Tagged With "goal setting"
2020 Accomplishments
2019 Accomplishments
2021 Accomplishments
Blog Post
YOUR HELP NEEDED collecting urban workforce development programs
The Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) Workforce Development Program Action Team (PAT), in partnership with the Extension Foundation, is in the process of developing an Extension network for workforce development. Key to this effort is identifying a point of contact at each land-grant university to learn about Extension's workforce development efforts across the country. This effort will help guide the work of the PAT, will be shared with Extension directors through a...
Blog Post
Watch Livestream of Chicks as they Hatch
For the 10th year, the world can watch chickens hatch via the Oregon State University Extension Service livestream. Go to: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/watch-chicks-hatching-osu-extensions-webcam?utm_source=OSU_Today&utm_medium=News&utm_campaign=Chicks_Hatching&utm_term=&utm_content=Mar_2023 The livestream started recently and will document the chicks as they hatch. The cameras will remain on until March 16. The expected hatch date is March 14. Faculty and staff at the...
2022 Accomplishments
Blog Post
"Green Creekwood" - Gardens Build Community
Therapeutic Horticulture is an important part of the Urban Extension programming we offer in New Hanover County, home to the coastal city of Wilmington, NC. We use gardening and other nature-based activities to work with a wide range of populations to achieve an equally diverse set of goals. Plants provide a way to connect and break down barriers between groups of people who may be unfamiliar with each other, or even people who live in the same community but for various reasons have little...
Blog Post
New SARE Bulletin: Best Practices for the Sustainable Urban Farm
For decades, urban farms and community gardens have helped meet demand for fresh and local produce. Urban farming creatively utilizes limited space, conserves land and transforms vacant lots or buildings into productive greenspaces. Farming in cities can be a rewarding way for communities to grow healthy food while receiving a wide range of other interrelated environmental, economic and social benefits. SARE Outreach’s newest bulletin, Best Practices for the Sustainable Urban Farm , outlines...
Blog Post
NUEL National Conference Hospitality Suite Host
Dear NUEL Regional Leader, It’s just a few short months until our NUEL National Conference, May 28-31, 2024, in Nashville, TN. We are excited about connecting with colleagues across the nation under the theme: Rhythm to the Future. We have a chance to add a new experience and enhance our connections through the addition of a hospitality suite. We are proposing regional hosting nights so that we can all better appreciate the diversity of our regions. This initiative allows each region to...
Blog Post
2025 North-Central Regional Conference Planning
Join your North-Central colleagues in planning the 2025 Regional NUEL Conference! Since 2018, we have hosted a Regional NUEL Conference to provide professional development and networking opportunities for urban-serving Extension Professionals in the years between the National Urban Extension Conference. The organizing committee for the 2023 conference in Madison, WI conjured up an innovative experience for attendees that was met with positive reviews. As we set our sights on 2025, we hope to...
Re: Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference
I’m all set for the ESC Conference and OEPN Workshop this October. I can’t wait to dive into the discussions on building sustainable futures and learn from boundary-spanning changemakers in higher education. Retro Bowl College
Blog Post
Virtual Group Goals Setting Opportunity on March 5, 2025
Are you part of a work team or work with a community group that would benefit from doing some goal setting or strategic planning? Michigan State University Extension and the MSU National Charrette Institute is excited to offer an online session of the Setting Group Goals for Growth (SG3) workshop on the 5th of March, 2025. SG3 is a half-day, interactive, workshop for groups or teams with current strategic planning, goal setting, or futuring needs. Teams of 6-12 people will participate in a...