Tagged With "toolkit"
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COVID-19 Vaccine Education Toolkits for Cooperative Extension
Overcoming hesitancy to receive the new COVID-19 vaccines is a growing issue across the U.S. despite more 400,000 deaths resulting from virus to date. According to a recent report published by the Kaiser Family Foundation, rural residents are among the most vaccine hesitant groups with seven in ten rural residents expressing at least some reluctance to receive the vaccine. But as trusted members of the communities they serve, Cooperative Extension faculty and staff are in a unique position...
Re: COVID-19 Vaccine Education Toolkits for Cooperative Extension
Thanks for sharing the excellent resource Roger...and for giving some good context on how it might be used. Know that CDC also has a toolkit for essential works (think ag and food workers) is also important as well as we collaborate with our partners in Ag, Forestry, Sea Grant, and such. CDC Essential worker toolkit . We'll be preparing our workforce to handle both toolkits as part of a vaccination education campaign.
Wellness in Tough Times Toolkit
Blog Post
Check Out the New Consumer-Friendly Handouts Based on the Dietary Guidelines!
The HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion has added 5 new consumer-friendly handouts based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 to the Toolkit for Professionals at: https://health.gov/news/202112/check-out-new-consumer-friendly-handouts-based-dietary-guidelines
Blog Post
New Publication Available: Wellness in Tough Times Toolkit
A new publication is available from the Extension Foundation. ”The Wellness in Tough Times Toolkit” is authored by a team from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Authors are: Susan Harris, Soni Cochran, Kerry Elsen, Kayla Hinrichs, Julien Hoffman, Michelle Krehbiel, and Brandy VanDeWalle. The project was supported by a grant from the New Technologies in Agricultural Extension (NTAE) program. The team was supported in their work by the Extension Foundation and also received funding from...
Blog Post
National Nutrition Month: Highlighting Extension's Diabetes Prevention Toolkit
This March , we are showing support for National Nutrition Month by highlighting Extension projects that conduct research and programming on nutrition-related topics to aid in the prevention and treatment of -toolkitdisease, such as the Diabetes Prevention Toolkit: A template for better health project. According to the CDC, diabetes affects 1 in 10 Americans and is the seventh leading cause of premature death in the US. In response to this growing public health crisis, an Extension team,...
Blog Post
EXCITE Year 2 Report Highlights: A Nationwide Success in Immunization Engagement
In its second year, the Extension Collaboration on Immunization Teaching and Engagement (EXCITE) project—a joint initiative between the CDC and Cooperative Extension—reached major milestones. It successfully concluded two projects and developed a science communication toolkit to assist Extension professionals in immunization education. Facilitated through partnerships with USDA-NIFA, CDC, and the Extension Foundation, the program effectively mobilized the Extension system to address a...
Blog Post
Small Business Toolkit on Employing Workers with Disabilities
Greetings from the Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy! Our technical assistance center, the Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN), recently developed a Small Business Toolkit to help small businesses build their talent pipeline and meet their workforce needs by recruiting, hiring, retaining, and advancing employees with disabilities. The EARN toolkit contains valuable information on advantages for small businesses that hire workers...