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Building Capacity for Farm Stress Resilient Communities

Building Capacity for Farm Stress Resilient Communities

Farmers experience high levels of stress and suicide risk, complicated by strong values of independence and stoicism. In addition, farmer time demands make it unlikely that many will attend stress management programming. The Farm Stress Production Meeting (FSPM) model infuses conversations on stress into existing commodity production meetings to provide stress management skills to farmers in acceptable and time-efficient ways. During this webinar, staff members from the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and the University of Georgia will discuss the Farm Stress Production Meeting Model (FSPM) and how the future well-being of farmers can be improved by developing healthy coping mechanisms and stress reduction techniques that can lead to a reduction in farm stress.

Presenters: Jennifer Dunn, Georgia Dept. of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, and Benjamin Reeves, University of Georgia

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