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The Collective for Health and Well-Being

Cooperative Extension’s Collective for Health and Well-Being is a community of Extension personnel and their partners united by their shared commitment to advancing health and well-being. Members work together to support the implementation of the goals of Cooperative Extension’s national health initiative and ensure that all people can be as healthy as they can be.

Tagged With "National Rural Health Day"


Re: Celebrating "Can Do" Spirit on National Rural Health Day

Aaron Weibe ·
Thank you for sharing this!
Blog Post

REPOST: With a Focus on Equity, Geography No Longer Has To Be Destiny

Jennifer Grizzard Ekzarkhov ·
By Olugbenga Ajilore and Katrina Badger November 19, 2020, 3:51 pm This article was originally posted on The Center for American Progress website and is reposted here with permission. To read the full article visit . Regardless of where people in the United States live—rural, urban, or somewhere in between—the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their lives and livelihoods . Certain groups are suffering disproportionately, including people of color, workers with low...
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ELI5: The Social Determinants of Health

Erin (Yelland) Martinez ·
To answer your first question, ELI5 is text lingo for 'explain like I'm five' - a way to break down often complex topics into digestible bits. This post will introduce the Social Determinants of Health and help to ELI5 the topic.

Re: ELI5: The Social Determinants of Health

Roger Rennekamp ·
It makes me think about the health impact pyramid. We can spend countless hours and immense effort trying to coax people to change behavior when we might be able to make a greater impact through a focus on changing the context in which people live, learn, work, and play. Thanks for making this so simple to understand!

Re: ELI5: The Social Determinants of Health

Abby Gold ·
It also means being courageous in communities where we can push the envelope in presenting new ideas. And to recognize that our Extension work is a both / and rather than an either / or in terms of direct education and the public health approach of policy, systems, environments.
Blog Post

Social Determinants of Health: What’s Happenin’ on the Hill?

Erin (Yelland) Martinez ·
TL;DR: The social determinants of health are gaining the attention on the hill, there is bipartisan support, and there is strong hope that the 117th Congress and the Biden-Harris administration will make progress – particularly regarding health equity. The main driving factor…money.
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Serious Mental Health Side Effects Related to Singulair

Laura M. Stanton ·
Do you or a loved one take Singulair (the generic name is Montelukast) for asthma or allergies? Earlier this year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) acknowledged serious mental health side effects related to this popular medicine, prescribed to over 35 million people.

Re: Social Determinants of Health: What’s Happenin’ on the Hill?

Roger Rennekamp ·
Thanks for summarizing the information shared in the briefing!

Re: Social Determinants of Health: What’s Happenin’ on the Hill?

Peg E. ·
This is encouraging, thank you for sharing. I work in transportation education at Cornell Cooperative Extension in Tompkins County, New York. Sometimes people know what they need to do to improve their health, but they have no reasonable way to get to their doctor's appointments, or to physical therapy, or even to the pharmacy.
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Healthy People 2030 Leading Health Indicators (LHIs) and Overall Health Measures (OHMs)

David Young ·
On December 10, HHS released a new subset of objectives and a new set of health measures as part of the Healthy People 2030 initiative: Leading Health Indicators (LHIs) and Overall Health and Well-Being Measures (OHMs). Together, LHIs and OHMs will help public health and health care professionals, businesses, policymakers, national organizations, and community leaders set priorities and track nationwide progress toward improving health and well-being. For more information, visit ...
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Workshop on Community-Led Initiatives for Population Health Improvement

Roger Rennekamp ·
The Roundtable on Population Health Improvement will host a 2-day virtual workshop addressing community-led initiatives for population health improvement. This event will feature presentations and discussions on community-led action around a variety of population health improvement areas, including the social determinants of health. The workshop will be held on January 28–29. There will be two sessions daily: 11 am to 1 pm and 2 to 4 pm EST. A copy of the agenda and resources will be posted...
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Register Now - Cooperative Extension's "State of Health" Webinar

Roger Rennekamp ·
2020 was an exciting year for the Cooperative Extension System, particularly for its work related to health and well-being. We responded to a global pandemic, expanded our portfolio of programming related to mental health, continued our extraordinary work in the area of food and nutrition, and worked with scores of new partners. But that was just a beginning! Want to learn more about some of the exciting opportunities coming your way in the new year? Then tune in for Cooperative Extension’s...

Re: Social Determinants of Health: What’s Happenin’ on the Hill?

Abby Gold ·
I taught a course titled Integrating Public Health and Clinical Systems. There is of course no standard text book for such a topic, but I found a great compendium of essays from the deBeaumont Foundation called the Practical Playbook for Integrating Public Health and Primary Care. The social determinants of health are at the heart of connecting the two sectors. The second edition of this book talks about developing multisector partnerships.
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Call for Proposals - National Health Outreach Conference

Roger Rennekamp ·
Proposals are now being accepted for the 2021 National Health Outreach Conference (NHOC) May 3 – 7, 2021. At this time the NHOC planning team is particularly interested in presentations that focus COVID-19; particularly adaptations of learning environments, use of technology to disseminate and distribute education, and engaging learners. Limited number of proposals will be accepted as these will be added to the sessions that were chosen for the May 2020 NHOC that was cancelled. More...
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Consider Hosting a Public Health Associate - Apply By February 16

Roger Rennekamp ·
Managed by CDC’s Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support , the Public Health Associate Program (PHAP) is a training program for early-career public health professionals who have a recent college degree and an interest in public service and public health. Throughout the two-year program, associates complete a comprehensive training curriculum and work at a host organization to gain hands-on experience that will serve as the foundation for their careers in public health. The...
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Register Now - National Health Outreach Conference

Roger Rennekamp ·
The National Health Outreach Conference will be held virtually May 3-7, 2021. With the theme of “The Grand Challenge: Building a Healthy Future for All,” there will be sessions related to health equity, effective behavior change messaging, policy system and environmental change, health behavior, and pandemic response programming. Keynote speakers, concurrent and posters sessions will be relevant for professionals who address health, nutrition, youth development, workforce development, and...
Blog Post

The Role of Social Science in Communication about COVID-19

Roger Rennekamp ·
In the latest issue of "Why Social Science?" Caitlin Burgdorf and her co-authors discuss the role of social science in communicating about COVID-19. "The COVID-19 pandemic has caused extraordinary devastation, claiming millions of lives and disrupting the economy and daily life across the globe. From the beginning, the course of the pandemic has depended on behavior – for example, whether people would engage in recommended public health actions like mask wearing and social distancing.
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One Health Approach for Infectious Disease Outbreaks

Roger Rennekamp ·
National Academies' Forum on Microbial Threats will host a virtual workshop to examine ways to systemize and integrate the One Health approach as part of outbreak prevention, detection, preparedness, and response efforts. This workshop will explore multi-sector collaboration mechanisms, community engagement strategies, workforce development, and policies that can effectively implement the core capacities and interventions of One Health principles to strengthen national health systems and...
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Reimagined in America - Advancing Food Justice

Roger Rennekamp ·
Deep-rooted structural racism, and more recently the COVID-19 pandemic, have exacerbated inequities within our food system. Millions more people—mostly Black and Latino families—have gone hungry in the past year while high obesity rates put many at risk for severe COVID-19 complications. Grocery store clerks, meat packing plant staff, and farm workers making low wages have struggled financially while risking their health to feed our country. We need a more sustainable and resilient food...
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Position Announcement: Health Promotion Specialist

Roger Rennekamp ·
Applications are currently being accepted for a health promotion specialist who will provide technical assistance and support to an Extension-wide project to promote the uptake of the COVID-19 vaccines. The successful candidate may be a current LGU employee who's services will be supported by a full-time buy-out of their professional time or service contract beginning April 1, 2021. See the position announcement immediately below for additional information. Position Announcement: Vaccinate...
Blog Post

Position Announcement : Health Promotion Specialist - Cooperative Extension Immunization Education Project

Roger Rennekamp ·
Applications are currently being accepted for a Health Promotion Specialist for the Cooperative Extension Immunization Education Project who will provide technical assistance and support to an Extension-wide project to promote the uptake of the COVID-19 vaccines. The successful candidate may be a current LGU employee who's services will be supported by a full-time buy-out of their professional time or service contract beginning April 1, 2021. See the position announcement immediately below...
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Healthcare Marketplace Special Enrollment

Roger Rennekamp ·
As you may be aware, HHS has announced a special enrollment period for individuals wishing to sign up for health insurance plans offered through . A wealth of educational materials and a communication toolkit are available at . The communication toolkit includes social media posts and fillable flyers, many of which are published in several languages. Individuals can visit...
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Your COVID-19 questions, answered: CSU Expert Q&A set for March 18

Sue Schneider ·
The Columbine Health Systems Center for Healthy Aging, in partnership with CSU Extension and Senior Access Points of Larimer County , will hold its eighth webinar in the COVID-19 Expert Panel Series on Thursday, March 18 at 12 p.m. MT via Zoom. Members of the Colorado State University community and the public are invited to attend. As the coronavirus pandemic evolves, the abundance of news reporting and public health recommendations can be overwhelming. The COVID-19 Expert Panel Series was...
Blog Post

National Health Outreach Conference - Register Now

Roger Rennekamp ·
The National Health Outreach Conference will be held virtually May 3-7, 2021. With the theme of “The Grand Challenge: Building a Healthy Future for All,” there will be sessions related to health equity, effective behavior change messaging, policy system and environmental change, health behavior, and pandemic response programming. Keynote speakers, concurrent and posters sessions will be relevant for professionals who address health, nutrition, youth development, workforce development, and...
Blog Post

COVID-19 and Rural Communities: Protecting Rural Lives and Health

Roger Rennekamp ·
You may be interested in this report examining the impact of COVID-19 in rural America, presenting data on case rates and mortality, prevalence in diverse rural communities, and health conditions contributing to severe cases of COVID-19. The report includes a discussion of issues of socioeconomic vulnerability, healthcare access, and public health compliance and offers actions to address disparities, including increasing access, supporting livelihoods, and considering social determinants of...
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Rural health and well-being: Findings from the Rural Families Speak about Health Project

Kim Byrne Greder ·
The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues recently published a special issue focused on the health and well-being of rural low-income families. Research findings and implications from two multistate studies involving over 1,000 low-income families in rural communities across 17 states are reported. Study implications can help strengthen existing Extension efforts, as well as inform new efforts that aim to improve rural, low-income family health and well-being.
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Updated County Health Rankings Released Today

Roger Rennekamp ·
The University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute has released the annual update of its County Health Rankings featuring information on more than 30 factors which influence health. The new rankings can be accessed at Released every year by the UWPHI, with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Rankings show that where you live influences how well and how long you live. An easy-to-use snapshot, the Rankings compare the health of all...
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Celebrate National Public Health Week

Roger Rennekamp ·
Today marks the beginning of the American Public Health Association's 26th annual National Public Health Week . This year's theme is Building Bridges to Better Health. APHA has fact sheets for each of the daily themes (in English and Spanish) and social media shareables you can easily post throughout the week. Check out the calendar of NPHW events and add your activities. Also, don’t miss out on any APHA-sponsored events throughout the week from webinars to physical activities. Highlights...

Re: Rural health and well-being: Findings from the Rural Families Speak about Health Project

Bonnie Braun ·
Rural Families Speak is a nearly 25 year study of the health, finances and food security of rural, low income families. It stands alone in the literature for a multi-disciplinary, longitudinal study that began in response to federal welfare reform. It continues to provide insight into lives on the by-ways. The Forum's collection of articles is a must read for anyone doing Extension or other programming in rural, low-income areas.
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International Conference on Urban Health

Roger Rennekamp ·
The International Society for Urban Health (ISUH) invites you to join their 17th International Conference on Urban Health: 2021 hosted online by SALURBAL and project partners across Latin America. Join an international network of interdisciplinary urban health researchers, policymakers, business leaders, practitioners, and grassroots community advocates to exchange ideas, advance research, and drive action across sectors, transforming urban environments to promote health and environmental...

Re: Rural health and well-being: Findings from the Rural Families Speak about Health Project

Kim Byrne Greder ·
direct link to the special issue on rural families
Blog Post

Targeted Universalism: An Approach for Addressing Health Inequities

Roger Rennekamp ·
Efforts to direct additional resources toward groups experiencing inequitable health outcomes can often be derailed by perceptions that doing so works against the common good and that some people are receiving preferential treatment in the allocation of scarce resources. Targeted universalism, however, is based on the assumption that health for all is a benefit for all. Targeted universalism involves setting universal health goals for a community and then taking targeted actions to make sure...
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Long-term Effects of Antimicrobial Resistance

Roger Rennekamp ·
During this virtual meeting, members of the Committee for Examining the Long-term Health and Economic Effects of Antimicrobial Resistance in the United States will hear presentations from speakers from the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota on the agencies' progress on the National Action Plan for Combatting Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria. May 12, 2021 from 12:30 - 1:30 PM Eastern To Register visit ...
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Webinar on Advancing Quality Childcare in Rural Places

Roger Rennekamp ·
Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the crucial role of childcare within a strong economy – as many parents, primarily women, have been forced to choose between earning a living or caring for their out-of-school children. Sadly, this is nothing new for rural places. Rural areas face unique childcare challenges. Providing quality, licensed center-based services in many rural places is not financially viable; the business model relies on sufficient population density and a...
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Webinar on Cooperative Extension's Updated Health Framework

Roger Rennekamp ·
Individuals who has a not yet had an opportunity provide input into Cooperative Extension’s Framework for Health Equity and Well Being are invited to participate in a Zoom meeting at 1:00 PM (Eastern) on Tuesday, May 25. To register, visit . After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Also know that the session will be recorded. The Framework is an...
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Keep Your Patients Healthy Throughout Adulthood by Improving Nutrition

Holly H. McPeak ·
Authors: Dana DeSilva, PhD, RD, ORISE Health Policy Fellow, and LT Dennis Anderson-Villaluz, MBA, RD, LDN, FAND, Nutrition Advisor, U.S. Department of Health and Human Service's Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Adults’ dietary patterns often reflect habits that they established during childhood and adolescence. Sometimes, this means carrying unhealthy habits into adulthood — but it’s never too late to make changes. Health educators can use the Dietary Guidelines for...
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Twelve Affinity Groups Created

Roger Rennekamp ·
If you haven't visited the Health and Well-Being subgroup in the last several days, you will notice a brand new look to the welcome page the next time you log in. The first thing that you will now see is a listing of twelve affinity groups where you can connect with others who share a specific area of interest. You can navigate to the the affinity group of interest to you by simply clicking on the corresponding image. One there, you can initiate a discussion around a topic of your choice by...
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Take Your Health Program to the Next Level

Roger Rennekamp ·
Don't miss the opportunity to submit a proposal for a health-related project to be considered for support through the New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) accelerator program. Through this offering, early stage Extension work that has clear goals and a solid platform for greater success can apply to receive a suite of support services through the Extension Foundation to accelerate a project's impact and scale. Selected projects will receive mentoring and support in the areas of...

Hannah McMunn


Courtney Dodd




Karen Hinshaw

Karen Hinshaw



Naomi Hyso

Naomi Hyso

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
