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The Collective for Health and Well-Being

Cooperative Extension’s Collective for Health and Well-Being is a community of Extension personnel and their partners united by their shared commitment to advancing health and well-being. Members work together to support the implementation of the goals of Cooperative Extension’s national health initiative and ensure that all people can be as healthy as they can be.

Tagged With "scholarly work"

Blog Post

Broadband Access as a Determinant of Health

Roger Rennekamp ·
"Now, more than ever, broadband Internet access (BIA) must be recognized as a social determinant of health. Disparities in access should be treated as a public health issue because they affect the health of people and communities where they live, learn, work and play. The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates that lack of BIA influences each of the six social determinant of health domains defined by the American Medical Association. It also affects an additional domain, which is particularly...
Blog Post

Key Findings from the 4-H Youth Mental Health Survey

Roger Rennekamp ·
Together with the Harris Poll, National 4-H Council examined the impact of the public health crisis on the mental health of teens - from the perspective of teens themselves. If you missed the recent webinar to share the findings of the study, you can view the recording of the webinar here . As a result of COVID-19, millions of young people are facing unprecedented implications for their growth and development. These survey findings underscore the importance of our work as Extension...
Blog Post

National Academy of Medicine - Community-Driven Health Equity Action Plans

Roger Rennekamp ·
As part of its Culture of Health Program , earlier this year the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) released a model for developing Community-Driven Health Equity Action Plans , as well as Community-Driven Health Equity Action Plans developed by groups from across the country with facilitation from the NAM. The model and completed plans are intended to serve as resources for communities as well as state and national organizers interested in advancing health equity at the community level. The...
Blog Post

The Moral Determinants of Health

David Young ·
The source of what the philosopher Immanuel Kant called “the moral law within” may be mysterious, but its role in the social order is not. In any nation short of dictatorship some form of moral compact, implicit or explicit, should be the basis of a just society. Without a common sense of what is “right,” groups fracture and the fragments wander. Science and knowledge can guide action; they do not cause action. No scientific doubt exists that, mostly, circumstances outside health care...
Blog Post

Immigrants and Rural Economies Weathering the Pandemic Together

Roger Rennekamp ·
Immigrant workers and their families are a dynamic force behind recent population upturns or stabilization across rural America. In fact, between 2010 and 2016, immigrants from around the world were responsible for 37 percent of net rural population growth. Rural communities that rely on the economic drivers of tourism and recreation and essential services like health care and food production have been hit hard by the impact of COVID-19. Due to multiple risk and systemic factors, the many...
Blog Post

eXtension Fellowships in Health and Well Being

Roger Rennekamp ·
I am pleased to announce that we have initiated a search to fill two open eXtension fellowships focused on health and well being. The work of the fellows will broadly focus on building the capacity of the Cooperative Extension System to ensure that all people have an equal opportunity to experience optimal health and well being across the lifespan. Much of this will be accomplished through a Connect Extension subgroup where fellows will work as a team to foster identification and sharing of...
Blog Post

The Seven Vital Conditions for Well-Being

Roger Rennekamp ·
Well Being means thriving in every aspect of life and having opportunities to create meaningful futures. The Seven Vital Conditions for Well-Being is a useful framework for conceptualizing holistic well-being and the Conditions that give rise to it, as well as identifying levers for community change and improvement. It brings together major determinants of health, exposing how parts of a multi-faceted whole work as a system to produce population well-being. This framework helps users...
Blog Post

AJPH Special Feature on Rural Health + Tell us About Your Preferred Journals

Dr. Rennekamp recently alerted you all to a commentary he and I co-authored in the American Journal of Public Health. I wanted to also promote the broader collection with which that publication was associated. There are 16 articles on rural health! You may find them HERE . Many are open access, including these: A Public Health Lens on Rural Health COVID-19 Reveals Emerging Opportunities for Rural Public Health The Intergenerational Cycles of Rural Health The State of Rural Public Health:...
Blog Post

Cooperative Extension- National Diabetes Prevention Program Interest Group

Ali Berg ·
Diabetes is one of the most common and costly chronic conditions, a leading cause of death in the US, and a risk factor for severe illness from COVID-19. Thus, strategies to prevent diabetes are essential for protecting the health of the nation. The National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) is a partnership between public and private organizations aimed at reducing the prevalence of diabetes through evidence-based, cost-effective interventions that promote weight management through healthy...

Re: Cooperative Extension- National Diabetes Prevention Program Interest Group

Roger Rennekamp ·
Thank you for making us aware of this opportunity to increase awareness of Cooperative Extension's work related diabetes.
Blog Post

Connect Extension Virtual Chat: Health Equity and Its Implications for Extension Practice

Roger Rennekamp ·
Click here at 1 PM ET on September 24th to Enter The Chat! According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) a health disparity exists when one group bears a higher burden of illness, injury, disability, or mortality relative to another as a result of conditions closely linked to social, economic, or environmental disadvantage. Conversely, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) defines health equity as a desired state where “everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as...
Blog Post

Racism is a Public Health Crisis - Online Lecture by Camara Phyllis Jones

Roger Rennekamp ·
Camara Phyllis Jones will deliver Oregon State University's Tammy Bray Leadership Lecture on Friday, October 2 from 1:00 - 2:00 PM Pacific Time Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, Ph.D., MPH is a family physician and epidemiologist whose work focuses on naming, measuring and addressing the impacts of racism on the health and well-being of the nation. She is a past president of the American Public Health Association and was the 2019-2020 Evelyn Green Davis Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced...

Re: Obesity and its impact on health including COVID-19 risks

Roger Rennekamp ·
Thanks for sharing the State of Obesity Report. With obesity at the highest level ever recorded we certainly have our work cut out for us. I wonder what new strategies might be needed to reverse the trend. I can't help but think that it will involve more PSE interventions.
Blog Post

Social Determinants of Health in Rural Populations

Roger Rennekamp ·
Social determinants of health are defined by the World Health Organization as "the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age." For rural populations, many of these elements are less favorable than within urban areas. Building on work conducted by the Rural and Minority Health Research Center, this presentation will review some of the key elements associated with health across rural White and minority populations, such as education, income, and health facility...
Blog Post

The Tale of Two Crises: The Opioid Crisis and COVID-19

Ashley Yaugher ·
By: Chapel Taylor-Olsen, BA, Health & Wellness Coordinator & Dr. Ashley Yaugher, Health & Wellness Faculty, HEART Initiative; Utah State University Extension The opioid crisis has been claiming thousands of American lives per year for decades. Now, this healthcare crisis is colliding with a new threat sweeping the world: the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. This article reviews the mental health impacts of COVID-19 on Americans; unique impacts on people with opioid use disorder...
Blog Post

Melding Health and Equity in Rural Places

Roger Rennekamp ·
"Hospitals and clinics are critical institutions in rural places not only because they provide essential healthcare and well-being services, but because they are major employers and community anchors. But not all health systems see themselves as opportunity makers. What does it take for rural healthcare systems to make economic development and building healthy communities part of their work? Resourceful and committed rural American health innovators are taking a fresh look at a wider range...
Blog Post

HRSA National Rural Health Day - November 19

Roger Rennekamp ·
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is hosting a variety of events throughout the week of November 16 to celebrate National Rural Health Day (NRHD) on November 19. While these events are open to the public, registration is required for some events. NRHD is HRSA’s opportunity to showcase the work and accomplishments across the agency supporting rural health. For more information and a a schedule of events for each day, visit ...
Blog Post

Celebrating "Can Do" Spirit on National Rural Health Day

Jennifer Grizzard Ekzarkhov ·
The National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health sets aside the third Thursday of every November to celebrate National Rural Health Day. National Rural Health Day is an opportunity to “Celebrate the Power of Rural” by honoring the selfless, community-minded, “can do” spirit that prevails in rural America, gives us a chance to bring to light the unique healthcare challenges that rural citizens face, and showcase the efforts of rural healthcare providers, State Offices of Rural...
Blog Post

ELI5: The Social Determinants of Health

Erin (Yelland) Martinez ·
To answer your first question, ELI5 is text lingo for 'explain like I'm five' - a way to break down often complex topics into digestible bits. This post will introduce the Social Determinants of Health and help to ELI5 the topic.

Re: ELI5: The Social Determinants of Health

Roger Rennekamp ·
It makes me think about the health impact pyramid. We can spend countless hours and immense effort trying to coax people to change behavior when we might be able to make a greater impact through a focus on changing the context in which people live, learn, work, and play. Thanks for making this so simple to understand!

Re: ELI5: The Social Determinants of Health

Abby Gold ·
It also means being courageous in communities where we can push the envelope in presenting new ideas. And to recognize that our Extension work is a both / and rather than an either / or in terms of direct education and the public health approach of policy, systems, environments.

Re: Social Determinants of Health: What’s Happenin’ on the Hill?

Peg E. ·
This is encouraging, thank you for sharing. I work in transportation education at Cornell Cooperative Extension in Tompkins County, New York. Sometimes people know what they need to do to improve their health, but they have no reasonable way to get to their doctor's appointments, or to physical therapy, or even to the pharmacy.
Blog Post

Register Now - Cooperative Extension's "State of Health" Webinar

Roger Rennekamp ·
2020 was an exciting year for the Cooperative Extension System, particularly for its work related to health and well-being. We responded to a global pandemic, expanded our portfolio of programming related to mental health, continued our extraordinary work in the area of food and nutrition, and worked with scores of new partners. But that was just a beginning! Want to learn more about some of the exciting opportunities coming your way in the new year? Then tune in for Cooperative Extension’s...
Blog Post

Consider Hosting a Public Health Associate - Apply By February 16

Roger Rennekamp ·
Managed by CDC’s Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support , the Public Health Associate Program (PHAP) is a training program for early-career public health professionals who have a recent college degree and an interest in public service and public health. Throughout the two-year program, associates complete a comprehensive training curriculum and work at a host organization to gain hands-on experience that will serve as the foundation for their careers in public health. The...

Re: ELI5: The Social Determinants of Health

Deb Andres ·
Many years ago, I participated in a book study of A Framework for Understanding Poverty , by Dr. Ruby Payne. While her work has sometimes been criticized for being a framework using a white, middle-class lens of the issue, it garnered significant traction is raising awareness and providing for conversations about poverty across many sectors, professions, and communities. Your ELI5 article stirs up many of the same opportunities. It is hard for an individual to look at things from another...
Blog Post

Reimagined in America - Advancing Food Justice

Roger Rennekamp ·
Deep-rooted structural racism, and more recently the COVID-19 pandemic, have exacerbated inequities within our food system. Millions more people—mostly Black and Latino families—have gone hungry in the past year while high obesity rates put many at risk for severe COVID-19 complications. Grocery store clerks, meat packing plant staff, and farm workers making low wages have struggled financially while risking their health to feed our country. We need a more sustainable and resilient food...
Blog Post

Position Announcement: Health Promotion Specialist

Roger Rennekamp ·
Applications are currently being accepted for a health promotion specialist who will provide technical assistance and support to an Extension-wide project to promote the uptake of the COVID-19 vaccines. The successful candidate may be a current LGU employee who's services will be supported by a full-time buy-out of their professional time or service contract beginning April 1, 2021. See the position announcement immediately below for additional information. Position Announcement: Vaccinate...
Blog Post

Position Announcement : Health Promotion Specialist - Cooperative Extension Immunization Education Project

Roger Rennekamp ·
Applications are currently being accepted for a Health Promotion Specialist for the Cooperative Extension Immunization Education Project who will provide technical assistance and support to an Extension-wide project to promote the uptake of the COVID-19 vaccines. The successful candidate may be a current LGU employee who's services will be supported by a full-time buy-out of their professional time or service contract beginning April 1, 2021. See the position announcement immediately below...
Blog Post

Webinar on Advancing Quality Childcare in Rural Places

Roger Rennekamp ·
Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the crucial role of childcare within a strong economy – as many parents, primarily women, have been forced to choose between earning a living or caring for their out-of-school children. Sadly, this is nothing new for rural places. Rural areas face unique childcare challenges. Providing quality, licensed center-based services in many rural places is not financially viable; the business model relies on sufficient population density and a...
Blog Post

Keep Your Patients Healthy Throughout Adulthood by Improving Nutrition

Holly H. McPeak ·
Authors: Dana DeSilva, PhD, RD, ORISE Health Policy Fellow, and LT Dennis Anderson-Villaluz, MBA, RD, LDN, FAND, Nutrition Advisor, U.S. Department of Health and Human Service's Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Adults’ dietary patterns often reflect habits that they established during childhood and adolescence. Sometimes, this means carrying unhealthy habits into adulthood — but it’s never too late to make changes. Health educators can use the Dietary Guidelines for...
Blog Post

Twelve Affinity Groups Created

Roger Rennekamp ·
If you haven't visited the Health and Well-Being subgroup in the last several days, you will notice a brand new look to the welcome page the next time you log in. The first thing that you will now see is a listing of twelve affinity groups where you can connect with others who share a specific area of interest. You can navigate to the the affinity group of interest to you by simply clicking on the corresponding image. One there, you can initiate a discussion around a topic of your choice by...
Blog Post

Take Your Health Program to the Next Level

Roger Rennekamp ·
Don't miss the opportunity to submit a proposal for a health-related project to be considered for support through the New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) accelerator program. Through this offering, early stage Extension work that has clear goals and a solid platform for greater success can apply to receive a suite of support services through the Extension Foundation to accelerate a project's impact and scale. Selected projects will receive mentoring and support in the areas of...
Blog Post

Bias and Broccoli

Erin (Yelland) Martinez ·
As Extension professionals working with a variety of audiences it is crucial that we take a good, hard look at our broccoli. That's not a typo; read on to see what I'm talking about!

Cris Meier

Blog Post

RFA for Well Connected Communities - Wave 3

Roger Rennekamp ·
I am happy to share the Request for Applications (RFA) for seven additional land grant institutions to become a part of the Well Connected Communities Initiative. National 4-H Council through the generous support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation seeks to showcase land grant universities that are modeling how Cooperative Extension is already working in new ways to implement the five high-level recommendations included in Cooperative Extension’s National Framework for Health Equity and...
Blog Post

Funding to Document Successful Health Extension Innovations

Roger Rennekamp ·
Has your land grant institution implemented an innovation that has accelerated Cooperative Extension’s work to advance health and well being? If so, we want to help you tell that story of innovation and the difference it is making in your state. The Well Connected Communities Initiative, administered through National 4-H Council with the generous support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, will provide seven land grant universities with $25,000 each to perform a case study of a successful...
Blog Post

New Health Framework is a Roadmap for Cooperative Extension

Roger Rennekamp ·
Cooperative Extension's National Framework for Health Equity and Well-Being is designed to serve as a roadmap for advancing the health-focused work of the Cooperative Extension System. The updated framework was approved by the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) in July of 2021. The framework document resulted from more than a year of work by a work group of the Health Innovation Task Force of ECOP. This framework is organized around three core themes. These are health...

Re: New Health Framework is a Roadmap for Cooperative Extension

Amy Hollar ·
This framework has been key for UNH as we work to evolve our work on health and well-being, would love to know how other Extension systems are using it.

Re: New Health Framework is a Roadmap for Cooperative Extension

Former Member ·
This framework serves as a roadmap for advancing the health-focused work of the Cooperative Extension System. ultra pixel survive
Blog Post

Using Data in Collective Action; Focusing on What Matters

Roger Rennekamp ·
Collective impact initiatives utilize shared measurement systems to identify key metrics of success that align partners toward a common vision. But a recent article by Justin Piff in the Stanford Social Innovation Review suggests that the specific data we chose to track loudly signals what we believe to be important. In the article, the author shares four lessons from his work that can help collective impact initiatives use data more effectively for social change. They are: 1. Prioritize the...
Blog Post

New! Health Partnership and Development Coordinator

Brenna Kotar ·
The Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) Health Program Action Team (PAT), in partnership with the Extension Foundation (EXF), seeks a Heath Partnership and Development Coordinator who is passionate about advancing health equity through the work of the Cooperative Extension System and its partners. The central focus of the work is to assist the Extension Health Director and the Health Program Action Team identify and manage progress toward milestones related to the...
Blog Post

Building a Well-Being Economy: A Future Role for Cooperative Extension?

Roger Rennekamp ·
Over the past several months, I've been involved with a group examining the notion of well-being economies. Seeking a deeper understanding of the concept, I came across a 2020 article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review by Anna Chrysopoulou that posed a compelling vision for what a well-being economy might look like. "To solve the social, economic, and environmental challenges we face today, we need to rethink the status quo. Governments and other institutions around the world need to...

Re: Building a Well-Being Economy: A Future Role for Cooperative Extension?

Joseph Sepp Sprietsma ·
Really enjoying the SSIR article and the idea of connecting this to extension work. Made me think of the "Health in All Policies: Working Across Sectors in Cooperative Extension to Promote Health for All" (Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, Volume 6, Number 2, 2018). One key idea that stands out to me - the for this to take hold it will require extension to embrace the ideas from the ground up, and the top down. because extension has such...
Blog Post

Why the Future Economy Must be a Well-Being Economy

Roger Rennekamp ·
Many counties around the work are questioning the way they measure progress as a nation. Instead of an economy based on the expectation of continual economic growth, they are thinking about building economies that promote well-being of people and the planet. This TedX presentation by Katherine Trebek of the Well-Being Economy Alliance shares her thoughts about why the transition is essential. Watch the presentation at What are your thoughts?

Re: Building a Well-Being Economy: A Future Role for Cooperative Extension?

Jeff Piestrak ·
Thanks for sharing this article and posting this prompt Roger. I absolutely think Cooperative Extension has a unique and critical role to play in helping our communities transition to a well-being economy. Perhaps even an obligation! In fact this is something I looked closely at over the course of my year-long Extension Foundation fellowship back in 2018. My particular focus was on how Land Grants, Extension, and libraries like my own at Cornell might help optimize local and regional food...
Blog Post

Engaging Communities through Issues Forums

Roger Rennekamp ·
Bonnie Braun of the University of Maryland Extension and Maria Pippidis of the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension will be presenting a webinar on Engaging Communities through Issues Forums on June 9, 2022 at 2:00 PM EDT as part of the Skill Building for Extension Professionals series offered by the Extension Foundation. Registration is required at: What questions will be answered? • Have you ever thought that something beyond your...

Re: New! Health Partnership and Development Coordinator

Joseph Sepp Sprietsma ·
This looks like an amazing opportunity and pathway towards long term policy - system - environmental change and the embedding of SDOH concepts into Extension Foundations work.

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
