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Tagged With "loss and grief"

Blog Post

SAMHSA Training & Technical Assistance Resources Related to COVID-19

Aaron Weibe ·
The Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has put together a list of COVID-19 training and technical assistance resources to help address the mental health/substance use disorder impacts in rural communities. You can access a copy of that list here and attached to this blog post.
Blog Post

Relationship Challenges and Counseling for Military Couples

Jason M Jowers ·
Military couples are very resilient and roll with the changes. They face many challenges that civilian couples rarely deal with, like multiple moves, deployments, and various other transitions. Challenges might also take the form of physical injury or invisible wounds of war, like traumatic brain injury, and PTSD. Sometimes spouses and children must take on caregiver roles as well. Even though there are similar issues that many military couples face, every relationship is different. And many...
Blog Post

Equitable Development: Starts Within Individuals and Emphasizes Well-Being

Sophia Rodriguez ·
When you think about how societies have grown and developed in the past, can you identify efforts where, “ good governance, sustainable socio-economic development, cultural preservation, and environmental conservation,” were prioritized? Unfortunately, most stories of development tell tales of exciting economic growth and ignore the inequity that serves as the foundation for their success. However, some countries are shifting from economic-focused standards of development to factors centered...
Blog Post

Central State University Extension Charters the Dayton Urban Riding Center as the first official 4-H Charter since becoming a Land-Grant Institution in 2014

Central State Extension ·
On Friday, February 3rd, Central State Extension charter’s first official 4-H program with Dayton Urban Riding Center located in Dayton, Ohio According to the National Bureau of Economic Research Between 1890 and 1899, African American jockeys won the Kentucky Derby six times, but by the early 1900s, they were history. In July of 2020 riding clubs like Compton Cowboys and Houston’s Nonstop Riders, shed the spotlight on this disparity when they rode their horses during a protest march. “The...
Blog Post

Rural Health Education Lecture Series part 2 April 25th 11am CST

Michelle McDowell ·
Community Health Engagement and Outreach invites you to join a bimonthly lecture series featuring renowned experts in the topic of resilience. Service providers, educators, and community members will engage in practical content related to stress, coping, and health equity. As part of a Rural Health Safety Education (RHSE) grant from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), we strive to increase capacity for research- and evidence-based substance misuse prevention and resilience...
Blog Post

Facing Organization Changes with Monkeys, Marathons & Popcorn!

Karl Bradley ·
Recently we held a workshop on change where the participants mentioned something they were hearing in their organizations. "That's how we do things around here." This phrase is often used to explain a cultural behavior or process. It seems to provide plausible deniability and deflect blame for the current situation. Healthy organizations know they must deal with the challenges of change versus the status quo. No change and you become obsolete. Change for change's sake means chaos rules and...
Blog Post

Normalizing the Conversation: Mental Health

Anna Peterson ·
By: Sara Croymans adapted by Anna Peterson Part 1 of this blog post introduced the topic of military mental health and suicide and provided a variety of resources. To learn more, go back and read the blog post here . Many Service members and veterans with mental health needs are not seeking treatment for mental health care. One study found that more than 60% of veterans of the Iraq war that screened positive for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), generalized anxiety, or depression did...
Blog Post

Illinois Extension is Seeking a Watershed Outreach Associate

Amanda Christenson ·
The University of Illinois Extension is seeking an individual to deliver research-based educational programs, developed in cooperation with University personnel and campus-based faculty with an emphasis on watershed management in or near one of the phosphorus-priority watersheds
Blog Post

Emotional Spending 101

Troy Anthony Anderson ·
Unlike impulsive buying, emotional spending is frequently heightened by stress, grief, or moments of happiness or sadness. Regardless of these triggers, they can impact your finances negatively. For example, you shop to make yourself feel better after a bad day at work. As a result, compulsive shopping and spending stems from an impulse disorder habit that can be addictive for many. The relationship between money and happiness is now seen as complete. Aknin, Wiwad, and Hannibal (2018)...
Blog Post

How do you want to be remembered?

Karl Bradley ·
During a recent workshop we did a connection exercise where participants chose a question to discuss with others at their tables. When visiting the tables one of the folks was sharing their take on how they wanted to be remembered. It was very moving and inspirational. They asked me if I'd answer the same question. Here's the story I shared with them... When we were stationed in Japan my father's health was declining. Just a few years earlier he had recovered from an impossible amount of...

Re: How do you want to be remembered?

Julie Buck ·
Karl, Thank you for sharing the experience you had while processing the loss of your father. As I prepare my will, estate, and for retirement, I resonate with the question about how I want to be remembered. Now I will consider "Why" I would or should be remembered. I appreciate starting my day with such a deep conversation. Julie

Re: How do you want to be remembered?

Brian Raison ·
In their 2016 Book of Joy , the Dalai Lama and Bishop Desmond Tutu instruct us to consider our own mortality. They rightly contend that this will bring a sense of urgency, perspective, and gratitude. They also share that the best way to achieve joy is by serving others. Amazing stuff!! Thank you for your post and sharing Karl.
Blog Post

They showed up...

Karl Bradley ·
Veterans Day always falls on November 11 of each year. This date was chosen to commemorate the anniversary of the end of World War 1, which occured at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. Much of the world, especially Europe, recognized this date as Armistice Day. They Showed Up The veterans of the Revolutionary War showed up with flintlock hunting rifles. The day after Pearl Harbor, brave citizens showed up to wait in long lines at recruiting stations for World War II.
Blog Post

Dynamic Discussion 2023 Overview

MelaniePugsley ·
We're wrapping up an exceptional year of Dynamic Discussion sessions! Throughout this year, the Extension Foundation brought together professionals from Cooperative Extension and beyond to explore a diverse array of topics. Dynamic Discussion provides a platform to learn perspectives, exchange ideas, and creates a space for conenction and sharing. Together, we've discussed into new ideas, gained insights, and contemplated the future of Extension. The discussions this year covered topics such...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
