Tagged With "Jeff Young"
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2022-23 Southern Region Quarterly Zoom Themes Announced
Southern Region NUEL will again host quarterly Zoom meetings during 2022-23. In addition to communicating the latest NUEL information and updates, these virtual meetings are opportunities for professional development and theme-based program sharing. The dates and themes for 2022-23 are listed below. All times are 1-2:30 p.m. eastern time. August 12, 2022 – Strengthening Communities https://uky.zoom.us/j/84227939510 November 11, 2022 – Protecting the Environment...
Blog Post
2022 National Urban Extension Conference Hosted by Rutgers Offered Opportunity to Inspire and Reconnect
2022 National Urban Extension Conference Hosted by Rutgers Offered Opportunity to Inspire and Reconnect JUNE 28, 2022 BY OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS Attendees at 2022 NUEC networking and connecting. Photo: Avi Steinhardt The National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL) presented the 2022 National Urban Extension Conference in Camden, NJ, on May 23 -26. The conference, hosted by Rutgers Cooperative Extension and held at the Rutgers Camden Campus Center, attracted 300 participants from over 85...
Devonsha Hogan Young
Blog Post
NUEL Steering Committee Meets
The National Urban Extension Leaders Steering Committee will meet December 5-7. If you would like to learn more but are unable to attend in person please utilize the Zoom link below: https://msu.zoom.us/j/625290736
Blog Post
Southern Region NUEL Award Proposals
NATIONAL URBAN EXTENSION LEADERSHIP AWARD Purpose: Recognize Extension Leaders who have made exceptional contributions to urban programming. One regional winner will be selected from 1890 institutions, and one regional winner will be selected from 1862 institutions. Eligibility: Applications can be made by individuals or teams. Individuals with at least three years of Extension service are eligible to apply. Programs with at least three years of documented impact can also be nominated. Award...
2022 Accomplishments
Blog Post
Kentucky Extension Engages in Strategic Planning for Urban Extension
Kentucky’s population (like many other states) continues to shift to larger counties and cities. This shift brings challenges for the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. We must remain committed to our rural foundations while exploring ways to be more relevant to our urban communities. University of Kentucky Extension has engaged Michigan State University to facilitate a strategic examination of how Extension can best serve citizens living in our larger communities. Dr. Marie Ruemenapp,...
Blog Post
Southern Region & 1890's NUEL Regional Conference - Deadlines approaching
May 15 th is the deadline for workshop proposals and awards for the Southern Region/ 1890’s NUEL Regional Conference. In addition, registration for the conference and hotel is also open. Please use the link below to go to the registration site for the 2023 NUEL SR & 1890’s Conference in Houston. https://agriliferegister.tamu.edu/ereg/index.php?eventid=749815&
Blog Post
Urban Extension Initiative - Leadership Fellows - APPLY BY AUGUST 15! Don't Miss this Opportunity
Now recruiting for Cohort 4, Urban Extension Initiative - Leadership Fellows is expanding to accept Extension professionals nationwide. Hosted by the University of Kentucky faculty, this year-long experience will connect you virtually with others working in larger communities through monthly Zoom meetings and other interactions. Want more information? Check out the attached flyer or contact me, Jeff Young at jyoung@uky.edu.
Re: Urban Extension Initiative - Leadership Fellows - APPLY BY AUGUST 15! Don't Miss this Opportunity
Jenia I'm adding an additional file with that information. Jeff
Blog Post
Opportunities and Challenges for Indiana's Urban Agriculturalists
Here is a recent Purdue Extension publication that summarizes opportunities and challenges for Indiana’s urban agriculturalists. The data is part of an urban agriculture needs assessment conducted by Purdue Extension. Big thanks to all of the farmers, gardeners, and community partners who participated in this project! https://extension.entm.purdue.edu/publications/ID-531-W.pdf?_ga=2.252898944.822598867.1689783057-453391612.1689783056
Blog Post
University of Kentucky, Urban Extension Initiative - Leadership Fellows
Currently in its fourth cohort, the Urban Extension Initiative Leadership Fellows program (UEI) provides professional support for Extension Agents who serve and engage within urban communities across the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Its primary focus is to enhance community engagement, professional development, advocacy, and research for urban-centered Cooperative Extension. This is the first year UEI has been offered to agents and administrators in other states, according to Dr. Jeff Young,...
Blog Post
NUEL Updates, 2023 Annual Meeting, New Orleans
Greetings and Happy Holidays to my colleagues and to Extension Directors around the country. I am writing to share a few brief updates as NUEL is working to our momentum and address the needs of our Extension system working to remain relevant, responsive, and recognized in our urban communities. The NUEL Steering Committee held our latest Bi-Annual Face to Face meeting in New Orleans, LA, December 6-8, 2023 . Special thanks to Anthony Tuggle and the Tennessee Extension System for their...
Blog Post
New SARE Bulletin: Best Practices for the Sustainable Urban Farm
For decades, urban farms and community gardens have helped meet demand for fresh and local produce. Urban farming creatively utilizes limited space, conserves land and transforms vacant lots or buildings into productive greenspaces. Farming in cities can be a rewarding way for communities to grow healthy food while receiving a wide range of other interrelated environmental, economic and social benefits. SARE Outreach’s newest bulletin, Best Practices for the Sustainable Urban Farm , outlines...
Blog Post
NUEL Hosts Professional Development Webinar Series - Part 1
Please plan to attend this informative webinar. Learn more about NUEL's 4 - P's (Programs, Personnel, Partnerships and Positioning). On February 8, 2024, @ 3:30 p.m. EST learn about how NUEL positions itself to focus on Urban Extension Issues. Speakers include Katherine Williams (North Carolina State University); Marie Ruemenapp (Michigan State University); Brad Gaolach (Washington State University); Brenda Rogers (University of Florida), Anthony Tuggle (Tennessee State University), and Jeff...
Hawley Young
Blog Post
First 4P Webinar Recording is Now Available
Did you miss the first webinar from the NUEL Professional Development Action Team? Well don't despair, the recording of that webinar is now available on YouTube . You'll hear from Katherine Williams, Marie Ruemenapp, Brad Gaolach, and Anthony Tuggle as they share insights on Positioning with moderator Jeff Young. The next webinar in the 4P series will focus on partnerships and will be co-moderated by David Wright and Jeff Young. We hope you will join us in-person at the National Urban...
Blog Post
NUEL Professional Development Action Team Host Webinar
The NUEL Professional Development Program Action Team recently hosted their third webinar focusing on NUEL 4 - P's. This webinar focuses on "Positioning" and includes leaders in urban Extension programming from around the country. Our overall discussion topic will be "What are the elements of successful urban Extension Programs?" Our guests are Christina Nadolne (New York), Sonja Mitchell (VA) and Kenneth Jones (KY). Jeff Young (KY) will be the moderator. Here is a link to the webinar - ...