Tagged With "Professional Development Webinar"
Climate Series Webinar
Curriculum Development Committee description
Curriculum Development Committee: Coordinate the development of existing and new climate-based curricular materials; Investigate the restructuring of traditional Extension programming around new areas more relevant to today's issues and populations; Work with partners like Federal level employees, USDA Climate Hubs, etc. to develop and promote new materials (ex. national youth climate stewards curriculum); Work to develop community programs on energy literacy, green workforce development,...
Policy and Partnerships Committee description
Extension Policy Committee: Identify, strengthen, and develop new relationships, partnerships, and pathways to leverage and grow current work on climate change; Facilitate compensation of expertise; Encourage land grant universities/administration to support climate programming by identifying or designating state-level Extension specialists/faculty points of contact; Improve willingness to act throughout the system .
Evaluation, Assessment, and Survey Committee description
Evaluation/Survey Committee: Develop a unified tool/set of indicators to measure/assess climate progress and impacts and increase accountability of Extension programs and leaders; Conduct national needs assessment of what major stakeholders need to know with regards to climate change."
Re: Communications Committee description
Suggest adding what is in italics. Help to facilitate internal and external communications about climate science, methods and approaches to educating Extension personnel and customers and, resources to accomplish and enhance communication; develop and document communication methodologies that have worked or show promise both internal to Extension personnel and external to Extension customers;
Funding for Community Science
Does your climate extension program include citizen or community science? If so, you may want to attend this webinar series hosted by NASA on federal funding for community science, starting 2/2/23 with a discussion about budgetting for community science - https://nasacitsci.gmri.org/#miniseries Note: registration is required. Each event will begin promptly at 3:00 pm Eastern / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 pm Mountain / 12:00 pm Pacific / 11:00 am Alaskan time zone. Line will open 15 minutes before...
YOUTH & Climate