Tagged With "Great Plains"
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10 Leadership Theories
"There's nothing so practical as a good theory." - Dr. Kurt Lewin To fully understand where we are on our leadership journey it's important to see how far we've come in our thinking about leadership. Here are 10 of the most common leadership theories... 1. The Great Man Theory (1840s) -The thought that Great Leaders are born...not developed. 2. The Trait Theory of Leadership (1930s - 1940s) -The thought that there are ideal characteristics for Leaders. 3. The Skills Theory of Leadership...
Blog Post
COVID-19 Vaccine Education Toolkits for Cooperative Extension
Overcoming hesitancy to receive the new COVID-19 vaccines is a growing issue across the U.S. despite more 400,000 deaths resulting from virus to date. According to a recent report published by the Kaiser Family Foundation, rural residents are among the most vaccine hesitant groups with seven in ten rural residents expressing at least some reluctance to receive the vaccine. But as trusted members of the communities they serve, Cooperative Extension faculty and staff are in a unique position...
Blog Post
Good Soil!
The people we surround ourselves with are more valuable than words can often express. Recently, an old friend popped into my mind so I reached out to catch up. He was amazing, generous & supportive as always. We spoke about many things but the most prevalent & surprising was workplace culture. He spent some 27 years in the newspaper business only to be unceremoniously let go in the name of “progress”. Their loss was another’s gain. His one-of-a-kind voice & magnetic temperament...
Re: 10 Leadership Theories
I enjoyed this summary of theories. You can see how things have changed over time and the generations. Thank you for pulling all this together a d providing a thought provoking summary. Maria
Blog Post
2 things to make your team better...today!
As fun as it might be to live in the magical world of Harry Potter, sadly we don't. And there's no "silver bullet" to fix issues. If you're someone who knows your team can be better and wants it to be better, here are a two that will help quickly! Make RECOGNITION a resource This goes way beyond just saying "thanks" to a team member. Developing the ability to both give & receive gratitude authentically is a must. These human skills are a great way to increase psychological safety on your...
Blog Post
Had a few ineffective meetings in preparation for this post as I'm sure you have as well. One of the most memorable was one that lasted over an hour and at best, left most of us confused. We branded it the "lipstick on a pig" meeting. Instead of galvanizing our team efforts it eroded faith in our leadership. It was a huge missed opportunity which we rarely had. There were many other ineffective words/phrases used as well. Every word spoken might as well have been in a different language.
Blog Post
Eliminate to Concentrate
The secret to concentration is elimination. You can't move forward on the monkey bars without letting go of one hand. It’s in the letting go of something we aren’t uniquely gifted to do that we create opportunity. Opportunity for others to grow in their strength area. Opportunity to focus. Opportunity to step into efficiency. This is the only way we can get to effectiveness. In the letting go we are more prepared to receive. To receive an opportunity from a teammate. In his book ”Good to...
Blog Post
3 Steps
On our journey through life sometimes we get stuck. We don't know what step to take next. It's in these moments of friction that growth happens. Here are 3 steps that can help us get unstuck & back on track to being the person we want to become! "Know thyself." -H.D. Thoreau Affirm (or discover) your personality traits or your core values. Self-awareness is a great trait to hone. Getting back in touch with ourselves, our DNA, can be just the reminder that we are enough and will always be...
Blog Post
Are you ready?
Life isn’t happening to you it’s happening for you. Are you ready to lean into all the opportunities life brings? When was the last day you felt at your best? What does it mean to be ready ? When you're ready you feel prepared. You feel rested. To be the best we can be, it takes caring for our mental, physical, spiritual and emotional states. Taking care of what it means to be human. When we fail to prepare we're preparing to fail. To be the best we can be means helping others be the best...
Re: 10 Leadership Theories
I appreciate the summary. What's filling that massive void from the 1980's until now?? The prevailing leadership model today includes the best of each theory, plus the traits you identified. We just need to come up with a cool name for it. Simon Sinek has a great book (or two) on leadership called 'The 5 Why's'. And here's a good talk of his on leadership: How Great Leaders Inspire Action
Re: 10 Leadership Theories
@John Tindall Thanks for your comment! Totally agree, we need to come up with a cool name for where leadership is today. The label we use will help others connect to the current evolution and keep moving us forward. What ideas do you have? Love to connect with you on this sometime! Keep leading! -Karl
Re: 10 Leadership Theories
Karl, I like the idea Simon Sinek encapsulates in the phrase "Noble Cause". A leader who goes first, proffers hope and focuses on others casts the vision of the Noble Cause, and people buy-in because they grasp the greater good outcome of their contribution to the cause, company, or idea. Like the old story of the three stonemasons working, when asked what they are doing; one says he's laying bricks, the second says he's building a wall, and the third, and most engaged, said he's creating a...
Resilient Agriculture: Weather Ready Farms
Implementation Phase: Slidedecks- All Immunizations