization, this...
Blog Post

Feel the surge? Resist the urge!

Karl Bradley ·
A few years ago an assignment came my way due to a lack of personnel with the right experience. It featured a lot of diverse tasks to prepare a team for a challenging assignment involving advanced training, remote communication, outside agency networking/coordination & team building. After months of painstakingly detailed work, my bosses felt I had not asked the right questions, sweat the small stuff enough and let too many “balls drop”. In a one-way conversation, they fired me. This hit...
Blog Post

Harvests from the Equitable Development Field Leaders Dialogue Series

Sophia Rodriguez ·
The Equitable Development Leadership Academy has danced across several iterations seeking to encourage youth leadership, community capacity building, and the well-being of all life. With the boundless support and ingenuity of Solvable , this work has come to life for me, and I am truly thrilled about the unique resources and experiences we are creating. To inspire our work, we drew upon the wisdom of equity leaders hailing from all corners of the United States. We embarked on a spellbinding...
Blog Post

Facing Organization Changes with Monkeys, Marathons & Popcorn!

Karl Bradley ·
Recently we held a workshop on change where the participants mentioned something they were hearing in their organizations. "That's how we do things around here." This phrase is often used to explain a cultural behavior or process. It seems to provide plausible deniability and deflect blame for the current situation. Healthy organizations know they must deal with the challenges of change versus the status quo. No change and you become obsolete. Change for change's sake means chaos rules and...
Blog Post

Promoting Physical, Mental, and Emotional Wellness for Military Families

Jason M Jowers ·
Written by: Jason Jowers, MS, MFT The end of another summer is upon us. Families have geared up for back-to-school season and that means reestablishing routines that will last through the upcoming school year. With families getting back into the swing of things, it’s important to remember to prioritize self-care and wellness practices so as not to get overwhelmed with a jam-packed schedule. Incorporating health and wellness practices can help reduce the stress that military families...
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Balancing Your Mental Health to Better Serve Others

Rachel Brauner ·
As September approaches we want to recognize Suicide Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about suicide prevention, promoting understanding of mental health challenges, and fostering conversations that can save lives. Mark your calendar for 11:00 AM ET on September 27, 2023 and plan to attend OneOp’s professional development opportunity focused on balancing our mental health to better service others. To learn more, go to: Balancing Your Mental Health . Providers, whether...
Blog Post

The #1 clue of dysfunction

Karl Bradley ·
In some leadership sessions recently we asked the participants what they were experiencing that might be holding back their teams. Without much hesitation, they said there was something keeping them stuck. Keeping them from collaborating the way they hoped. It's probably not what you expect. They said it was not asking for help . Seriously? Yes! This one thing reveals a number of things that work against effective collaboration. Here are two... Fear exists Poor psychological safety Fear is...
Blog Post

Feedback Requested - Journal of Extension Job Board Service

Lori A Greiner ·
The Journal of Extension (JOE), the official refereed journal of the U.S. Cooperative Extension System, is seeking input from its partners on its Job Board Service at . This fee-based service is available to those wishing to promote Extension job openings on the JOE website. Revenue received from this service helps support the production of the Journal of Extension . The feedback received will be used to make improvements to the service. Even if you have not used the service in...
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Dangers of Leaving Money in Payment Apps

Kristen Jowers ·
Imagine you go to dinner with a group of friends and the waiter isn’t able to split the bill. You pay for the meal and your friends quickly transfer their portion via a payment app to you and call it even. You leave the money in the app for the next time you need it. You can probably think of other ways that you and your clients routinely use payment apps in every day exchanges of goods and services. These types of peer-to-peer transactions are
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How to be a leadership "boss"

Karl Bradley ·
My first real job where there was a paycheck was at 13 years old at a local pizza joint. It was "the" pizza joint in town run by a graduate of the college where my parents both taught. This meant it was okay to work there as they trusted him. Most of the kids in Branson, MO worked over the summer because it was (and still is) a huge tourist destination. Despite being busy with camps and sports we found a few hours to earn a little money each summer. If you could do it someplace that taught...
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Holiday Shopping with a Financial Mind$et

Troy Anthony Anderson ·
As we approach the Christmas season, be mindful of excessive holiday spending. While Christmas is the season of giving, excessive spending can lead to much regret, depression, and even added financial struggles in the new year. According to Berden and Haws (2012), spending can quickly get out of hand when it is driven by emotions rather than a plan. Have you ever gone to the store to grab a few items, but as you stroll next to the; buy one get one free, the rollbacks, the manager's special,...

Re: Holiday Shopping with a Financial Mind$et

Troy Anthony Anderson ·
Deon, that is a great key point about gifting. But who are the people or even age groups that are really bent on reducing their budget for gifts during the holiday amid inflation pressure? There is so much room for a whole new discussion that could be taken in so many directions. I am leading a first-year college class on how price consciousness has become a defining characteristic of consumer behavior in a few weeks; let me know if you are interested in collaborating. Thanks for the insight!
Blog Post

Recording and Resources: Catch Up on the NAPPC Webinar - Drilling Down on EPA Regulations: What Is the Latest Buzz on Pesticides and Bees?

MelaniePugsley ·
Explore EPA Regulations on Pesticides and Bees in this webinar. Follow a pesticide's journey from risk assessment to the marketplace, led by host Andony Melathopoulos. Gain insights into the EPA's historical and current approaches, understanding their role in safeguarding pollinators. Since 2010, the EPA has focused on assessing pesticide risks to bees. The key question: Is the EPA effectively protecting bees? This webinar delves into this topic, exploring its impact on our environment and...
Blog Post

National Bullying Prevention Month: What Parents and Providers Can Do To Combat Bullying

Jason M Jowers ·
Written by: Jason Jowers, MS, MFT, Virginia Tech Every October, communities across the United States come together to observe National Bullying Prevention Month. Bullying is a widespread problem in the U.S. that affects millions of children, adolescents, and even adults. Bullying behavior is very common. According to the CDC, about 1 in 5 high school students reported being bullied on school property and 1 in 6 high schoolers reported being bullied electronically in the last year (CDC,...
Blog Post

Moving the Needle on Racial Equity in Extension, Part 3 of 3

Sonja Brodt ·
The 1862 land grant institutions face a large task to move beyond their troubled legacy and meet the needs of contemporary people of color. To address racial inequities in extension, we embarked on educational and institutional change activities. We share three key lessons: the need to take time for building relationships of trust, to tailor individual communication about diversity, equity, and inclusion work for different colleagues, and to re-think the sources of expertise in extension work.
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Scam Prevention Information for Military Families

Kristen Jowers ·
In 2022, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) received over 93,000 reports of fraud by Military Consumers. Military families are frequent targets for scams. Explore the reasons for this, discover how you can help clients spot, avoid and report fraud.
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How to Support Attachment and Child Well-Being, Even in Times of Change and Transition

Jason M Jowers ·
Written by Summer Jones, ZERO TO THREE Between birth and age 3, a child’s brain develops one million neural connections per second (Center on the Developing Child, 2007). These connections are built through repeated experiences with their caregivers. Babies are born wired for connection, instinctively drawing responses from their caregivers that help strengthen the bond between them (Sullivan et al., 2011). The building of this bond, or attachment, is a two-way street between baby and their...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
