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February 2022

1890 Extension Leadership Academy Graduation

This month concluded the 3rd annual 1890 Extension Leadership Academy! The 1890 Extension Leadership Academy (ELA) joint venture with Fort Valley State University and Extension Foundation supports Cooperative Extension professionals in discovering innovative ideas for programmatic delivery and leadership development. The ELA incorporates tools from the Impact Collaborative and follows the framework of Google’s “Project Aristotle” to assess the characteristics of highly effective teams. The...

Impact Collaborative Launches Three New Professional Development Series for 2022

For 2022, the Extension Foundation's Impact Collaborative Program has launched three new professional development series for Extension Foundation members : Extension Skills Each second Thursday of the month, the Impact Collaborative's Extension Skills series will provide an opportunity for Cooperative Extension professionals to build capacity with tools, processes and tech skills training. For March 2022, join Victor Villegas and Molly Immendorf as they share their favorite tools and tips...

Reminder: CSU Extension Hort & Plant Diagnostics Agent deadline 3/1/22

Reminder that the closing date for the CSU Extension Hort and Plant Diagnostics Agent position is Tuesday, 3/1/22. Colorado State University Extension in Jefferson County (Golden, CO) is hiring a horticulture agent with experience in plant pathology and diagnostics. The Extension Agent will provide leadership and guidance in the development, delivery, and evaluation of Extension horticulture, Plant Diagnostics and Integrated Pest Management (IPM). A Completed master’s degree is required in...

Teamwork Part 4: What does your work mean to you?

There’s a manufacturing company in Saint Louis called Barry-Wehmiller . T hey developed a purpose statement for what they call their Guiding Principles of Leadership . It says: ”We measure success by the way we touch the lives of people.” In 2008 during the housing crisis this was challenged. They lost a ton of business virtually overnight and were faced with a huge decision. Within 24 hours their CEO, Bob Chapman, announced that instead of laying off thousands of employees they decided it...

Upcoming TBI Awareness Series in March 2022

As the month of March approaches, OneOp (formerly the Military Families Learning Network) is preparing to highlight Brain Injury Awareness Month with a series of professional development webinars in partnership with the Defense Health Agency. The webinar series will provide a platform for educating military service providers on military-related traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and strategies to support families during reintegration. TBI is a significant health issue that affects service...

JOB; OSU Forestry & Natural Resources Extension Regional Fire Specialist

The OSU Extension Forestry & Natural Resources Fire Program ( FNR ) is seeking a full-time Extension Fire Regional Specialist with an academic rank of Assistant Professor of Practice. The academic home for this position will be in either the Department of Forest Engineering, Resources and Management or the Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society within the College of Forestry at Oregon State University and will be determined within one year from the start date. Decisions regarding...

Looking Back: Arkansas Family’s Farm Legacy and a New Era of Opportunities for Landowners Of Color

We are highlighting a story from a Farm Journal Story Lead contest that focused on stories of 1890 Land-Grant Universities who are making a measurable impact in the lives of farmers or ranchers. The contest-winning story was "Landowner Furthers Family Farm Legacy Through Partnership with UAPB Forestry Program," by Will Hehemann of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. The story spotlights Shane Boler, a landowner, and participant in the University's Keeping it in the Family (KIITF)...

Teamwork Part 3: We're always seeking clarity!

There’s a software development company in Ann Arbor, Michigan called Menlo Innovations . One of the ways they provide structure & clarity in their company is with their project managers and developers. To encourage developers to provide real-time information, good or bad, they instituted a very simple predictable process. When the developer needs to communicate anything to the project managers, the project managers have been asked to simply smile & say “thank you”. This encourages...

Virtual chat recap: Watershed education, outreach, and engagement

In this virtual chat, we discussed opportunities and challenges related to watershed education and outreach, exploring how Extension can support our audiences with resources and programming to build local capacity. As part of a New Technologies for Agricultural Extension Accelerator Program project , University of Minnesota Extension Educators are building a website, called the Watershed Engagement Programming (WEP) Hub, to support local government (e.g. Soil & Water Conservation...

Regional Director Position at the University of Missouri Extension

The University of Missouri Extension has a position open for the Southwest Regional Director , the office is located in Springfield, MO. Extension Regional Director - Southwest Region Counties, Missouri University of Missouri Missouri Southwest Region We would like to invite you to visit our careers site to complete an application. DIRECTIONS: 1. Select the link to access our careers site. 2. Sign In to access your account or if you are...

Teamwork Part 2: Reliability

Your team may have a powerful engine (like a Ferrari) but if all the parts aren’t working together (like that flat tire in the picture) the team struggles go anywhere. The teamwork concept we're talking about is reliability ! Each member of the team embraces Do What You Say You Will Do (DWYSYWD)! Our behaviors provide the evidence of our authentic intentions and these display our trustworthiness to others. Diagnose Dependability What is the most important contribution you can make to the...

National Registry of Cooperative Extension Programs & Assets February 2022 Update

The National Registry of Cooperative Extension Programs & Assets (NRCEPA) provides ready-access to a living database of efforts across the system in order to rapidly respond to system-wide funding opportunities. Over 200 Cooperative Extension Programs and Projects have been registered in the NRCEPA since its inception. In February 2022, several improvements were made to the NRCEPA based upon feedback received from individuals and organizations across Cooperative Extension: Improved...

Time for a Relationship Checkup!

by Karen Shirer, Ph.D. Each year we plan to visit our health care provider and dentist for annual checkups in order to catch problems before they become major health issues. As an Extension educator, you often encourage your participants to get preventative health checkups and screenings for health concerns. But how often do we or our participants do a check-up of our intimate relationship health? The Relationship Checkup: Support for Military Couples , a recent webinar by the Military...

Teamwork Part 1: Making Recognition a Resource

If anyone knows about leadership & teamwork it was Pat Summit, Hall of Fame basketball coach from the University of Tennessee. In her book "Reach for the Summit" she says: “The amount of success you are capable of enjoying and the pleasure you are capable of feeling is equal to the number of people you are willing to share it with.” Sharing doesn’t come naturally though. We’ve all seen this when we watch kids playing; the crying starts when they have to share their favorite toy. Diagnose...


About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
