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Tagged With "Situational"

Blog Post

10 Leadership Theories

Karl Bradley ·
"There's nothing so practical as a good theory." - Dr. Kurt Lewin To fully understand where we are on our leadership journey it's important to see how far we've come in our thinking about leadership. Here are 10 of the most common leadership theories... 1. The Great Man Theory (1840s) -The thought that Great Leaders are born...not developed. 2. The Trait Theory of Leadership (1930s - 1940s) -The thought that there are ideal characteristics for Leaders. 3. The Skills Theory of Leadership...

Re: 10 Leadership Theories

Maria Pippidis ·
I enjoyed this summary of theories. You can see how things have changed over time and the generations. Thank you for pulling all this together a d providing a thought provoking summary. Maria
Blog Post

It's situational and it's not...

Karl Bradley ·
My brother & I talk a lot and it has brought us closer, especially during our "philosophical" discussions. We like to dive deep into our passion areas, share what we've learned from books, articles, Ted Talks, work situations, parenting, etc. We just go with whatever is on our minds in a healthy banter. One thing keeps coming up regardless of topic is leadership & its close relationship with character . We agree on one point...leadership is situational but character isn't. Character...

Re: 10 Leadership Theories

John Tindall ·
I appreciate the summary. What's filling that massive void from the 1980's until now?? The prevailing leadership model today includes the best of each theory, plus the traits you identified. We just need to come up with a cool name for it. Simon Sinek has a great book (or two) on leadership called 'The 5 Why's'. And here's a good talk of his on leadership: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Re: 10 Leadership Theories

Karl Bradley ·
@John Tindall Thanks for your comment! Totally agree, we need to come up with a cool name for where leadership is today. The label we use will help others connect to the current evolution and keep moving us forward. What ideas do you have? Love to connect with you on this sometime! Keep leading! -Karl

Re: 10 Leadership Theories

John Tindall ·
Karl, I like the idea Simon Sinek encapsulates in the phrase "Noble Cause". A leader who goes first, proffers hope and focuses on others casts the vision of the Noble Cause, and people buy-in because they grasp the greater good outcome of their contribution to the cause, company, or idea. Like the old story of the three stonemasons working, when asked what they are doing; one says he's laying bricks, the second says he's building a wall, and the third, and most engaged, said he's creating a...
Blog Post

2 Leadership Styles

Karl Bradley ·
Recently our family was at a party of mutual school parent friends. Had a conversation with one of the Dads about "what we do". This led to him sharing a bit about where he works and their culture. He said they are highly transactional in how they approach almost everything. Curious, I inquired how he felt about their approach. He stated that for his industry it was probably appropriate, then added that it didn't always feel very good. We had a great conversation about his experience and the...

Re: 10 Leadership Theories

Susan R Harrison ·
I gathered some insights from an AI language (ChatGPT). It provided some relevant information. It also provided several suggestions for a name, one being “21st Century Servant Leadership.” From ChatGPT: Servant leadership theory has evolved significantly from its origins in the 1970s and 1980s to 2024. Initially proposed by Robert K. Greenleaf in 1970, the theory emphasizes leaders serving their followers' needs, empowering them, and helping them develop and perform to their best abilities.

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
