PrivateActive5,542 Members
This group is for individuals from Extension Foundation Member institutions. In this group, you will find exclusive access to member services, events, and other offerings through the Extension Foundation.
PublicActive3,029 Members
The Technology in Extension Education (TEE) subgroup is open to all Cooperative Extension and affiliated professionals. Content focuses on the use of technology in Extension work. TEE is supported by the New Technologies for Agricultural Extension (NTAE) Cooperative Agreement with USDA-NIFA.
PublicActive2,351 Members
Cooperative Extension’s Collective for Health and Well-Being is a community of Extension personnel and their partners united by their shared commitment to advancing health and well-being. Members work together to support the implementation of the goals of Cooperative Extension’s national health initiative and ensure that all people can be as healthy as they can be.
PublicActive1,464 Members
Get engaged with NUEL! The National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL) began in 2013 as a grass-roots effort of a group of passionate and committed urban Extension educators with the mission to advocate and advance the strategic importance and long-term value of urban Extension activities by being relevant locally, responsive statewide, and recognized nationally.
PublicActive1,231 Members
The National Extension Climate Initiative serves to link climate change-related education and research across Extension program areas and associations. This subgroup acts as a place to share opportunities and resources, and discuss all things related to climate change extension.
PublicActive1,030 Members
The SEED Method is a multi-stakeholder approach to engaging communities in research, problem solving, and action planning. Developed at Virginia Commonwealth University, SEED provides a framework for collaborative research and action planning that can be scaled up or down depending on project resources and goals.
PublicActive990 Members
The Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) Workforce Development Program Action Team (PAT), in partnership with the Extension Foundation, is in the process of developing an Extension network for workforce development. This Connect group will bring professionals at each land-grant university together to learn and collaborate on Extension's workforce development efforts.
PublicActive615 Members
The Healthy Farms Biosecurity Group is a community is open to all stakeholders who engage with youth or agricultural producers, as they consider and implement effective biosecurity plans and practices. The project is supported by the USDA NIFA-funded Animal Disease Biosecurity Coordinated Agricultural Project (ADBCAP).
PublicActive612 Members
This group is for a 2019-2020 New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) project led by the National Pesticide Safety Education center with partial support from the eXtension Foundation. The project is focused on using Mass Media - radio and digital ads- to drive the public to Extension resources.
PublicActive454 Members
This group is focused on fostering multi-state peer learning, network building, and collaboration development among extension professionals engaged in urban agriculture and food systems. Members share program ideas, issues, and ideas and hope to build opportunities for multi-state collaborative programs and projects and connect to larger efforts led by NUEL (National Urban Extension Leaders).
PublicActive376 Members
This group is for those that wish to participate in our current National Action Dialogue. The current national dialogue is Community-Based Programming in the Digital Networked COVID-19 Age
PrivateActive367 Members
This group is for all Cornell Cooperative Extension staff. Consider it a place to share with peers or ask questions. There are options for you to write, comment, host... it is a social media network for anyone connected to Cornell and CCE.
PrivateActive277 Members
This group is available to all Mississippi Municipal Clerks. It is a partnership with the Mississippi State University Extension Center for Government and Community Development as a platform to provide technical assistance, delver educational content, and network.
PublicActive241 Members
This initiative celebrates local gardens that build community, grow nutritious food, nurture greenspace, and inspire people through the experience of growing from seed to plant. The subgroup provides an opportunity for People’s Gardens nationwide to connect and learn from each other, share resources, and stay up to date on opportunities Register your garden today at!
PublicActive176 Members
The Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) is a collaborative multi-state network of Cooperative Extension Services across the country that provide resources and services in disaster preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery to communities. EDEN's mission is to reduce the impact of disasters through research-based education.
PrivateActive147 Members
This private group is provided for NextGen Project Directors to CONNECT and LEARN FROM EACH OTHER. Resources from meetings (slide decks, videos, handouts, etc.) are also provided within this subgroup.
Official communications with USDA ( and the Extension Foundation (, and IDRA should be sent through email.
PrivateActive137 Members
This group is for trained Impact Collaborative Facilitators
PublicActive129 Members
This group serves as a community of practice for Extension personnel and their community partners who share a commitment to improving mental health through a focus on social and emotional well-being. Members are encouraged to create blog posts, publicize upcoming events, share resources, and engage with other members on issues of common interest.
PrivateActive126 Members
This group is for Extension professionals from 1890 Land Grant universities participating in the 1890 Extension Leadership Academy.
PrivateActive124 Members
This cross-disciplinary group is a place to share resources, communicate with colleagues, develop projects, and explore the roles of Extension in Urban Sustainability - including what this term means! This group grew out of a NUEL Leading Edge Dialog, expanded at the ANREP 2021 virtual meeting, and welcomes anyone who would like to discuss, learn more, and share their expertise.
PublicActive110 Members
Weather Ready Farms, part of Nebraska Extension's Weather Ready Nebraska program, helps make farms more resilient to extreme weather. This program receives support from the eXtension Foundation as a 2019-2020 project with the USDA-NIFA New Technologies for Ag Extension Cooperative Agreement.
PrivateActive106 Members
This group is for individuals from New Hampshire communities working on issues relating to housing.
Administered by UNH Cooperative Extension and offered in partnership with NH Housing, this group offers a centralized location for sharing resources, having conversations, and making connections.
PublicActive84 Members
This open group creates a network of professionals interested in globalizing Extension innovation. It shares and develops best practices for augmenting extension programs through cross-cultural and international experiences. The network supports the engagement of extension professionals through educational programs emphasizing understanding of global dynamics and using cultural knowledge.
PrivateActive82 Members
This subgroup is a collaborative effort between the Southern Region Program Leadership Network (SR-PLN) and the National Association of Extension Program and Staff Development Professionals (NAEPSDP) to share resources related to improving the quality of program and staff development across the Extension system.
PrivateActive78 Members
This private group is for NE Region 4-H program leaders and their working groups for internal collaboration, resource and content sharing.
PublicActive49 Members
A community for EFNEP administrators and educators to learn and share best practices for program administration and nutrition education for limited resource families.
PublicActive46 Members
Broadband access and related digital skills are vital to quality of life in today's world. Cooperative Extension can help communities and individuals in many ways, from facilitating community planning to teaching vital skills. The National Digital Extension Education Team and Southern Rural Development Center welcome you to this space of co-learning as we seek to help people thrive.
PublicActive45 Members
Evidence-based programming enables CE professionals to use and enhance programs that have already proven effective, saving time and effort. Communities directly benefit from the accelerated adoption of proven programs demonstrating the potential for measurable local impact.
PrivateActive44 Members
This organization advances WVU Extension’s mission in Morgan County by expanding public access to its programs and expertise. It promotes sustainable horticulture through articles, social media, workshops, and presentations while fostering Master Gardeners' knowledge, networking, and community engagement. Additionally, it supports members in fulfilling their volunteer and educational requirements.
PrivateActive42 Members
Convene. Collaborate. Create. Supporting the work you love so it can go farther faster!
PrivateActive41 Members
This private group is for Extension Foundation's PSEFMP program and available to Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program Coordinators and staff. This virtual community seeks to provide an important support system for you as subawardees of PSEFMP by enabling the exchange of information, tools, program resources, address challenges, foster collaboration and build professional relationships.
PublicActive41 Members
This is a group of Extension professionals and master volunteers who serve as "experts" in eXtension's "Ask Extension" system. This group will be used as a means of posting news about Ask Extension, as well as a way for the experts to share information with each other. It is a forum meant to supplement the information available at
PublicActive40 Members
A Program Action Team of the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy
PublicActive40 Members
The fight against climate change requires broad mobilization, and Cooperative Extension stands poised to make a difference. How can we mobilize the U.S. Cooperative Extension system to quickly and effectively contribute to climate change solutions? This subgroup dives into how we can harness the strength of our network to swiftly and effectively implement solutions.
PrivateActive38 Members
Welcome to the CAHNR Family Tree; it allows you to connect with and interact with others in CAHNR, and across all five SVICs. There are chats for specific SVIC or you can post something across all SVICs. Weekly emails will help you catch up on items you missed.
PublicActive35 Members
Ohio State University and Rutgers Cooperative Extension have teamed
up to create a Community of Practice focused on tackling consumer
food waste. This initiative provides a platform for individuals committed
to reducing food waste to connect, share resources, and brainstorm
PrivateActive33 Members
Private community for Extension Foundation Leadership, Staff, and Contractors!
PrivateActive33 Members
This group is for the Extension Horses Community of Practice as their internal collaboration tool.
PrivateActive30 Members
This is an informal gathering of Extension Staff who lead the implementation of 4-H Online within their Institution. This group generally gathers every other week virtually and communicates via Notifications more often than that.
PrivateActive27 Members
The Network’s vision is to create synergy among institutions to advance the science of home food preservation, consumer and retail food safety, and cottage foods/small business.
PrivateActive26 Members
CADEN is a collective of arts and design Extension personnel focused on arts, design, and expressive culture programs, research, and innovation through the Cooperative Extension System. This network shares resources across universities, inspires conversation and collaboration, and strengthens the Cooperative Extension System’s arts and design infrastructure on a national level.
PrivateActive24 Members
This group is for Western Region Farm Stress Program Leaders
PrivateActive24 Members
Never before have so many generations been in the workforce at the same time and each generation has its own way of leading. The mentoring site allows extension professionals to connect around the shared goal of mentoring.
PrivateActive23 Members
The Juntos Program (NC State University) works to unite community partners to provide Latino 8-12th grade students and their parents with knowledge, skills, and resources to prevent youth from dropping out and to encourage families to work together to gain access to college. Join this subgroup to learn more about this program!
PrivateActive23 Members
The Cooperative Extension National Diabetes Prevention Program Coalition (CE-NDPP) supports State Extension services conducting the DPP Lifestyle Change Program, through regular Zoom meetings and webinars. Any Extension organization currently offering, or planning to offer, the DPP Lifestyle Change Program is welcome to join our coalition. This subgroup will house several resources and educational
PublicActive22 Members
This group is geared for people employed by Extension who are tasked to do community-university engagement. The purpose of the group is to bring these people together to share resources, celebrate successes, and trouble shoot challenges.
PublicActive21 Members
PublicActive20 Members
Group members can share ideas about increasing physical activity in their communities and find physical activity-related resources and updates from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This group is moderated by staff from the HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
PublicActive15 Members
Use this discussion board to collaborate, offer suggestions, and ask questions to your fellow EXCITE Implementation Phase team members.
If you wish to post an item to the discussion board, click Post and then Topic. You can comment on any topic on the discussion board by clicking on the topic and filling out the text box that appears.
PrivateActive14 Members