Dear friends and colleagues,
There is a lot to process as we consider what it will mean to continue amplifying and accelerating climate change work across the US Extension System. I will be holding a space online this coming Monday Nov 11 at 10amET/12pm MT for anyone available/interested in joining. Unrecorded.
Regardless of whether you are elated or in a deep state of grief, we can share helpful information on how we are processing this shift, and our ideas of immediate steps we can take to move our collective NECI action items forward: https://nationalextensionclima...n-Items_10.30.22.pdf. I will begin the meeting with a note that helped me find grounding from a colleague, neighbor, and well known writer Terry Tempest Williams, and then another from a dear friend and past chair of the Shoshone Nation, Darren Parry. Then we will just collectively share as we all have experiences and resources we are leaning on. Unscripted. An open discussion with fellow deep thinkers.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 3811 8998
Passcode: 783522
In kindness,
Roslynn G.H. Brain McCann
Professor, Sustainable Communities Extension Specialist
Utah State University Moab
1850 S Aggie Blvd., Moab, UT 84532
(435) 797-5116
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