USDA Livestock Mandatory Reporting - Live Cattle and Boxed Beef Reports
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Part II: USDA LMR Boxed Beef Reports- How Quality Grade Impacts Value
Date and Time: Wednesday, June 9, 2021, 6:00-7:00 PM CDT (7:00 โ 8:00 PM EDT)
Presenters: Chris Sommers- Agricultural Marketing Service, and Dr. Stephen R. Koontz- Colorado State University-Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Explore the fundamentals of the USDA Box Beef Cutout Value reports and the factors which influence these reports. Our presenters will explain concepts related to price differences between the various USDA Grades of wholesale beef cuts, dive into specific elements of the reports, such as the "Choice/Select spread" and other elements that can be used to make more informed production and marketing decisions. View the Speaker Bios (pdf)
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