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Tagged With "water"

Blog Post

New eFieldbook Available! Bridging the GAPs: Approaches to Treating Water On Farms

Aaron Weibe ·
As part of eXtension’s New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) Year 1 Cooperative Agreement with USDA-NIFA, the eXtension Foundation selected a multi-state initiative including North Carolina State University, University of Florida, University of Tennessee, and Virginia Tech to participate in our program accelerator, receiving several wrap-around services from the eXtension Foundation to help with faster implementation and impact. One component of eXtension’s wrap-around services...
Blog Post

Urban Green Infrastructure Workshop: Reflections from our last gathering

Brad Gaolach ·
Green infrastructure is a strategically planned network at the city and even regional scale that includes both land (parks, urban forests, raingardens, bioswales, greenspace, to name a few), and water (rivers, watersheds, etc.). Working in green infrastructure also enables the clear illustration of often forgotten connections between local and regional food systems and water (roof gardens, community gardens, urban farms, fruit orchards, etc.). Other benefits of green infrastructure include...
Blog Post

June 2021 Farm Journal Contest: Conservation Practices and Water Quality

MelaniePugsley ·
Share your stories of success and get your story lead developed and published by Farm Journal! The June 2021 Story Lead Contest has been posted and is due on Wednesday, June 30th. This month’s Cooperative Extension feature with Farm Journal’s Trust In Food focuses on the growing activity of researchers and conservation groups to help farmers improve local water quality . More producers are exploring water quality improvements with edge of field practices including riparian buffers, wetlands,...
Blog Post

Farm Journal & NRCS Water Quality Stewardship Guide

Aaron Weibe ·
@Nate Birt with Farm Journal has shared some resources from a public-private partnership with NRCS for Cooperative Extension professionals to utilize and share with farmers/ranchers in their local communiities. From Nate: " By downloading a personal copy of the guide, Extension leaders can encourage farmers and ranchers to type their own answers into the workbook pages, and better prepare themselves to get help from Extension experts in their communities, NRCS agents, etc." More information:...
Blog Post

Virtual chat recap: Watershed education, outreach, and engagement

Anne Sawyer ·
In this virtual chat, we discussed opportunities and challenges related to watershed education and outreach, exploring how Extension can support our audiences with resources and programming to build local capacity. As part of a New Technologies for Agricultural Extension Accelerator Program project , University of Minnesota Extension Educators are building a website, called the Watershed Engagement Programming (WEP) Hub, to support local government (e.g. Soil & Water Conservation...
Blog Post

Job Opening: Water Quality Extension Educator

Stacey Stearns ·
The Department of Extension in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources invites applications for an Assistant/Associate Extension Educator in Water Quality. We seek an individual whose professional skills and abilities can foster the integration of extension with research to address local and regional water quality issues such as urban stormwater and agricultural runoff. This position will be housed in the award-winning Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) and...

Re: Job Opening: Water Quality Extension Educator

Former Member ·
Nice thanks
Blog Post

"Bridging the GAPS: Approaches to Treating Water On Farms" Curriculum Available as Flipping Book

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
“Bridging the GAPS: Approaches to Treating Water on Farms” - a curriculum designed to help producers understand and address the regulatory requirements for ag water treatment in the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) - has been reissued in a flipping book format by the Extension Foundation. Preventing foodborne illness and protecting public health are critically important to producers. Sanitary irrigation water is also mandated by the USDA; producers are required to monitor, treat, and...
Blog Post

Clearinghouse for Cleaner Water: New publication explores online resource hub project

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
The Extension Foundation has added a new title to its library. Clearinghouse for Cleaner Water: University of Minnesota Hub was w ritten by Anne Nelson and Anne Sawyer of the University of Minnesota (UMN) Extension. The UMN team is creating the Watershed Engagement Programming (WEP) Hub to support watershed-related outreach and engagement efforts to help address the state’s efforts to improve water quality. The team decided to create the Hub after surveying several dozen soil and water...
Blog Post

USDA Studies Determine that the Way We Treat Our Land Impacts Water Availability

Maribel Alonso USDA-ARS ·
Studies by USDA Agricultural Research Service Determine that the Way We Treat Our Land Impacts Water Availability Media Contact : What impact, if any, do farming and ranching practices have on how much water is available downstream? That was the question scientists at the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Agroclimate and Hydraulic Engineering Research Unit in El Reno, Oklahoma, set out to answer in a series of studies conducted in Central and Western Oklahoma.
Blog Post

June Check in: Recap of this Year's Program Center Stage Webinars!

MelaniePugsley ·
Cooperative Extension implements community-driven impactful programming across the system. To showcase these programs, the Extension Foundation hosts a monthly series called Program Center Stage , which invites Extension teams from diverse areas to spotlight their programs and project methods, strategies, and impacts. This series serves as a platform for Extension professionals and partners to connect with these programs, gain insights and explore opportunities for collaboration or program...
Blog Post

Illinois Extension is Seeking a Watershed Outreach Associate

Amanda Christenson ·
The University of Illinois Extension is seeking an individual to deliver research-based educational programs, developed in cooperation with University personnel and campus-based faculty with an emphasis on watershed management in or near one of the phosphorus-priority watersheds
Blog Post

Extension Foundation Releases Three New Publications

Rose Hayden-Smith ·
The Extension Foundation has added three new titles to its publications library. These brief publications - written as magazine-style feature stories - share project work funded through the New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) program , a cooperative agreement between USDA NIFA, Oklahoma State University, and the Extension Foundation. NATE's goal is to incubate, accelerate, and expand promising work that will increase the impact of the Cooperative Extension System (CES) in the...

About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at
