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Extension Foundation Selects 22 Projects for New Technologies for Ag Extension Funding


The Extension Foundation reviewed 60 applications from all six regions of Cooperative Extension for Year 1 of the New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) funding opportunity. Twenty-four projects representing 18 Land-grant universities were selected by an external review panel for the award. This includes funding for four levels of projects: Incubation ($10,000), Acceleration ($20,000), Expansion ($40,000), and Scaling ($100,000). A complete listing of awarded projects can be found on the tables below.

About New Technologies for Ag Extension

NTAE is a grant from USDA NIFA in partnership with the University of New Hampshire. It will begin its first year starting in February 2024. The Extension Foundation invited project and program teams aligned with USDA and Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) strategic goals/priority program areas to apply for funding and support from the Extension Foundation through September 21, 2024.

Programs with a special focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, and climate were encouraged, but this was not required. All Land-grant universities were welcome to apply regardless of membership status in the Extension Foundation. Depending on the type of project, teams may receive fellowships of up to $100K, and all projects receive support from Extension Foundation Catalysts, Coaches, and Key Informants. Catalysts are experienced Cooperative Extension Administrators who provide mentorship and guidance to projects, and Key Informants have subject matter expertise across areas such as publishing, evaluation, partner development, leadership and team development, marketing, communications, and more. Through NTAE, the Extension Foundation provides a set of services most projects rarely have access toβ€” services create deeper impact and greater sustainability for the project.

A dashboard of all the NTAE projects is available here.




BudgetBot - Applying Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing Applications to Agricultural Extension

Oklahoma State University


Cultivating Futures: 4-H Youth Internship Experience in Agriscience

University of Maryland, College Park


Conducting a Systematic Scoping Review to Identify Climate Change Programming for Young Children

Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona


Professional Development for Mid-Career Extension Educators

The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System

North Central

Climate Resilient Agriculture in South Dakota - Planning for an Extension climate adaptation program

South Dakota State University

North Central

Handbook of Aerial Crop Scouting

Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

North Central

Collaboration between Dietetics Program and Extension - Using technology for a healthy dietary intervention among African Communities in Baltimore, Maryland based on relevant mediators of behavior change in this population.

University of Maryland





Improving and Expanding Reach of the Oregon Pest Monitoring Network: a real-time, interactive data dashboard

Oregon State University


Caring for Our Kin: A Curriculum for Kinship Caregiver Support Groups

The Pennsylvania State University

North Central

Measuring Extension Collective Impact: A pilot program to create a data management platform

University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture


Nourish and Flourish Conversation Guides Acceleration

Regents of the University of Minnesota

North Central

Enhancing Nutrition Education in Underserved Communities through a Mobile App.

Langston University

1890s Region

Dissemination of baby ginger production technology in Oklahoma

Langston University

1890s Region

Activating USDA Partnerships to Advance Recreation Economies

West Virginia University Extension Service





Building Collaborative Research and Extension Networks to Advance the application of science with urban communities

Washington State University


Food Recovery for Rhode Island Expansion

University of Rhode Island


Cultural Competency for Communities

West Virginia University


North Central Climate Collaborative: Focus on Agriculture Conference

South Dakota State University

North Central

Expanding the Growing Growers Farm Apprenticeship Model Across Kansas & Beyond

Kansas State University

North Central

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About the Extension Foundation

This website is supported in part by New Technologies for Ag Extension (funding opportunity no. USDA-NIFA-OP-010186), grant no. 2023-41595-41325 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Extension Foundation. For more information, please visit You can view the terms of use at

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