Tagged With "capped"
Blog Post
Success at the 2023 Impact Collaborative Summit!
The Impact Collaborative conducted a fantastic three-day Summit centered around Climate Resilience on January 17, 18, and 19th! Twenty-eight new Project and Program teams across Cooperative Extension representing thirty-four institutions attended the Project Acceleration Summit via Zoom This was one of our largest Summits to date, with 130 people in attendance. D uring the three days, teams attended special keynote speaker sessions and were connected with skills, tools, resources, Coaches,...
Blog Post
View the Impact Collaborative Summit Climate Resiliency Keynote Speaker Sessions and Panel
The 2023 Impact Collaborative Summit had a special focus on Climate Resilience in collaboration with the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy's (ECOP) Climate Program Action Team and included Keynote speaker sessions to inspire and inform participants on how climate resiliency can be integrated into their Extension projects and programs. Keynote speaker sessions and panelists at the Summit included a Climate update from NIFA, a special panel by the USDA Climate Hub and NOAA...