Tagged With "OneOp"
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Building Financial Recovery Capital Among Service Members
Building recovery capital can mitigate the stressors often associated with Substance use disorder (SUD) recurrence (i.e., relapse or return-to-use), including financial stress.
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Self-awareness is the Foundation for Effective Practice
Self-awareness allows financial service providers to respond compassionately to themselves and their clients regarding financial topics and concerns, helping providers identify their potential triggers and biases around money.
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Strengthening Military Families: Join the 2024 Military Family Readiness Academy
As Extension professionals, you know firsthand the challenges your community faces. Today, we're excited to announce a powerful opportunity to enhance your support for your community and the military families that live within them.
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Military Family Financial Readiness
In the 2024 Military Family Readiness Academy , OneOp will deliver multi-disciplinary professional development programming focused on research, tools, and resources to support the service providers and educators working to improve the economic readiness of military families. At the cornerstone of this programming is the 90-minute asynchronous course, Foundations for Military Family Financial Readiness. This foundational course provides an overview of the impacts of financial readiness on...
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Nurturing Futures: How Quality Child Care Supports Family Financial Well-being
by Crystal Williams, Ph.D. What is high-quality child care? High-quality child care programs are settings in which children receive enriching experiences and engage in responsive interactions that promote their development and learning (Barnett et al., 2010). All child licensed care programs meet minimum licensing requirements in their state, which focus primarily on health and safety. High-quality programs meet standards that go beyond the minimum. Some characteristics of a high-quality...
Blog Post
Family Resource Management Extends Beyond Finances
While financial literacy is paramount, families also should look for ways to manage their collective resources. These range from: time and energy, to personal belongings and the spaces in our homes, to relationships. By managing our resources wisely, we are inadvertently managing our stress levels and mental health.
Re: OneOp Announces Robert "Bob” Bertsch as New National Project Leader
@Bob Bertsch - congrats!
Blog Post
OneOp Announces Robert "Bob” Bertsch as New National Project Leader
OneOp, a leader in supporting military family service professionals, is pleased to announce the appointment of Robert "Bob" Bertsch as its new National Project Leader. With over 30 years of experience in communication, education, organizational development, and digital technology, Bertsch brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to this pivotal role. Bertsch, an Extension Specialist with NDSU Extension at North Dakota State University, has been an integral part of OneOp for 13 years. His...
Re: OneOp Announces Robert "Bob” Bertsch as New National Project Leader
You have selected a tremendous leader! Congratulations Bob!
Blog Post
How Does Military Spouse Employment Contribute to Financial Readiness?
Military spouses face challenges in gaining and maintaining meaningful employment. A military family’s economic security is critical to mission readiness. As such, spouse employment can greatly contribute to financial readiness.
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Maximizing Financial Wellness: Cooperative Extension's PowerPay for Military Service Providers
Discover how to maximize PowerPay for military service providers in the latest issue of PowerUp.
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The Military Housing Dilemma: Balancing Relocation and Rising Costs
Frequent relocations mean that military families make housing decisions more frequently than their civilian counterparts. Finding affordable and available housing can be challenging for families as they navigate a long list of “to-do’s” in their transition preparations (packing, enrolling in school, identifying new care providers, etc.). Identify new initiatives to make moves easier for military families.
Blog Post
A Fresh Start Approach to Finances
Life is filled with moments that naturally inspire change (e.g., birthdays, the start of a new season, or the beginning of a new job/role). These “fresh starts” allow us to pause, reflect, and reset our priorities. Research shows that fresh starts can be powerful motivators, particularly when it comes to improving financial habits.
Blog Post
Why Financial Skills Matter for Neurodivergent Children
Learning how to manage money is important for everyone, but it can be especially challenging for neurodivergent children, or kids whose brains work differently. Discover tips designed for parents and resources for financial professionals who are interested in working with neurodiverse clients or families with neurodiverse needs.
Blog Post
Join the OneOp Team: Professional Development Coordinator Position Available
OneOp, hosted at Auburn University's College of Human Sciences, is seeking a Professional Development Coordinator! This role offers an exciting opportunity to make a meaningful impact on military family service providers through innovative online learning experiences and engaging programs. To learn more about this position and submit your application, please visit: https://www.auemployment.com/postings/50742 . Join us in making a difference in the lives of military families through...
Blog Post
Understanding Financial Recovery Capital
Professionals can impact the development of recovery capital (RC) in clients with a history of substance use disorder or addiction. Personal RC includes both physical and human capital. Essentially, it is the combination of resources one has available to aid them in overcoming substance use challenges.
Blog Post
Foods and Finances: How Grocery Shopping Habits Affect Financial and Nutritional Fitness
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2024), the cost of food at home increased 6.1% from 2022 to 2023. A military family's grocery spending will depend on many factors, including where they shop, what they buy, and how many people are being fed. Educators can help families identify cost-saving strategies that they can implement and connect how certain grocery shopping habits can help bolster financial and nutritional fitness.